

>you can deliver but only once

Other urls found in this thread:


anyone willing to draw a cute preggo?


Requesting tuba vore.

>imagine going to Sup Forums, literally known globally as one of the worst low-quality poorly moderated places on the entire internet, who's main audience is broken edgelords, sexual deviants, degenerates, incels and suicidal nobodies, and hopping onto a Sup Forums drawthread, one of the most poorly moderated and pointless drawthreads ever made, and expecting anything to be different.

requesting the greatest rapper alive as an animu boi

>Have you tried ignoring what's bothering you?
>Hey if you ignore cancer then it will go away.

>I heard they teach that technique in schools to help deal with over-fixation.
>revealing his own narcissistic tendencies

>The real question is, is this the best you can do?
>comeback is just a "no u are"

Come on. I want something challenging. Your arguments are just too easy to refute.

>he wants to socialize with somebody this badly

Haha uh oh



im so lonely


Requesting a gif of diva mizuki slapping her ass.
Something similar to this.

>diva mizuki references



>friend request rejected

>Requesting a gif

you havent blocked me yet so im gonna ask again friendo

I'll do it for a few hundred bucks.

oh god I just found my old art

I have a great idea

Why would someone talented spend 10 hours working on a gif for you?


Ouch.... I can see why you request rory lewds now sorry...

For the requester of this, i'm still working on it but might take some time, just letting you know.
You seem a little familiar tho since I think i've seen and done your requests from the same series but with different characters before.

if you're still here, can you repost that ref? need it for colours

You mean her?

boop, ty, also fixed jank arm in the back so that'll help


I bet Speedy, Abusefag, Chrishop & Vorefag are too.

fuck taith

np, it's you I should be thanking.

thats a nice mantinegirl

Requesting a BBW female Pinhead.

I'm better at coloring than drawing. But yeah, once I figure out how the hell to open PDFs I'll jump into some good ole /ic/ loomis.

Good at coloring you say well can you color something for me please?

oh, a fellow colorfag? What stuff have you colored if you don't mind sharing?


Judging by how slow i am , itll either take 2 days of consecutive pausing or never after showing you this

about the only Sup Forums related thing I can post, I haven't finished it yet because scribbie told me it was a sketch not meant for coloring. wasn't sure if that meant she was going to do a cleaned up version or that I wasn't meant to color it.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I can't wait to see the finished thingie when you're done. I know you can do it. You're totally /h/ tier material. Why you bumming about on Sup Forums drawthreads?
I can try but I'm using a mouse and doing my own things, but if you got something really interesting I'd love to see, I might do it now
>bumping a thread on Sup Forums on a sunday

Maybe because they are interested in my request.
If people are able to establish a big collection of multiple deliveries then that means that mine is not impossible either.

pffft, its mediocre at best. Not worth thanking for ;p but its good practice so meh
Thank you but as stated, its still pretty average.
>I'll get gud one day

Can you color this please?

Here a color ref for you kind rory

color ref?

alrighty let me give it a whirl

>scribbie told me it was a sketch not meant for coloring
Basically the texture of the drawing makes most color attempts come out as weird unlike a plain lineart drawing. IIRC scribble uses a lot of effects for her drawings (colored or not), so attempts to color over them wont be optimal unless you have the original file. Think a drawing made with grayscale/black, grey and white instead of just lineart.
Though for what you got so far I think it's pretty good! I say trek on with it.

Take your time on it too

Because this is the only place ill get to enjoy with others.......or maybe im too scared to try new things

dont be scared of trying new things. you don't wanna become the next vorefag do ya?

Ah yeah, that could be the problem. Everything has a yellowish haze to it on multiply layers

REQUEST Challenge:

I would love to see how a lewd NEET Milf would look like or in what perverted scenarios she could be involved. You are free to choose any Milf you want or come up with your own design.

>bonus points if it is a scenario involving Sup Forums or a specific board in some way

Goddamit the get was so close!!!

What could go wrong if i do?

Some drawfags draw this wonderful person, please




Thank you so much for drawing it drawfag. :)

just.. use a photo editing app or something

Should I post a WIP? I'm not realy so sure myself

yeah man WIPS daily, threads slow anyway why not

/r/ing Gwenpool in a shirt that says "TRAP" on it

Alright. It seems the OR is away, maybe he fell asleep because i was so slow.
I guess i'll take my time.


das gud sidhe

Any drawfags out there with a CINTIQ or anything fancy?
Would you recommend it?


Don't die pls

my roommate has some huion graphics tablet with a display, he seems to like it

Yo man, whatcha doing?

OR here, this is great stuff!
I came by at just the right moment. Thanks Zero!

she so cute tho
good job sore

I have a Huion gt190s
I really love it.

it me day


hap birth

Happy B-Day Magik!

Party time!

I'm þrawing as well! What an odd coincidence, by Jove.


You’re one of my favourite drawfags if I’m honest and I genuinely wish you a happy birthday

Assemble drawfags and give me your avatars. I promise to tale sweet care of them.

New and dead are accepted

bee girl that was requested. thought it was cool so her you all go.

have you day

Hope you're feeling better.


what's þrawing?


Nice bee ya got there. I would make babies with her.


Ya like Jazz?

thank you so much guys!
i have reached the age youtube.com/watch?v=K7l5ZeVVoCA

I feel pretty well right now! thank you


dis gud
dis gud too
dis also good
dis also also good

dang good artists making my art look bad :(

>here is your mantine girl i guess idk

hey i reached it last month
i forgot you were younger than me
feels weird man

What's their names?

Could I trouble you to do this one by chance? Your art style is so cute
You could do it super simple and uncolored and I'd still love it, but feel free to tell me to fuck off anyways

no proble, hope you have more years ahead of ya!

Good to hear, it would suck to be ill on your own birthday.


My connection broke completely for 3 hours so I spent time doodling her in my sketchbook.
Happy you day, Magik. Well wishes.