What are you drinking tonight, Sup Forums?

What are you drinking tonight, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


absolute vodka my dude


our daily red


Fermented anal nectar.

99 peaches because im a faggot but also like to get drunk

hows it taste faggot

Same. Mixing with Rockstar like a fag because I'm tired but still want to get fucked up.

Fuck your thread

About to hit the Tequila

filename is perfect

Wild Turkey 101


Making pot Krispy treats

mmmmmmmm krispy

It's my birthday today. Got a case of an imperial stout I liked. The older I get the less it takes to make me happy.

Next time get some trips like a big girl.

Happy birthday user. How old are you?

I decided to take it easy and make Lynchburg Lemonaide. Make the lemonaide fesh, 2 oz of jack.

happy birthday nibbaru !


Thanks, turning 30 today. IDK why I'm still here, should've outgrown this place, but I'm still here!

Some of that jenkem

Happy birthday user



happy birthday Sup Forumsro


just looking at that is intimidating as fuck

Just a nip to wash down my medications.


c'mon user, tell us what goodies you're taking

fucking pussies

drinking wine coolers rn


ok, fine... JD Shore dark w/ pineapple pop. pretty damn good. also doesn't have the wired aftertaste of a lot of other cheaper rums.

Thanks guys, that really does feel good to hear!

wait, sorry.. different user.. i'm a few drinks in :)

As long as you get the can (not plastic 40oz jugs) and it's ice cold, I find Steel Reserve enjoyable (not a favorite of course). I'm curious, what's so bad about it other than being cheap?

McCormicks Whisky.

Tap water

chicken broth



Seagram's Seven and a few Heineken

i fucking love steel reserve, user

i'd drink it even if it wasn't cheap

drinking this rn tho


I like your glass. Good lad.

If only I could afford a whole bottle to myself


My guy.

St. Remy Brandy


Puts me to sleep, I wish permanently. Little Steven's Underground Garage is on NPR; should like to go to sleep with that.

Popov Vodka


Axis Power Coffe, it's like Irish coffe/white russian, except I make it with limoncello, colombian beans, and a german press.

Franzia Chardonnay from sams

The best sips

Still haven’t decided but I might open this up.


Stroh Austria 80% Hitler Rum

Weed and alcohol

>poorfag detected

Budweiser select. 55 calories a can. Cause I’m fat enough

Sipping on some gin right now.
About to crack open one of these, anyone got a suggestion for my first to open?
I got them at Kroger, they have a build your own 6pack there

me too- orange. mixing it with arizona iced tea because thats all I had in my house. its actually pretty good- taste like peach snapple

also smoking a blunt.

Two Hearted is one of my all-time favorites.

Not him, but I have no problem with them either. I can get 2 25oz cans for 3 bucks here. Hell of a deal as long as you're not some beer snob

always Nordhäuser

Two hearts it is!
Glad to hear they had some recognizable beer there. Just curious if you don't mind me asking, where do you live? Country/state. I always like hearing peoples favorites from other states/countries

You won't like the blue

I never had a Canadian beer before so I wanted to try it. Why do you think I will not like it my friend?

hell yeah man steel reserve is the way to go. anyone try the natty rush, those are good and they fuck you up as well the blueberry one is the best

Originally from Kentucky, but I've lived in several different sates over the last few years.

Just opened a Shiner Strawberry Blonde

Same here. $14.00 a box

A man of whiner! You from Texas, bud? Seems to be really popular around here.

Shiner* sorry, as you can note I've been drinking and I'm a worthless phone user...
Damn autocorrect

>$14.00 a box
that seems like a lot. how big is that box?


I'm from Great Lakes Brewing country in Ohio. Texas would eat me alive.

Why you say that friend? We're some nice people! I love Ohio in fact, my grandparents lived there and I used to visit a lot.


GLBC is a hometown favorite.
Alchemy Hour/Chillwave is one of the best. Same with Rye of the Tiger.

I went to a bar for shits 'n' giggles after eight years and felt eyes upon me as if I stood out from the crowd. I ordered a fucking $6 shot of vodka and left seven minutes later. Worst vodka I've ever had. 1/10 Yelp review.

Mothers milk.

In Florida school shooting, cops waited outside.
In Texas church shooting, you guys jumped in your trucks and chased the fucker down and killed him. Just different world I guess........

Just find a bar more suitable for your liking.
Also, find one with actual deals not 6$ shots.
Bars around here sell 2 dollar double wells and 2$ for a shot and a 16oz beer.
Bars aren't for everyone though, I only go to them when my friends do just to get out every once and a while

Haha, made me actually smile.
It's interesting to hear you guys drink shiner up there though. Cheers bud!

Sailor Jerry

don't listen to him. i'm from montreal, labatt is crisp and refreshing.

GLBC is all about IPAs and I'm all hopped out, moved on to wheat beers.

corona with lime

Glad to hear. I heard yall got some good beer, I just didn't know if that brand was any good. Sadly that's the only Canadian beer they had up a Kroger. Cheers my Canadian friend!


I meant sadly as in I didn't get to choose from any options. I really want to try other countries beer aside from American.

Protein shakes

% fruit juice
>>cartoons with my son
>>=good saturday

Naw, they really aren’t. Most of their beers have mid level to low IBU.