This has nearly 500,000 shares

This has nearly 500,000 shares.
You mad white boi?




no, why would we, step mom has a beter ass

White bois btfo

You think step daddy aint gonna be hitting that soon white boi?

Poor black dude could only get someone else’s used trash. He’s literally raising someone else’s kid the cuck.


When you don’t got a kid of your own to abandon, so you find a single mom.

White bois on full blast. whole comments are basically saying white bois got little dicks lml. lots of white bitches in there too


no, hes busy with the gross ass bbw, which you can keep

Why are you posting this on Sup Forums? They have dedicated blacked threads up 24/7. Go to Sup Forums, despite being against the rules, mods will go after those who report your threads. Hell, you can post interracial porn and it will likely get taken down, but so will half the people who report it. Win/win. I hope this has been helpful.

The black guy is taking care of someone else's kid and banging a vag that pushed out a child. Who really won here?

"we dont want you back"

"pay the toll"



Who the fucks use 3 decimals in their dicksize?



That black man sure is good at taking a knee

there, i c wut u did

He’s taking care of some other peoples white kid. He’s a modern day mammy.

No he aint, he do nothing with the kid, he just give the white women BBC

A manmy....


That's why he's at a children's competition in the kids jersey.

mommy needed to show that bbc off

kneeling is a sign of submission.

I feel bad for black dudes. They have been emasculated by their own women and either turn to homosexuality, or overcompensate (ie muh dick).

It must suck to be thought of as completely worthless as fathers, providers, and as a man in general.

i can never tell which one of these are stormfgts droning up anger for recruitment and which are just truly people into the cuck fetish

>finally proof of a black man actually stepping in to be a father figure
>literally argueing for the nigger no-dad stereotype anyway

Like niggers can read a tape measure to 64ths of an inch.

What in the liberal shit is this? No one would let a nigger raise their daughter.

>It must suck to be thought of as completely worthless as fathers, providers, and as a man in general.

Stereotypes exist for a reason user

It's leftists 'sticking it to nazis'... They have admitted as much, many times. They seem to ignore that they are being both highly racist and highly misogynistic at the same time. But that's the modern left.

Sage it and hide.

>I feel bad for black dudes. They have been emasculated by their own women and either turn to homosexuality, or overcompensate (ie muh dick).

Maybe the Internet shouldn't be your main source of info when it comes to these things

>be white
>have white kid with your white wife
>get a new, probably younger, probably tighter, probably more eager to have sex, wife
>ex wife marries a nigger
>somehow im supposed to be mad

Black guy must be fucking the child for that pic to be controversial.

Exactly this. Seems like dad got the best deal. Why should "white bois" be mad when white men win such spectacular victories?

Why would the dude be upset? His new wife is a lot thinner.

Go figure, the Nigger goes for the porker.

>hurr black people have bigger dicks then whites
isn't racist
>hurr black people are less intelligent than whites
is racist

I hate this world

Why would I be mad? I'm not the one who has to smell that stanky ass nignog 24/7 and have to live with his chimp-like behavior all day.

just mad that i come to Sup Forums for bantz, tits, and fun and instead have to read this Sup Forums bait and faggotry.

kys plz