
>File: odetojoy.jpg 1519535568312.jpg (705 KB, 1440x1080)File: odetojoy.jpg (705 KB, 1440x1080)


>sup nibba?

sup nibba.

>are you well...?
>i'll call you my light

you show up a lot now right... would you be interested in being my slave?...

slavery doesn't interest me. i would prefer to be on the same level. maybe we could both be each other's slaves?

>slavery doesn't interest me. i would prefer to be on the same level. maybe we could both be each other's slaves?

no fun. no fun. no fun.


forget it...

how come it's no fun?
and what purpose would i serve as a slave?

>how come it's no fun?
>and what purpose would i serve as a slave?

how come it isn't no fun?
and what purpose wouldn't you serve as a slave?

forget it.....

just asking...

don't worry about it...

let's say i am your slave
what is your first command, master?

love you chemo boi

i promise i'll be the best servant i can

>let's say i am your slave
>what is your first command, master?

...not hypothetically...


>love you chemo boi

...y-you too...

>i promise i'll be the best servant i can

nevermind... not hypothetically...

now that i think about it, aren't i already kind of your slave? i just can't stop coming back to you.

hi, chemo-chan
what makes you think there was love between us? we don't know each other
and probably never will
I'm sorry I was acting mean
but why would my actions and words matter?
we don't know each other
and never will



>now that i think about it, aren't i already kind of your slave? i just can't stop coming back to you.

yeah, but there's a difference between it being forced and wanting it...

it doesn't have to be hypothetical...
so, do you have many other slaves?
or could it be you have none?

I'm sorry you have to go through this...


i don't want to force anyone to do anything for me or spend time with me out of guilt or anything anymore if i'm doing that...

it's better that i'm alone...

there is no way i can know whether or not i want to be your slave unless i know what kind of master you are

i will be with you

even if you try and shrug me away

you are a kindred spirit, and i cannot help but feel drawn to you


don't feel like you're forcing me to do anything.
your aching heart is what draws me in.


when i read what you have to say, i can't help the urge to bring out the best in you. to help you smile again.

fuck off you shit talking faggot. nobody likes you.

tell me something I don't know

please understand... when i read between your lines, i see someone who is hurting deeply. sometimes i even see a little of myself in you.

i cannot help but feel that i want to share a bond with you.
is that so wrong?


there is not a single soul on this website that has resonated within my heart like yours has.

i am willing to withstand any pain you may cause me
because i know what's underneath is worth it

Here... Take...

you might think what i am saying is a bunch of sappy bullshit. please. think that all you want. it will not deter me.

i said this once and i will say it again
i am determined to crack open your shell to find the sensitive soul within

i completely understand any apprehensive feelings you may have toward me. they are justified, and i know that i am guilty of coming on a little too strong.



i mean it when i say that you are the ENTIRE reason why i choose to "work part time" for google instead of just lurking