Incest thread - need stories and any got the one w/ the pic from earlier

Incest thread - need stories and any got the one w/ the pic from earlier

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Whats the one with the frozen pic called?


please continue

anyone have that daddy story for an hour ago?


Roll dubs and i’ll Post the link to it

Sure thing


yes please



does anybody got any stories?


rollin for dubs

rolling roll rolling

I used to spy on my sister quiet a bit


thinkin just a troll but still rollin for gold

great cums, saw it all.

any pics? ever get caught? was she hot

> be hippy kids in their 20s
> sis passed out on the couch after too much xanax, whoops
> 14yo niece pic related bouncing around in her pajamas, dancing to music, she clearly should've worn a bra
> she smoked her first ever joint earlier that day, we had a ceremony and all
> once I realized my sis was out for good I offered her molly
> talked her into it, had to pinky swear it won't just put her to sleep like mom
> easiest kept promise ever
> 1.5h later she's grinning like mad
> we're both enjoying her first roll, she bounces and giggles, i watch and laugh, she glows
> after a LOT of dancing she finally slows down, walks over to the couch and scoots up to me, resting her head against my chest
> she's sweaty and breathing hard, her mom's snoring at this point
> tells me how good she feels and how everything is awesome and have you noticed how amazing it feels to touch things like omg
> i grab vicks, tell her to put some under her nose, she does and starts grinning like an idiot
> ask her to sit up and turn her back to me, she looks puzzled but complies
> start massaging her shoulders, she sighs and insta-melts into my hands, she's butter
> hot, salty, delicious butter
> fumble around with her shirt, tell her it's in the way, she doesn't hesitate to remove it
> i want to bathe in her pussy so bad
> continue massaging her neck, shoulders, back, lower back
> my thumbs rest in her venus dimples as my lips touch her neck
> she gasps, i nibble, a slight moan escapes her
> my hands move to the front, tracing her body, i reach her breasts, her nipples are like pencil erasers
> she lets her head fall onto my shoulder, our mouths meet


rollin for dubs

cont please

wheres the link

yeah she was hot, I almost got caught once but managed to weasel my way out of it. She was a cheerleader. Used to love watching her wash her car in her bikini too.

damn. lucky fucker you are

go on, continue!

where is the cont?

go for the gold



going to need dis




seriously no dubs yet...


Damn it. Roll

Does anyone got anything?



God damn. Roll

rollin muthafuckin rollinn!!!

dubs get

Roll for the love of God

k roll


Roll for the love of Zoroaster


Roll motherfucker


the impossible task

Motherfucker. Roll





Congrats user, dubs have been checked reddit. com/r/wincest/comments/4wfvwd/text_myra_and_her_dad_part_1_rest_in_comments/


fake, but I dont care. she bitch hot af

got a couple caps but too lazy to post