Go fuck yourselves janitors. Don't delete my thread so quickly

Go fuck yourselves janitors. Don't delete my thread so quickly.

I'm gonna be on this train for 12 hours. Keep me company. Ask me literally anything.

is it expensive for your own room?

Whatcha doin' on a train?

Ticket was around $200.

Visiting grandparents. Pic related.

1. why did the jannies delete?
2. wth are you?
3. fuck recaptcha

Blow it up

sweden eh? is it as cucked as all the reports say it is?

what countries have you visited in europe? how old r u?

1. Either because personal info (my homecountry, not specific at all), or they're having a bad day, or they're cunts.

2. Sweden. Left Stockholm some time ago.

3. Yes indeed.

It's not that bad.

Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, Norway, Denmark, maybe one more. I'm 16.7 ish.

looks comfy in your cabin. snow outside?
you have your own food/drink or is there food/drink available on the train?

Some snow outside, I haven't gotten as far as the countryside yet though.

I brought snacks :)

is that a stun gun?

It's a connector for the wall that'll keep me from falling off my bed when sleeping.

noice. wats your snack list and schedule?

i doubt the janits deleted. its saturday. it would take all of 5 minutes for a thread to get bumped off the board

lol damn bruv

are you calling me a liar?




Got chips. Mixed up my own dip (dip mix and creme fraiche).

It's just past 12 pm here. Train arrives at 11 am so I get to sleep in.

Fair enough.












i aint callin ya for dinner



jag åkte med dessa tåg när jag gjorde lumpen

show pic without socks on


Do you really think you can solve his graddaughter's murder?

Vilket regemente?


wheres my feet pic.



är det värt att göra lumpen efter gymnasiet?


i leave.

I'm a fucking hobbit.

Didn't even notice, lol.

OP här. Som skjutglatt pojkfan undrar jag också detta.

he's going to jack off to that pic bru

What if I like it?

fair enough. I'll mind my own business now. have a good trip bro

Nä, om du inte får en utbildning som du har nytta av tex sjukvårdare el dyl.
Risken finns att du får sitta o frysa i skogen i 11månader...


Calling you a lair would imply that his statement indicated that you were being dishonest, in reality the comment implies that you lack an understanding of how threads are removed.

>$0? why??!!!?????

Cya around user.

Finns några coola divisioner som typ combat camera och IT-försvarsförbandet.

Seems cool. Wished us Americans fucks had cool trains to ride.

I hate America.

What do you average with that cube?

OP here, it wasn't me.



hehe comfy

Japp, men glöm inte.
Du kan mönstra in som "super-duper hemlig agent" men sedan förflyttas till att skyffla bajs. (Talar med egen erfarenhet)

do you like grapes?

Because when you try to buy it , it charges 14.95 for shipping

any vagene and bobs on the train widchu

Jo, men man kan väl söka med önskan om att bli placerad i en viss division?

Yes, why?

I wish.

The real OP here this is not true. Quit doing this. It`s not funny


im late whats going on in here

kek I'm not even OP

Real OP here with foot proof. Begone.

Om jag minns rätt så valde jag 2st olika (tekniker tjänster).
Förflyttades 3gånger och hamnade på ett skytteförband... Hade jag vetat om att jag skulle hamna på ett skytteförband hade jag sagt att jag var sängvätare

Enjoy the b7

När gjorde du lumpen? Den är långt ifrån lika "populär" idag.

What cube is that?

how's the food at trains? do you have long stops where you can disembark and get food from the stations?

Solve dat muhfucka

vilket parti ska ni rösta på?

Gans Air GM.

The bistro is pretty good. I'm eating breakfast there later before getting off.

Already solved)))

Sossarna för att jag är sosse.

you should come over to los angeles on the way and let me rub those feets for ya, get some lotion on em

-03 så har för mig att det var en hel del förband som lades ner just då, kan ju ha varit därför som jag flyttades runt.
Halva plutonen var runtflyttade som mig.
Allt från piloter till chaufförer.
Så det blev lite kul att vi var en sån blandad grupp och vi håller fortfarande kontakten.
Var till och med en snubbe som trodde att han var någon form av robot-soldat flera veckor in i utbildningen

>I'm eating breakfast there later before getting off.

post pics before eating. i want food porn.


Scramble it, post it, solve it, post it. Will send gud meme for results

OP is hooking up with what he thinks is a girl. But she is a he. I`m in first class .Will keep you posted.


There are trains in the US, though. Not as many, but there are. And some have sleeper cabins. Go ride one. Or move. Why live in a country you hate?

I never thought I'd talk to people getting off to my hairy feet on Sup Forums.

Låter kul. Får se om jag söker/blir inkallad.

Sure, if you're still here in 8 hours.


Sure, hold on.

I actually like traps so no problem.

of all places it is the one you should have most expected this from.

post FEET pics every time you post otherwise how do we know you're really OP?


Solved with one hand because I'm drinking tea with the other one.

Alright, good job.
I'm on my phone so making a meme will take a few minutes so chill

I wanna be in the cap

Hi OP how are you?
Last night I took 40mg 2c-b at a concert and started calling my mom over and over.

Alright I fucked up so I had to use snapchat enjoy



Use the meme if you want I don't care