What's the longest you've ever been banned for?

What's the longest you've ever been banned for?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm still banned.

3 days

Same here. One and only ban for posting in the blandest, most vanilla teen thread you ever saw, but rules are rules.

Do bans get progressively worse, or are they set? 3 days for this. One month for that. Forever for this. Etc.

I've been banned since 2005

>What's the longest you've ever been banned for?
Bans are often comical. Intentionally or not. The mods appear to be Mormon FBI agents wearing temple clothes who have never seen themselves naked. Which probably explains the amount of faggot porn spam there is on Sup Forums these days...

I think 48 hours or so, for posting in a doxxing thread, I didn't know there was a rule about it and I wasn't egging it on I was telling OP to stop being a faggot.

I got banned for one month because my username had this >>>>>> .

Nah, it's the influx of Sup Forums that's causing the faggot porn spam.


i got the local police called cus i kept spamming child gore porn



About as long as it takes my router to reboot.

You won’t do it again.

How are you not vanned then?


>turn off router
>delete Sup Forums cookie
>turn on router

But you shouldn't, because ban exasion is baaaad


This thread

Forever i just kept changing my ip , fuck the system , fuck gookmoot , fuck mods

Our ip changes daily so ain't worried.

In what ways?

RIP thread

for however long it takes me to reset the modem

Because it's showing that bans are useless. Always have been

Also check'em

Nobody even going to check these quads???


Still doing time myself.

>3 days
Posted OC pony in drawthread lol

1 week, I went into a fluffy thread and said "so is this an autism thing, or?"
Log back in next day
>literally what it said
>mfw mods are fluff fags

Wish I screencapped it

A day, although I got banned for posts on boards I've never posted on.


Well it's seems im no longer banned

I do get banned from /k/ for posting lolis on a blue board. The mods don't like this picture for some reason.

got a perma for the same without any chance to review. evidently the mod was shit cause it magicaly was removed

I had a 30 day ban for posting a thread on Sup Forums asking if there was no minimum age of consent law, what is the lowest age you'll go for.

>Ban reason: You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.

its literally what ever the mod feels like banning you for
some mods are sensitive faggots, some don't care

3 days
usually because of stupid shit memes like uganda knuckles that apparently arent political enough for pol

banned like 20-30 times since 2005

half have been a month or more. at least five perm bans

Same here, got perma because pizza discussion thread. And not the cp, like the food pizza. Mods have their heads up their asses. Fortunately it was gone after 3 days, dunno how

I was temporarily permabanned for CP for posting a pic of my own penis even though I was 25 when I took the pic. I didn't know not having your cock and balls develop during puberty was a bannable offence.

Damn, im not gay but i just wanna see ur dick

>got a perma for the same without any chance to review. evidently the mod was shit cause it magicaly was removed
Back in 2015 I got a permaban for "Do NOT post threads / images about "teens", "young girls", "jailbait", "questionable age", or anything that could be construed as advocating pornography involving minors."

This was for some fully clothed teen on Sup Forums, she wasn't even wearing a bikini or revealing clothes.

I appealed it after the 30 day appeal cooldown and it was denied in like 5 minutes so i thought it was automated to deny any appeal for permabans. Then strangley like 2/3 months later my permaban was removed.


Damn, I’ve never been banned. Spose im a saint

I don't want to get banned again. I went through the rest of puberty normally but I still have a literal baby penis.

Welcome to the good boy club

Since you said it's yours and your age I'm sure it'll be good. I'm not gay either but I'm curious about seeing your penis.


Two weeks for raiding and creating a celebrity hoax. I deserved it.

I once got banned from all boards for a week just for starting a discussion about an obscure movie back in 2008. The retarded mod banned me for "posting a request outside of /r/." That pisses me off to this day. God, mods can be fucking idiots.

This mod is nice, though. Looking out for the good of the community! Bless.

3 day ban for posting a horse on /mlp/. Apparently that's not allowed.

Can you get hard and cum? Do you masturbate?


Banned for about a month for posting a thread trying to track down a cat murderer in Florida. Ban was for "doxxing". I, nor anyone who posted, ever figured out who it was, where they lived, or any other information about them.

I started a thread on /fit/ and for whatever reason this shitty website turned my pic into a goddamn MLP picture. Got banned for a week for "posting" brony shit.

I think I win. I was banned indefinitely for relatively minor bullshit and actually respected the ban. A year later I go on IRC and ask for it to be lifted.

I had a partial ban from Sup Forums for a short period then jokingly complained about it on another board. Mod banned me for "ban evasion" but the real reason was jokingly criticizing mods makes you worse than Hitler.

I'm usually mobile, using whatever wifi available.
Often bypassing someone else's ban.

I thought it was alright the last time I posted, but I got banned anyway.
My dick can get hard but it doesn't change in size and it only makes my foreskin partially retract (it's still fused around the base of the head), so I'm still 1.5" either way. My testicles are tiny and don't produce any sperm and if I do cum it's a small amount, usually only a few drops. I have no desire to masturbate.

Sup Forums mods are cancer

Forever technically, for requesting cp back in those days but proxies and ip resetting saw me through to a clear and unbanned reality.

>inb4 rebanned.

0 mins.

> I have no desire to masturbate.

Same here for some reason. I'm 7.5 inches and produce plenty of come but I can't get hard recently and am not really horny, I'm on an unintentional several wek no fap at this point. May be due to my recent diabets diagnosis though.

I was posting porn to Sup Forums, so the partial ban was fair even thought I was using spoiler tags. The mod who thought I was ban evading because he didn't know how partial bans work was from Sup Forums. No idea what board owns the guy who denied my appeal to at least reduce the duration, but I'm sure he's a completely respectable gentleman and not a colossal faggot.

>7.5 inches
>Obese enough to get diabetes

Well, which is it?


I think I've seen your ban message

I'm far from obese. 6'5" and 228 lbs. I drank my insulin producing pancreas into submission I think.

Can't keep a nigga down

The 5 minutes it took to reset the router.

About 5 minutes it takes me to restart the router.

I got banned for one month about a year ago for posting a certain image as the starting image of a weird pictures thread

one month for posting "ayy lmao" on /x/
one month for posting webms of girls getting fucked by dogs on Sup Forums

Permanent for posting CP, i had to switch IP to get acess again

>ayy lmao on /x/

This made me ayyy lmao

3 days for "bullshit"
∞ for 2 Lera pics
Nothing a router reset can't fix.

30 days because some mod got pissed off I mentioned eating other humans when the Apocalypse happens.

Says it violates US Law... KEK... what a faggot.


Trips... ;-)

Nice try, mods. I'm on to your little game.

Those last four digits of my post = my birth year....weird.


One time I posted "I'm concerned about her lack of boobage" in a Chloe Moretz thread and got banned. That really pissed me off. Everyone was thinking that same thing.


What is ban?

Flat is justice. You deserved it


1 week on Sup Forums for dumping a doujin of a loli fucking a dog

got 16/22 pages before rip



Can i have the doujinshi name

90% of what is discussed here breaks USA law though...

Warning: ShindoL


3 days for fishing gets on Sup Forums

oh man i remember reading this, one of the best

3 days.

Same, posted senior yearbook pictures for a teens thread and got permanently banned.

When someone posts a photo of a female who is of a questionable age, how do the mods know the subjects age?
I have seen photos of females who are 18 (legal age) that look not legal age.

my newest hero is based user