Bf left me because I didn't wanna become an escort and do coke with him...

Bf left me because I didn't wanna become an escort and do coke with him. I have a good job and never any run ins with the law, I wanted to stay a morally clean person and he couldn't hack it so he dumped me for a fucking escort with fake tits and I wanna kill myself

Also yeah I was born with a penis so there's that

you're cute and special. Be happy living with yourself and then find a true soulmate. Its possible. If you live in Toronto, I'll pound u

screw that guy. I'd date you. dont kill self

> Also yeah I was born with a penis so there's that

...well played, OP

Why should you kill yourself? Your bf has proved he doesn't deserve you. You'll find someone better. Cheer up!

Oh, and by the way, why don't you show me your cock?

He dumped me, I feel horrible

you and your boyfriend sound like a bunch of faggots

Forgot pic. Where will I find another man willing to accept me?

Whoops again

Well I'm a girl and he was the faggot

youre both fags and should kys

I know, but I wanna live. I wanna be a wifey and please a man. I got so much enjoyment from cleaning his place and cooking him dinner. Every guy these days just want mindless sex and to party, he said i was too commitment oriented

moar tits less dick

First of all, it's not your fault. Forget him!

You are pretty, and you have a nice cock. There are a lot of guys who are looking for a trans like you, many of them are interested in more than just an affair; I'd definitely court you. Just be patient, it'll be worth it. Good luck to you!

That's just another proof: He doesn't deserve you.

>trannies get white knighted, spoiled by guys and adored
>kinda feminine myself
>I should get on hormones
Well thanks Sup Forums for turning me trans

Well after what i went through it's hard for me to not think poorly of men, I really don't believe any of you are down to settle and start a family, those days are over

your bf was fucking a "girl" and you were fucking a guy, technically you're the complete faggot

anyway, moar cock pics pls

I’ll settle down with you so you can bang me with that dick every day

Show ass please?

Don’t insult the lady like that we’d all suck her dick

I understand your current feelings. But believe me, sooner or later you'll find somebody.

I'm more than just a sex object

Do you like art? Cuddling?

You are overwhelmed by emotions right now. I know it sucks but you must tough it out. Life is not fair sometimes, but a year from now you will most likely have another bf and be feeling much better about everything. The more time has passed the better you will feel. Good luck to you. Btw, I liked the second picture of you a lot.

You are wedding material. Sex is a part of every relationship, I'm sure you enjoy it just as much as I do. But at the end of the day we need more than physical satisfaction, we need true love.

Love cuddles oh my god I used to be glued to my ex. Love gaming and movies and music and mostly philosophy, my ex said deconstructing reality was boring ;_;
And I took him to a tool concert and he walked out half way, he liked childish gambino and that shit

god you ugly neckbeards really need to kill yourselves

Shut up when adults talk! Go back to your loli thread.

What games/movies?

You're into Tool? I already told you: You are wedding material!

I'd fuck you

pics please

OP, if you can, please surround yourself with a supportive close friends or family members, you're mostly going to find toxicity here...

I know break ups are rough but it sounds like he was a real shitbag and you're better off without. Things will get better.

thats adorable....MOAR! You are such a cute trap, i love it.

In California?

No friends, not a single one, I'm antisocial af. How do I make friends? I was home schooled btw

this is just sad that a trap wants to please a man whilst XX girls dye their hair blue, talk shit about us, and herd cats instead.

I'm str9 and I'm considering killing *my* self. Fuck this planet.

Wanna play some video games, what do you play?

I'm Socal, San Diego
only way I've been able to maintain friends is through Skype/discord. All of my friends I know irl have a discord server that we stay in p much daily

Unfortunately not, I'm in Germany. Otherwise I'd definitely want to meet and get to know you better.

find a shitty entry level job and start hanging with like minded people. Find people you like laughing with and try to hang out outside of work... invite people to movies, stuff like that. Try websites like meetup to find people who like the same shit in your area... or as a last resort, start adding people on here on steam or something and try online gaming and joining a guild or something. Might be hard and you'll probably fuck up alot because most home schooled people I know miss out on a lot of socialization... but try to keep an open mind and adapt

Damn, I'm in San clemente

Have a job, everyone hates everyone there regardless how hard people try to be nice. Don't want online friends, I want flesh and blood people to be my friends

If that really is you, you're a lil fuckin cutie

I'm in SD, more face pics?

I gotta go to sleep now, wish you all the best!

Well thing is, I'm 5'11"

same, good night :)

then you're gonna have to go somewhere with likeminded people, join some other kind of community. Find some group activity that you've always wanted to do, martial arts, dungeons and dragons, yoga, historical dancing or finger painting, just whatever weird shit tickles your fancy and show up and be you until you find a group you fit into.

Even better, I've always been into women taller than me.

did u read the post?

Well I like motocross riding and have a new bike but I doubt anyone of them are trans friendlyb

>tried to turn you like a trick

You misspelled pimp

I could see that being a difficult community to enter given that detail... but there are plenty of open minded people out there. I do hope you find a network of supportive friends though, gets harder to make new friends as we get older