Why are Croatians such mama's boys?

Why are Croatians such mama's boys?

why would i move out? give me one good reason why should i at 20 years move out of comfy mom house

you gotta love moms

That's a tad embarrassing desu

It's literally just because they're poor.

Now that we're steadily getting poorer too, more and more people are staying with their parents here too.

If you're in debt because your parents refused to pay for your college and housing to teach you "financial responsibility," know that you are descended from retards.

Croatians are not poor

Croatians are very poor by Western standards and their economy has been dead for like a decade. It's actually sad to see the utter stagnation in their economy continue and continue with no stop.

>Croatians are not poor
kek, is this some kind of a joke?

I am Croatian.

>grown men and women still living with mommy
lmao @ their life

>American education

>that huge male/female gap in Bulgaria

Hmmm I wonder where they went

Why do boys stay at their family homes while girls leave?

They get married. Is this a srs question?

cus whores can go to random successful dude they meet and have 80% of seducing him, and therefore convincing him to living together
and males are expected to work and be individual

>girls can ride achmeds dick to live in his social house
>girls can get a job much easier than men in Western Europe

you can make money with pussy

>paying huge ass monthly rent to some greedy investors when you can live at home for free with minor inconveniences
Yeah good goyim, do that

italian colonialism

Based dalmatians

20-21 is the ideal age to move out

>minor inconveniences

Not every family is Prussian.

I wanna fucking die already.

Does your family oppress you? Poor boy :(

this is true
this is not true