Batshit insane feminazis are giving out free sex toys because it's unfair 'men orgasm more than women'

Batshit insane feminazis are giving out free sex toys because it's unfair 'men orgasm more than women'


Who /participating/ here

I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.

If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.

There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:

> I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
> I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with

remember boys, you're to blame for the mass murders

I may regret this, but I'm gonna play my Jessinazi card early

How retarded can you be to come up with that

Theres a thing called the " orgasm gap" ???

Feminism is cancerous.

its funny because females have no limit with sex or orgasms and can literally go at it for hours if they wanted but males can only do it like 1-4 times a day and only getting one orgasm so obviously feminazi cunts have 0 logic

How bad i rip up my old lady sometimes really fucks up their stats

>legendary artifact

This is what happens when the leftist recruit and adopts insane bi-polar schizophrenic fruit cakes bitches in to their fold for their own gain.

They needs to be striped of political cuckolding power and tard-wrangled back into mental institutions.

>implying Sup Forums isn't like a potential school shooter breeding ground and that spree shooters aren't almost always insecure guys with chips on their shoulder about something

She's not completely wrong. Most school shooters are scrawny white with a lot of testosterone. Last one did beat his ex girlfriend

Bunch of incels in this thread. I guess every beta manchild has a right to be paranoid of the uprise of women. They're higher than theyve ever been.

Sup Forums is run by faggots. Sup Forums is even considering changing the name of random to faggots. Most of the teenagers trying to sound edgy are just plain ignorant. I wouldn't worry too much.

I'm not against feminism.

True feminist values are about treating others fairly and supporting people to exist outside of artificial binary stereotypes.

Radical feminism is about screeching like a lunatic, being offended by everything, and demanding that all people cater to their childish degree of emotional stability.

>this thread again
>every Saturday night for the past 7 years
OP I admire your persistence tbqhwu

>feminism is about equality


bitch is literally asking to be raped

If radical feminism is getting women to strip, masturbate, and fuck, then I'm all for it.


says the faggot. I am a 6 foot 6 thott pounding machine, created by the philosopher stone, in an ancient Egypt ceremony. You're just a manlet cuck that comes here for WWYD and BLACKED threads.