They live in a country with black qts

>they live in a country with black qts
>they still DON'T have a black gf
explain urself

This is the average black woman I've seen in Norway.
Scratch that. The only black women.

Jap > Viet > Korean > Shit > Chink > Garbage and shit > White > no > black

don't like cities
that's where they are

This poster
is right. They generally are also rude, wilfully ignorant, smell and their hair isn't real.

>Go to parking lot

>See this

Wat do?

99% of them are fat as fuck and/or have manface

Most of them are ugly and smell like poo, they age poorly too.

>parking lot
>filmed in hotel

americans in general or just black americans ?

black american women

americans in general are 56% fat and have girly faces

dude just take a cheap trip to ghana. acra is super chill and safer than your shithole plus you'll get instant black qts thirsting for white cock

56% of black women here are obese it's the highest demographic.

no it's 99%

Most blacks here are Haitians and are ugly short fat girls, at least in my college. Generally speaking I just dont find black people attractive, especially black women. No racism intended of course they're just not my type.

holy shit join the KKK anytime you bigot

>no racism intended of course
Might as well just put a trigger warning in your post next time while you're at it.

>Xddd the epic nigger joke on Sup Forums its a website where we post memes xddd i dont give a f about racism xd

Pretty accurate. Most are fat, loud, and generally revolting. The few who aren't only date chad types(i.e. not you or anyone who browses Sup Forums)

a qt like that is either a golddigging whore, or has a lover alread, or both.
If I had one though, I think I would love to fuck her until I die from exhaustion and she has enough sperm in her ass and pussy, that the niagara falls look tame in comparison.

You sound like

But OP is actually a good reason to have a diamond dick


I need more ass and hips.
tits are nice, but the ass more important.

(Actually, more important than those is the soul, but find me a woman who has one.
And then one who is single.)