Waifu thread

waifu thread

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I really need to practice more


If trips the next thread is a bikini thread

That's cute.



Bikini thread never


Hey, its pretty good though.
Sad Tomo is sad.



Claiming best girl.

That's cute.


Thank you
Playing Bf1. What's up?
Great. Had some bbq and ate crabs. We feasted


Sexy nigger




Fairies are more complicated to draw than I thought.



Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня



Kill yourself




I am so sorry for making everyone worry about me. I will be back on the thread soon, I promise.

They are. It takes a try or two to get a hang of it.

been a while since i last listened to explosions in the sky

No one gives a shit about you

Don't worry cute

draw your tits

Nothing really, Watching videos and failing at spriting


Thank you.

Well, I draw you one, so now I'll draw more at my leisure.

Not much to draw there.


No one likes you get out



>I'll draw more
I want to see those too!

samefagging this hard

Welcome back soonish then


best cute

Did you beat the final boss yet?

I hope your weekend is going well. Did you do anything fun today?

Yesterday I felt like finally actually listening to a Sigur Ros album. Then I got distracted by something else and just forgot about it.


like your mother

gay faggot

who lul


draw them!!!

Played a bit of league and met some cool dudes, then slept. Yourself?

Well now I've committed. I'll try to make time for more drawing, only way to get better, right?



it bothers me that you renamed the folder
which album were you thinking of listening to? and regardless of which it is, just do it

that sounds like fun. bootie packeck tho?


Meeting cool people while playing league? I'm told that's quite the accomplishment!
I'm about to head to bed, starting to feel tired.

i havent played MH, been playing Kingdom Come

all the internet women

Take care

I'm calling it now that mediator is a trap looking for orbiters

>Look at this offers, guys!!

everything is 0 if you steal it user

That's right! There's no level cap either.

Is it good?
Thinking about starting that 14-day trial thing soon-ish..

No shit

Heeey, you said "trap"?

u were friends with her like 2 weeks ago what happened lul

Yeah, that whole game was a meme. I was GP top lane running Arcane Comet against an aatrox. Sounds like a plan, hope you sleep well

Haha I messed that up autocorrect I meant bootcamp pay check
You know sprite art

no she's just an ugly whore
way too self centered to be a cute trap

Had none in mind, did you ever suggest one in specific? I'll end up checking the pics one by one and moving them to my folder with my organization, that one will be put in the "meme" subfolder.

Silly user, most traps are incredibly self-centered. Thats why theyre always massive attentionwhores

So what if she's a trap? She's still cute af.

i like it enough to spend nearly 24 hours on it
let's play together when you do

im orbiting you now

i got woke uwu
it annoyed me how she fishes for attention. "I wish Sono would stop talking to me... Sono i won't talk to you now" gets annoying after a week or two
at this point i probably am just looking for a reason to shitpost

Yeah, I know nothing of league, but sounds like you had fun, so I'm glad for you!



I'm sure there's a cap. I guess it's nice to share drawings too. I'm surprised people thought it wasn't terrible.


Takk... is probably my favourite
definitely has my favourite track (Glósóli) on it
i don't even know what other images would reside in that folder


Ah RIP. Night!

is she naked

Goodnight cute

She's wearing a shirt.

Ohhh! Can I see? Cause I can only make shit wallpapers lmao


nigger faggot

you know what i meant

Already deleted it it was an outline and I couldn't figure out proper proportions for the pixels, sorry

So.... no. No she is not naked.



Did I lose?

Hello, how are you?
