Non porn webums

non porn webums

i can't watch it i know hes gonna fucking die or something somebody just tell me what happens


His muscle snaps and runs up his arm.

the fucking title

I'm not entirely sure. It's not a gory rekt webm, but I think he got a cramp in his bicep

he turn himself into majin boo
look at his shirt

his arms get torn off

fucking pussy

Who's that I see in the background?

this is the most uncomfortable shit I've ever seen

In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

Are you a fuckinf idiot? His mucsle fibers tore dumbass.



Wow. Brotherhood and teamwork are a beautiful thing!

normally don't reply but both name and video made me lose it

That and not being paid by the hour.

pulling out a knife with a dozen other people surrounding him, is he fucking retarded?

to be fair tho, the nigger stench must have been unbearable


you're wrong too, It's his bicep tendon, not his actual muscle