Just got caught pants down in front of my entire family. Dubs decide how I kms

Just got caught pants down in front of my entire family. Dubs decide how I kms

you don't kys and you post story

cut your dick off and bleed to death


Post the story. Also this

masturbate to the weirdest shit until death

Masturbate to the weirdest shit until you die


pour acid all over yourself

This, also full story.

boil yourself in oil


Thats not too bad man they will know every guy does it lmao

post story as greentext

get an uzi and 10 mags or so, empty them all in the dick in front of your family.

Try to steal high voltage wires.


boredom is a dangerous curse

Get sodomized by a horse.

>big family reunion hosted at our house
>home is so crowded there's literally no privacy anywhere
>share my rome with several nephews
>because of this I haven't been able to fap for over 3 days
>today everyone went out to town, except me, I skipped out today
>finally some privacy for at least a couple of hours
>start fapping in the living room immediately, don't even bother going to my room
>I nut within a minute, but it's not enough to relieve 3 days of frustration
>nut again, and again
>2 hours eventually pass without me noticing it
>seriously going at it now, pants down, blasting porn on my headphones at full volume, about to reach my 10th nut
>suddenly I hear the door crack
>before I can even react, I lock eye contact with my mother
>she freezes
>rest of the family walks in
>I'm desperately trying to pull up my pants at this point
>my uncle starts laughing his ass off
>my parents are just in shock
>the rest of the family is quickly guided back outside, but everyone has realised what's going on
>I run upstairs and lock myself away
>family reunion has been promptly cancelled

There's no way to recover from this mentally tbqh

No reason to be worried, lots of people enjoy it and do it on purpose. You can now continue jerking while thinking about this wonderful experience.

You made a stupid choice. Good luck living that down mommies little wacker.

>10 times in 2 hours
>Nut rate NR=12 npm (nuts per minute)

Shit, it sould be 5 nph (nuts per hour). My bad.

Roll for this.

Cool story bro, wanking for 2 hours straight and 10 nuts.
If true, however, that's really funny. And I can imagine, hard to recover from. Is your uncle really the only one who can laugh it off? Maybe your mom needs to see more of your dick to not take it so seriously.

The world record is apparently 16 in 1 hour so 5 times in 1 hour doesn't seem that impossible.


no one can be that stupid

How are you so bad at math that you thought 10/2=1,440? ffs nigga

Just flipped the fraction upside down after converting hours to minutes. Happens sometimes.

not if you've completed elementary school

Yes, if you're doing quick calculations without double checking.

Not when you get an answer so obviously wrong. You suck at math so never do that again

0.0853333 npm
1 nut every 12 minuts

Who's going to stop me?

Thanks for correcting me, user.

I hate liars