King Crimson Appreciation Thread

King Crimson Appreciation Thread.

What's your favorite KC song, Sup Forums? What about your album? Personally, I like The Power To Believe as an album. I don't think I have a fav song.

Too scared to go into Sup Forums, deal with it. Feel free to talk abput any other similar group.

Other urls found in this thread:!PegUGQ6C!9xKi-7MXc-m-u7ZDekwzcg

Favorite song is Starless. Favorite album is either In the Court or Discipline


Also a close second for favorite song is Islands

Islands is just beautiful. Loved it.

Red is my favorite album, islands is amazing to. I love larks tounge In aspect to


is there a good rip of "Three of a Perfect Pair"? i owned it on vinyl years ago, couldn't find it in any of the local stores, so i torrented it.. and it sounded like it had been projected down a long cardboard tube. no bass presence at all.

Lark's Tongues In Aspic, my favorite. But then again, they're all my favorite! I've seen them several times, some of the best shows I've ever seen

they're all shit

I got mine on Reddit, but it was a long time ago. lol

Lucky you ;n;

Just like your taste.

Nice try Fripp, but I'm no narc

did it sound like they'd recorded it in a drain?

it's very easy to spot the pre-teens, even on an anonymous image board.

they are the ones who have to shit on everything. nothing is cool enough for them. no scalpel has an edge like theirs. you could mention the ultimate, coolest shit to them and they'd roll their eyes and sneer "lame".

pre-teens are too insecure to endorse anything. saying you like something leaves you open to attack - because you have to defend it. shitting on anyone and everything is much safer.

Nah, it was pretty good. Or maybe that's just me, idk.

How's this?!PegUGQ6C!9xKi-7MXc-m-u7ZDekwzcg

it's very easy to spot the teens, even on an anonymous image board.

they are the ones who have to shit on everything. nothing is cool enough for them. no scalpel has an edge like theirs. you could mention the ultimate, coolest shit to them and they'd roll their eyes and sneer "lame".

teens are too insecure to endorse anything. saying you like something leaves you open to attack - because you have to defend it. shitting on anyone and everything is much safer.

I also love Power to Believe, it seems very underrated compared to their earlier stuff. Elektrik is a particular favourite.

Other than that, probably Red.

Try rutracker dot org. It's in Russian and you need to make a free account, but really easy to navigate and they have multiple 320k/flac rips of everything, even vinyl rips.

They're a bucket list band for me... but I'm not in love with the new singer. He's a bit too nasal. Wish they still had Belew.

Good call on Power to Believe. I was touring with Dream Theater when that album came out and we used to use it as walk-in music.

have seen them last year and with gavin drumming it was one of best shows ive seen in my life..Also was last weekend on steven wilson and daaaaaaamn

Also Aspic is fucking top.

Wilson is a fucking god.

If you like Crimson, try Magma, too

Agree. Elektrik might be the best song in the album. I also like Eyes Wide Open and Level Five. Happy with What you Have to Be Happy With is one of my favorites over all.

Yeah tbh I prefer chilli pepper

was bit afraid of it as i don't like the new album that much...but it came up to be fucking great they also played some PT songs. And next day my GF sister who is 15yo went to the concert in second city... hope in new generation restored.

You can't compare KC with RHCP, my friend. You just don't.

I'll get into it in a couple of minutes. Any specific recommendation to start with?

Agree with all of those too!