Why do all conspiracy theories about the elite end in pedophillia?

Why do all conspiracy theories about the elite end in pedophillia?
Does having all the money and power in the world just make you want to abuse children?
Is the pineal gland real or is it a meme?
If you browse plebbit/r/conspiracy, 99% of the time it boils down to pedophillia. Whats the deal?

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satan has given himself to take every soul he can with him to hell


John 8:36,If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

it's conceptually the worst thing people can think (they lack imagination) of so naturally they accuse their betters of it. Sexually deviant behavior is much more rare in high functioning people.

They drink their blood and fuck them to consume their youth and vitality

It's not a coincidence that all these elites live till 100+. They're consuming life force.

i don't believe in god and the devil "satan"

I want anons to redpill me on how the humans that have succeeded and topped society divulge into molesting children

Eh. This shit happened in rome too.

Don't like someone or what they stand for? Pedo/incest. Some people will believe it and it will follow them around like a bad stench regardless if its true or not.

I think the idea is pedophilia is the worst thing you can morally do. Pedophilia is ridiculously stupid in that it’s just an orgasm for the perpetrator but serious abuse to the victim. So there is literally no moral defence for pedophilia. The conspiracy arises from that people in the most powerful positions do not necessarily have to live morally. What would they do? Some people who do not have to act morally may be sinister. They perhaps have done it all and want a thrill and have no reason to act morally. Powerful people often didn’t get there without screwing a lot of people over without remorse.

There’s no mystery surrounding the pineal gland. The pineal gland literally is a third eye in that it detects changes in light to modulate your sleep/waking cycle. Think melatonin...

However it is often a source of contention for people in a state of psychosis or mental illness. They think they are communicating with something or receiving information from elsewhere and often they think this is through the pineal gland. This is due to the mystery surrounding the pineal gland and can make for a good explanation albeit erroneous for receiving their delusions.

>99% of the time it boils down to pedophillia. Whats the deal?
Cause it actually does. Wake the fuck up these are not conspiracies.

is it only human pineal glands? can't i just go hunting and eat animal pineal glands?

You are deep in the conditioning. Do not listen to anything the oblivious poster has to say.

This is ridiculous
Sexually deviant behaviour is rampant amongst the high functioning members of society.
Cocaine, prostitutes, mistresses, sex parties
Obviously not all but I assure you as you move up the chain of wealth, decadence leads to experimentation. Experimentation leads to boredom. What’s next?

What do you hope to achieve from eating animal’s pineal glands?

what do conspiracy theorists think the elite gains by eating human pineal glands?

Are you retarded? Thats the ultimate thing. Having underage puss and getting away with it. Dictating the price of gold doesn't even top that.

Also you should believe in jesus, just secretly.
Whats better:

Believing in Jesus and going to heaven and having everlasting peace, and if you are wrong and nothing happens after death, so what.

Not believing in Jesus and then possibly going to hell for eternity. or being right, again so what.

thats a pretty dumb risk to take no matter what you think.

No people who do that are just as bad as any sjw calling people nazis for that reason. There are real pedo conspiracies and child sex rings all over the world. and alot of them involve rich people. You can dismiss it all as crap if you want, it just makes you a retard with no valid opinion.

What's the pineal gland got to do with it?

thats what im trying to figure out

The smartest people are "pedophiles" because it is most ideal to find a young female partner and is a trait of an evolutionized male to seek such.

Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.
– Proverbs 9:17

>Sexually deviant behavior is much more rare in high functioning people.
If true, then no one in government is "high functioning".

The mythical source of everlasting youth.

so roger stone is a cuck?

Capturing and pimping out kids is a huge business. Some of these rich and powerful got there partly by doing this, weather they partake or not. Also, they have parties and rituals that involve witnessing each other commit the worst acts possible so that no one can tell anyone without implicating themselves.

how do you know this to be fact?

Wtf is the big deal with pedophilia anyways? In life it's just a minor issue

Prove it. How does one get in? My uncle is CEO of a fortune 500 and I might wanna partake someday.

real shit user? can you get me a job?

>their betters

Most he got me on top of a few shirts every year was skyrim the christmas it came out. He tried buying gamecube games for his PS2 so its proof of God that he was able to hook me up with the only thing on Earth my middleschool self didnt know I wanted. Hes not done shit for me, go to college for business if you want money.

im in college getting an mba right now

Since the mid 1970s, the Gnostic Catholic Church has been responsible for lacing drinking water with fluoride to increase precocious puberty through pineal gland calcification to covertly combat the spread of cancer caused by Christian morality of protecting kids from eroticism and hidden from the public through the infiltration of the NIH by radical Scientologists.

Dont ever think a million dollars is 1 .00001 of being rich. A million will be enough to have a s class mercedes for 5 years.

It's thought that the people who actually run the world are satanist. Corruping and destroying the innocent is a rite of theirs, and act of worship. It doesn't really matter what you believe at this point, it what they believe that's important. Some people actually believe in things and act accordingly.

I remember reading Coldheart Canyon and thinking there was probably more truth in there than fiction.

The most illegal things are also the most expensive things

Doing these things are part of the initiation. You don't get to be one of them, unless you prove you're just like them. That's what that Epstien buisness was all about. You're up and coming, trying to make connections, get invited to a party. Lots of very young looking lady's there. Alcohol, drugs, chicks coming on go you. Wake up in the morning in bed with a 14 y/o girl. In for a penny, in for a pound.

Epigeneticists have known since the late 1970s that letting people have sex past puberty is what causes cancer to spread, but have mostly kept this information restricted to the rich, as they often value science over morality and decency.
A few scientists have tried to share this sickening knowledge with the morality-worshipping lower classes but cannot openly advocate the encouragement of preteen sexual activity due to the risk of lynch mob.
By avoiding having sex with anybody over 13, the upper class can completely wipe out cancer from their gene pool.
Cancer is for peasants.

i dont think a million is wealth

did Epstein reveal everything or just the island and his black book?

that is a theory that is too far out there to believe

they have sex with children to avoid cancer? come on

Yeah a million is worthless. Unless you have an average IQ then you can live off the fifty thousand a year from interest.

The real value of the pineal gland lies not in its function, but in its destruction.
Calcification of the gland, caused by the consumption of Flouride over time causes the pituitary gland to activate, producing gonadotropins to cause puberty and fertility.
The earlier and precociousness of that puberty, the earlier the fertility. The earlier the pregnancy, the lower accumulations of inheritable cancer-causing epigenetic damage.

No. They encourage children to have sex with each other to avoid cancer.

It's because a lot of men were molested when they were kids and never told anyone.

Every year past puberty they wait to reproduce increases the cancer-causing epigenetic damage that gets inherited by the babies.
Watch the video.

People in power are pedophiles
This is something we should realise I think
It's been a trait of the slave owning class
Right back to the Romans and Greeks

Our owners, they hide seedy boners
Seeing sons and daughters as things

The answer is obvious OP. The people in power need people under them that they can trust. How can they trust them, easy get dirt on them, and the easiest way to get dirt on them is to have evidence of a crime such as pedophilia. It is similar to how gang members will ask new recruits to kill someone.

So the answer is simple, it is not really about the sex (for some people it is i'm sure) but it is willingly giving the person with more power than you evidence of a crime so that they can trust you and you know that they know that they can trust you thus you can trust them more.

What if you're wrong about Islam and you go to hell for being a Christian? Whoa your whole argument is gone.

Pedophillia is just the start, it goes much deeper than that.

it depends if they're raised in it or not spoiled rich kids will always be spoiled rich kids. You'd never see someone like Bill Gates going to cocaine and "sex parties".


Hey, Alex, when's the new video on Obama's cancer satellites and Trump's family marrying horses coming out? Come on, we've been begging you for it.

there's easier ways to do that are more feasible like embezzlement or insider trading.

That won't incriminate yourself or bring any attention to anyone other than the one who did the deed?

Easily they both happen literally all the time unless someone calls attention to it.

Energy harvesting. This keeps them powerful.

i thought it was money that made them powerful, not """energy"""


Because deep down everyone knows it's highly desirable.

Adrenochrome, do you even praise alex jones?

Yeah but only one has guaranteed prison time and you will be ostracized for sure. The rest of your life will be fucked if you are accused of pedophilia, but no-one will think twice of being friends with or doing business with a person convicted of fraud or insider trading. Everybody knows that's the way things are done and they just have to lock up a few people to make it look like they are doing something.

Now they just found out all the major grocers here have been fixing prices for decades. No-one cares, it's the way things are done and everybody knows it.

Pedophilia is the way things are done and everybody knows it. No one cares, it's the way things are done and everybody knows it.

if that's the case you make the same plea for pedophilia "if everyone's doing it" and only the lower people aren't in the know it wouldn't matter because you could always do business through an intermediary.

I think what it is is when you're super rich and you have your every desire catered to, you get bored of normal shit and you have to go to increasingly dangerous and taboo shit just to feel something. But skydiving with just a wing suit and putting your car in space don't draw quite as much lasting attention as raping and murdering children.

It's the same argument that has been made against homosexuals.

Does that mean that all homosexuals are elite?? I think you're onto something here, user.

>Why do all conspiracy theories about the elite end in pedophillia?

Dear youngster,
any elite wants both to be Le Absurdly Edgy and have means to blackmail members who could try to damage the elite.
And pedophilia is the utmost hate against children's innocence.

What I'm saying is that people offer others the chance at relations with a minor and if they take them up on it they know they can trust them 100%. They pretty much own them. The people that do it are not necessarily into kids, they do it so the person that offered them the chance will trust them and give them some kind of reward. This is exactly the same type of thing seen where gang members ask new recruits to kill someone so they know they can be trusted in the future.

You don't know anything about gangs, but you are a pedophile

Niggers + WE WUZ EGYPTIANS AND SHEIT = Pineal gland bs. Not even joking/being "racist". I personally see it as an excuse for lazy niggers to sit on their ass all day smoking weed. I'ts the good old "I'm bettering myself" or "I'm WOKE" shit.

pls explain how you came to that conclusion? i am amuse