An unstoppable meteor is heading to earth and in 3 hours all life on earth will be wiped out by the impact

>An unstoppable meteor is heading to earth and in 3 hours all life on earth will be wiped out by the impact
What do you do for your final 3 hours of your life?

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kill someone

Pay a homeless man to poop on my chest.

get blackour drunk and laugh at meteor

nigga the worlds ending, i'd shit of your chest for free

Kill as many people as possible cutting their three last hours of life short.

Get drunk, like every day

Summon a demon and eat 4 burgers.

Well if the world going to end theres gonna be riots everywhere so im just gonna get drunk and join in.

rape my sister

Lots of vacuuming.

Basically this.

Might go suck a few nice cocks and burn some houses down.

Browse Sup Forums

I mean, I'd probably feel bad for ruining the last three hours of her life but there's just no way I'm dying a virgin. And I'd probably give her a cuddle afterward. I'm nice like that.

Sleep cuddling my cat and hopefully die fast.

finally seed my torrents

Idiot why? Let the houses stand so others can live in there after the impact

drive round shooting niggers and queers


Start reading "War and Peace".

Ya but i'd feel better if I paid you, I don't like taking things for free.

trips of truth, you've got 3 hours to live; go rape your sister

Take MDMA, smoke some weed and go for a walk to watch the chaos.

Why would you want to shoot yourself? Suicide seems such a waste with only 3 hours left.


Because I'm a candy-ass.

I would have a huge orgy lasting the time till impact. I would only cum one second before impact so I can go out cumming.

When sister look like this who need meteor ?


General degenerate shit most people would do during an apocalypse

Rape and murder i guess

tmw it was just a prank and we all get arrested

OD on heroin because why not

dont get lost

rape his sister

Teenager Pack

Rape you while you're raping his sister

I'd give Neil deGrasse Tyson shit for saying that we could redirect one.

"All life on earth will be wiped out" retard

Rape you while you're raping that guy raping that other's guy sister

Carve as many bullshit stories into stone as possible in the hopes whatever alien race discovers our planet in the future finds these remains and bases their entire understanding of the human race on them, for the lulz.

Most Sup Forumstards don't have a life though, /r9k/ would survive for sure.

I'd prefer to get raped by that guys sister

Rape a dinosaur.

Destroy my HDDs just in case.

Get into my flying time machine, wave goodbye at the losers hugging their fat children.

Hes got a point.. And tis BiG

Ah ha ! I'll rape you, raping that guy,that's raping that other guy's sister ! Ya, I said it, what ?

why would an alien race base 7billion peoples lives on a few rock carvings?

Carve them?
Fuck that.
Get a DVD writer.
Remove laser.
Replace with green laser.
Fucking ETCH weird /d/ hentai to metal discs.
Hide them in cave.
Laugh in hell as aliens find my /d/ folder of massive cock monsters and /d/orses.

Shave my pubes.

whats a hdd?

hdd = hard disk drive

Get in a spaceship. Fly up to the meteor, paint ‘Virgin Rail’ on the side of it......and the fucking thing will never arrive!!

rape every women I see and smoke all my weed in a hurry and drink a bottle of jack

Wouldn't a lot of the planes currently in high altitude flight survive? Just circle around until they run out of fuel then land on the ruined remains of Earth and repopulate

you are a fucking idiot, I guess you are american?

Right before the meteor hits, I will jump high into the air as high as I can and I'll be fine.

elaborate on that please

if the impact is strong enough to wipe out all life on earth then it's strong enough to vaporize anything in the air

call my ex tell her getting pegged sounded nice but she's a cunt so no an play some runescape till the servers collapse. then anhero cause I invested too much time an there goes my purpose cause all life is ending anyways

Look at Cheddar Man, one skeleton and they've decided all British people were black. It's a red herring to cause confusion, make them think people in that area all had three dicks or something.

Online shopping.

Wank myself to death

I'd watch Night at the Museum 2 on DVD

Because we've done the same thing with lost civilizations for the past couple thousand years.
Aliens would be no different in their thinking or care.


A rock that large would create a firewall in the sky that would probably have enough energy to blanket the planet a few times.
Any planes would be landing on a scorched planet.
Their chances of finding anything to live off and hope Earth recovers is extremely tiny.
Keywords being scorched here. All oxygen in the air would be burned in to CO2. It'd take years for the oxygen to recover even if all the plants were intact and we simply replaced all oxygen with CO2 using Galactic Photoshop.

If it were say, dinosaur sizes, we'd be able to survive.
Humanity has survived a few asteroid and supervolcano events in its entire history.
The one that helped off the dinosaurs wasn't all that powerful. It was the Siberian Traps that royally fucked the dinos up, along with most other life on the planet.

How is that even possible? In three hours?
I beat my damn meat for six hours straight and I barely break a sweat tf

Get my oil changed.

Try and find shelter. Yes, I don't care we're talking about an "unstoppable meteor". But I'd try my damnest to survive in case life isn't completely wiped out.

Don't give up that fast, faggots. Who knows, you might survive.

Only if the asteroid is the size of Texas I'd kill myself because that shit would sterilise the whole planet.

Trust me, I can do this if I'm not concerned about how much damage I do to my body.

shut up you spic

That one in picture looks to be more than half the size of America with the mass of triple of it.
That'd be, for all intents and purposes, a sterilizer.

The only things that'd be left, maybe, are bacteria deep in the Earth that give zero fucks about the surface.

Help a child learn how to read.

wank with a toaster

Get scuba gear and dive as deep as I can in the ocean, then swim back to the surface after the meteor and look for cool stuff.

If you just duct tape your windows, you can easily survive any meteor impact.

Rape girl

coke, a lot of coke

But..... my sister is fucking HIDEOUS....

Then suffocate in the ashes of a burned Earth and no oxygen.

Hope you took a nuclear battery with you so you can separate the oxygen in the water out to remain alive.
Oh man, that'd be cool as fuck.
Just imagine exploring a ruined Earth using some oxygen supply you got from the ocean.
Each time you'd take more and more containers of oxygen to outposts so you can travel further and further.
Eventually building air-tight buildings to live in.
Pipe to the ocean for your air supply.

brb making a game.


are you a fetus, a fossil, or just retarded?

Absolutely nothing. I'd sit here like I do every other day and waiting for impact. I'd smile knowing it's finally over. I'm not a big fan of life anymore. It's only temporary anyway.

Not a goddamn thing. I'd wait for the world to burn.

No one's going to judge you, or at worst only for three hours.

Make it faggot

Drive to the girl i love, take her on a first/final date, enjoy the time before it hits.

Do drugs, 1000yg acid, coke, speed, xtc and dmt all at once

I'd stay on Sup Forums, knowing that while everyone is running about raping eachother, I can easily bag the 761000000 GET since the board will be ultra slow.

Send my sides into orbit where it will be safe.

Speedball and rape what else

sorry ive got hdd

Well OBVIOUSLY just carry on as normal. You really think the government is going to let us know about it LOL ?


the government isn't the only ones with a telescope

Call a few people and smoke up while I wait for the inevitable. Keep my shotty near by to scare away any crazies

Ignore it.

I clean when I'm stressed.

>An unstoppable meteor is heading to earth
hurtling, they always hurtle

So which bit of the sky will you point your telescope at, Prof ? And how will you know what you're looking at... ?

Have you seen one irl? No its because it is something unrealistic. Space is fake. So is meteors and other space rocks just false claims.

Weed & pussy