Is anyone else getting this bullshit whenever they try to post on Sup Forums?

Is anyone else getting this bullshit whenever they try to post on Sup Forums?

Trying to start a new thread results in this screen. I do NOT have this issue on any other board, only Sup Forums. Until tonight, I was able to reply to other people's threads but now I'm getting messages in the quick reply window saying my ISP is blocked.

The fuck is up with this shit? I would assume if I broke a rule I would be banned normally but I don't think an entire ISP range would be blocked for a single user's shenanigans, right?

It's just a (((coincidence))).

This should be done to all boards. I'm sick of all the America hating threads. Don't like America? Well then don't use Sup Forums

Fuck off cunt

Assuming b8 but kys regardless

Mods are shadobanning people like they do on Reddit.

You know to much...

I get that sometimes. Not sure how to fix it. I didn't commit a b& offense either.

Sup Forums has a tighter ban list because lots and lots more VPNs are used there to post under false identities, not just to avoid bans.


It’s because you were being a faggot.

>IP range banned
you did something to deserve it

Would resetting my router fix this?

Fuck Sup Forums
Your aware that almost all of the news sources on Sup Forums our fake

Sup Forums janitors are legendary for getting pissy over just about anything the slightly fucks with their worldview in the slightest way and have no qualms about wrongly panning anyone. Thay really are the epitome of "He does it for free"!

But how does an entire IP range get banned?

That is why they ban ip ranges and whole ISPs.

Yes. Not on my WiFi at home but on LTE when I’m not, has been going on for days.

Similarly, captcha has been being a real asshole to me recently too.
>click 9 boxes not click 7 more
Every fucking time.

No. Your range got banned. Sup Forums even bans ISPs if you were being a massive fag

Cool b8 faggot. Neck yourself.


If it’s your LTE it might not even have been your fault. Someone else in your range may have gotten banned and it’ll effect you too. My LTE works fine at my place but when I visit my gramps it won’t work. So some other fag in that range did it and now you’re fucked too.

Maybe the mods are trying to cuck us all again and are working with government and sjw censoring groups, either way, you can still go to 8ch and use their Sup Forums board. Warning: they're much worse than our Sup Forums.

Eh, sure, but for people with commie or just generally left proclivities there’s /leftypol/. Which is a great place to spy on antifa and see what they’re up to. I lurk on leftypol all the time for recon.

Getting even more annoyed I cant post with my VPN, I get it tho