Tfw you're trans and you look better than 95% of women in the world

>Tfw you're trans and you look better than 95% of women in the world
>real women look at you in envy when you pass by
>they are looking at the future human being

Possibly fake, definitely gay

I've never had the opportunity to date a tranny, social media makes it seem like they're more common than they are but I've only ever met one irl.
But it's always been a secret dream of mine to fuck my trap gf's ass doggy style while I give them a reach-around with one hand and caress their tits with the other

no no honey, they are looking at a self-hating faggot

A. Thats not a Tranni

B. If it is they spend $33k on FFS.

C. Smashing the bones in your face is not the future of humanity

yfw you think you look better than 95% of women in the world

i hate girls arrogance and now trans too?

we are more easy to find online, irl we likely do our best to fit in with the other women, so you wouldnt know.
it does suck that it seems our dating pool is much smaller though, as i personally wouldnt keep it from a potential partner

Gay and fake confirmed

girl in pic is ceilidh joy
her insta is @lilmixedhunny

Lol suicide meme pic haha so funny haha

Lilmixedhunny isn’t trans.

came here to say this

>as i personally wouldnt keep it from a potential partner
tfw you will never get a surprise in a heated moment of true passion and discover the girl you're in love with has a feminine penis

>Gay and fake
an accurate description of traps, yes

>just knowing this already
I hope you get to suck lots of lady dick IRL my friend.

>magazine engaged
>0 trigger discipline

You may want to do more of these cool selfies honney

You constant craving for cock has nothing to do with women.

>tfw you will never get a surprise in a heated moment of true passion and discover the girl you're in love with has a feminine penis
its just, you know the memes... its potentially dangerous as the guy could react in any way from approving of it, to beating you into a coma. at least in my way, you get a bit of a surprise after a few dates and then, get to think lewd things

>the future human being
only if trannies impregnate women
Do they do that?


This, he is click baiting heavy

>you get a bit of a surprise after a few dates
The biggest surprise would be finding out that you’re a disingenuous asshole.

Really? That seems like it's doesn't

what makes me that, user?

Fine, I’ll quote you again;
> least in my way, you get a bit of a surprise after a few dates and then...

because i want us to know eachother a bit more before telling you that i wasnt born a girl? at least im telling you and not "leading you on" for more than 3 dates or so. at the very least im not waiting for you get your dreams shattered when i finally drop the panties

>because i want us to know eachother a bit more before telling you that i wasnt born a girl?

Which also makes you selfish. You’ve alread said:
>it does suck that it seems our dating pool is much smaller though

You’re into straight dudes and you know straight dudes aren’t into cock. So you’re hoping that you can charm somebody long enough that you can convince them into sliding over on the Kinsey Scale. That makes you an asshole.

that makes no sense at all user, they are attainted to the woman they see
(also unrelated, but im getting my dick removed next year)

and anecdotally heres a quotes from someone ive chatted with
"I identify as straight abd am only attracted to the female form... and I'd lay you in a heartbeat"

Trans here.

I always say straight out to any potential date that I have a wiener to avoid confusion.

I hate trannies who try so hard that they can't even admit to themselves that they have a penis or at least they used to have a penis. It's delusional.

Like how you didn't choose to br born the way you were, straight guys weren't born to like cock. You cannot convince them too. The same way I cannot convince you to stay male.

attracted to the woman*

Oh, there will be assholes

That guy is simply a faggot in denial, nothing more.




ゴシ! もう一人のファゴットがいます!

過去1年の間に/ b /にfagotスレッドの明らかな侵入があります。 WTF?


thats why id tell them soon after meeting...
i cant and wont convince them to like dick or fake vag. but id want them to like me for my personality and not whats between my legs

odd how no gays i know would date a tranny then, its all about the dick isnt it?

look, i would be pissed if i wasted my time pursuing a failed relationship. plus the money i had spent on this 3 dates


Fine, he was pansexual or whatever other name you fags have made nowadays. Either way, he wasn't a heterosexual.

ITT: we discuss how men are better at everything, even at being women.

You just know

Chopping off your dick makes no difference at all. Fuck the anecdote. There’re plenty of people who’d be interested in you. You’re trying to rationalize trivializing other people’s sexual orientation. Which, again, makes you an asshole.

Aww OP I know that feel, only thing is i'm straight with more girl hormones, its such a beautiful thing because me and my girlfriend can connect with a lot more passion :)

Sex != Gender

And certainly: sexual orientation != gender

Cool, as it should be. I’m guessing that being cool about it probably doesn’t negatively impact your hunting.

im sorry, i just dont think its my genitalia that should be the key factor in if something is failed or not. i do understand what you are saying though. but please understand that there are also some to whom the girl having the dick is more important than a possible relationship

whatever you say, guess a lot of people are pan then

dating is hard, on one hand you got people who want you just for the dick. on the other id want to let them know i was trans so they didnt have to, as the other user put it, waste time on something they arent into. theres no winning as i see it...

to all of you, what should i do then, if i dont want to end up with a relationship that is build solely on me having a dick?

Take that shit to tumblr you malodorous pile of diseased dick discharge.

Being trans is hard. Sure, you got a raw deal, but that’s nobody’s problem but yours. Stop being an asshole and deal with it.

does != mean the same as ≠ ?

It doesn't impact the hunt negatively.

Transgenders will have a tough time convincing a person who's not OK with transgenders to embrace the idea. Most people are closed minded and "opening their horizons" may impact their lives drastically. It's not a simple ordeal and certainly not a small responsibility.

but what do you suggest i do then? please tell me

double dubs of truth

other tranny here, what is your experience with chasers? they are the only reason i wouldnt say it straight up

It's not healthy to be with someone who sees you as a "transgender girlfriend" either. You have to keep a balance and a mature approach to things.

Say you have a dick and come to an agreement. If he sees you as a plaything for this tranny fetish, dump the creep.

You have to either be immediately up front with people or make a point to hunt for partners that you already know are interested in trans people.

>irl we likely do our best to fit in with the other women, so you wouldnt know

I can tell, literally always. (Within like 30 feet anyway) also how is your dating pool smaller? It's a smaller number of guys who would date you people but they still outnumber you by like 10 times
but still like ten times as many

It's tough but they can be fun. Personally, I keep them on a leash and I turn them down before our interaction hits a peak.

Harsh but that's just life. Most of them are creepy anyway.

My fucking browser Jesus Christ

Why do you hate chasers? What, like god forbid someone actually be interested in you?

but i dont like said, be the "transgender girlfriend" i just want someone to like me for my personality.

sure they are out there, but there are definitely a lot that would arent open to the idea

i see

i dont hate them, i just dont want to be a fetish thing, or have the relationship depend on me keeping the dick. thats how they often are, only interested in you for the dick and will drop you instantly if you get it removed

There is no competition, a trans is not a woman, it is a parody of a man with mental problems trying to be a woman. soo

>only interested in you for the dick and will drop you instantly if you get it removed
I'm not a chaser (I don't think? Sup Forums's threads have made me curious, does that make me a chaser?) but in any case, a post-op vagina is the stuff of nightmares. I'm not surprised people aren't interested. Not trying to be mean, it's just that I've seen pics of frankenpussy and it's beyond unappealing.

i have, but then they are expressing it horribly
still if it was someone you genuinely loved, shouldnt your partner be supportive?

Then get rid of someone that treats you that way. It’s no excuse to lure someone into something they don’t want. Let’s say it works. Let’s say you get some straight dude to fall for you to the point that he tolerates the fact that you’re trans: he’s going to go through a fucking sexual identity crisis, a social/family crisis when everyone he knows asks him “so, you’re gay now?”, and you’ll spend every second of your relationship worrying that he’s going to leave you for a woman. Every fucking fight will have you screaming: “You never even wanted me in the first place!” and him yelling back: “You lied to me from the beginning.”

Doing this shit is wishful thinking that’s only going to cause a lot of pain for all involved.

>still if it was someone you genuinely loved, shouldnt your partner be supportive?
Probably, yeah, or at least reasonable. But that doesn't mean it would be easy for the partner either.

They realize on some level that a guy has to be mentally ill to be into them.

>I don't think? Sup Forums's threads have made me curious, does that make me a chaser?

It makes you gay

I'm not fiending for tranny cock user, it's just that I see no reason why not. I'm not into dudes.

the other day some tranny got dropped for wanting to get it cut off, and they had planned on getting merried. so the whole thing was based on her dick without him telling her. thats not good either.

and if i had someone interested in me, like my anecdote, hes into what he sees as a female, so there wouldnt be a chrisis and why would everyone else need to know that hes dating anything but a girl?

absolutely, but that should be something you can work though together

> I see no reason why not
>I'm not into dudes

There you go

Why dont you just kill yourself

You are appreciated and greatly loved, as you are here for me I shall give to you. Together we will grow your tree into love

>Smashing the bones in your face is not the future of humanity

This is the dawn of the age of designer DNA.

Guys used to fly by getting bit in the ass by a pterodactyl, then clubbing it in the head when they arrived at destination.....

Things get better.

I see what you are doing here...excellent tool, tool.

Stop fucking rationalizing. You’re not a girl, you’ll never be a girl, and no one will consider you a girl. Not even the tumblrinas that outwardly swear you are. There are plenty of guys into trans people: find one.

As for the surgery anecdote: fuck me your’e self-absorbed enough to want it both ways. You want someone to accept the fact that you have a dick, but not have the dick be important to them. You’re demanding that someone’s sexual desires have to be entirely subordinate to you.

Interesting approach.

entire thread is cancer wooh

why do people dislike trans so much?

i figure as long as they keep to themselves about it and make a visible attempt to be whatever they want, it should be fine.

as long as within the first one to three dates they disclose this, its okay. i can somewhat understand wanting something to fall back on if a penis is a deal breaker. having a really good personality would be something i can, personally, accept just fine if i find out someone im dating is trans.

problem is, since i am *mostly* straight, they wpuld have to be fairly feminine.

live and let live guys.

One cannot be attractive to straight men with a penis. - Buddha

My guess is that its the propaganda the sjw's try to shove down our throats mixed with homophobia, i myself have a problem with the dishonesty and willingness to follow the whims of mentally ill people.

ah, i get that you dont like me, thats fine. but to your information, no one sees me as anything but a girl. so fuck of you conservative asswipe

bless your heart user. i wish more people were like you


pic obviously not related

>i figure as long as they keep to themselves about it and make a visible attempt to be whatever they want, it should be fine.
You don't understand, user. This is a group of people with a mental illness born directly from the lack of attention they receive from the opposite sex. The entire thing is made of a need to direct attention to themselves which is why trannies spam their shit everywhere.
Look at faggots who demanded the same thing saying others have no business yet still have their parades and make a point of demanding everyone "accept" them everywhere they go. Bake the cake, bigot. Same shit.

Plus, like this user says , it's also propaganda directed at guys with low self esteem.

I don’t like what you’re *doing*. I don’t give a fuck about the fact that you’re trans. As for conservatism, fuck right off. You have a Y chromosome. Your bone structure is recognizably different. Your musculature is recognizably different. And that’s just the phyical shit. You will never have the life experiences of a girl. You’ll never have the “my first period” story, a pregnancy scare, or any of the other zillion things that make up the experience of being a woman.

You’re something else, you might as well embrace that fact and live accourdingly.

sex is biological physical reality

gender is a made up word with no basis in physical reality which was created to attempt to subvert sexual dimorphic reality of human expression, it's a fucking bullshit thing like your favorite color

anything which isn't sexually, biologically male/female is an abnormal mental illness

i know ill never be an XX woman, but i hear a lot of hatred in your post

>as long as within the first one to three dates they disclose this
This is not ok

If it's not clear before the very first date then fuck off. I'd probably sue the guy for attempting rape if that shit happened to me and make sure he will be registered as a sex offender

Otherwise you are right, I don't care about who fuck what

>literally wrong
if you knew what you were talking about, youd know there are brain strutures in trannies that are categorically opposite from their assigned gender

Considering you can't have children, there is no future for you. You will not pass on your genes. You are a waste of skin and stealing my oxygen.

>what is sperm deposits and artificial insemination.

>the future human being

op doesn't biology

>literally wrong
>if you knew what you were talking about.
Repeat that to yourself and keep quiet.

the brains of psychopaths are also different from the brains of normal people.
your point was?
You said it yourself, they have something wrong with their brains.

Thank fuck we dont have gender pronouns in my country.

The only hatred is for your habit of not being upfront with people. The only other thing you hear is a lot of disdain for the silly idea, usually put forth by people who aren’t trans, that a transwoman and a woman are identical.

I don’t hate you as a person.


Keep em comin user!

it doesnt exactly bother me. it may slow down traffic for a while, but it doesnt bother me. thats why i live and let live.

thing is, i do hold those kind of opinions. i do see how they want and crave attention, with the gays, trannies, blacks, women, whatever. white guys are just humble people whenever they arent offended by something apart from their ideology, most of the time.

im a white, conservative male, who by definition has racist, sexist, and genocidal thoughts from time to time. i can admit this. but i respect people from the beginning, and they maintain my respect for them. there isnt a need to fresk out over this unless they start doing shit that does effect me. like give my degree less credibility because they reduce the requirement to get in snd do tests. or when they force me to closet more about my bisexuslity because i dont want to associate myself with faggots and how my friends might think ill be constantly wanting to fuck them. or when trans people shove the fact that theyre trans down my throat, thinking its unique. but aside from that, it doesnt bother me unless it interferes with me in some serious way. you have the right to hate, dislike, not be attracted tothem, disagree, whatever. thats fine. i might not understand it for some people, and in your case its because they really like attention. but the problem is, not everyone does it for attention. maybe, sometimes, they truly do feel like a man or a woman. and if they dont, whatever.

youre here assuming all trans and gays do it for attention. which, a lot do. but a lot may just also be joe at the office with a boyfriend, or claire who sits in class quietly to do her work who feels like a man.

Good thing they have the same suicide chance to match

it isnt rape if there is no forced sexual activity. youre worse than the trans, and on the same level of the feminists preaching guilty until proven innocent when it comes to rape. disgusting.

5 years since my transition and im happy with the results, already got myself a sugar daddy that i met on /soc/, life is good

if youre thinking about doing it, go for it, life gets better after you become a woman

it isnt for everyone, definitely.
you shouldnt spread this around as a cureall for the problems transwomen may have. it may even cause more, like problems with maintenence and a smaller dating pool.

>attempting rape
>forced sexual activity