Secrets thread

Secrets thread

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I tried anal

>got shit on my dick

Traps are gay.

Been there done that

and if you tell your parents, they won't love you anymore and you'll get in trouble and go to jail.

Guys pay me to suck my cock and swallow my cum

Dropped out of school

I've been on Reddit.

I'm fat.

Learn from the pros

I let my wife film me sucking her boyfriend's dick.

My friends and I have seen the insides of each other's pussies.

It is like masturbation, everyone did, so it isn't a secret.



The NRA is a terrorist organization.


sometimes i post on Sup Forums

I praise kek

Got pegged by my best friends sister and her girlfriend. And fucking loved it but I'm not gay.

I'm learning French instead of Spanish.

That will make things harder when you go to Spain.

you sic fuck

I was spanked by mother, usually at least once a week or once every 2 weeks, for grades and other bs, while I was a schoolgirl :?
So basically until a few years ago, when I finished school and moved out to live by my own..

this guy is gay

Checked and kek'ed