Russia hacked the election. Prove me wrong

Russia hacked the election. Prove me wrong

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how about you prove yourself right instead retard

Make me

Your move

"High confidence in a judgement does not imply that the assessment is as fact or a certainty; such judgements might be wrong"

From your own source

Fucking retarded faggot

Even if we assume that is 100% true, then it doesnt matter. They didnt fabricate stories. Hillary really was being investigated for having an email server she wasnt supposed to store government emails on. There really was something shady going on with the democratic party’s presidential nomination vote. The clinton foundation really is a shady entity that doesnt make her look good in the slightest. Her health was declining during the last leg of the election. Even if russia created buzz about these issues, they are still real issues that maybe the traditional media outlets should of covered more.

Every time I hear about this its a different story
First, it sounded like they tampered with the voting machines somehow
Then it was them releasing Democrat emails or whatever to wikileaks
Lately I've heard that they supposedly used twitter bots and online trolls

> Hillary really was being investigated for having an email server she wasnt supposed to store government emails on

No, she wasn't

>There really was something shady going on with the democratic party’s presidential nomination vote.

No, there wasn't

Russia is the only reason why Hillary lost. Get over it, snowflake

Holy shit you cant even fucking read
You proved yourself wrong with your own "proof"

So you disagree with the assessment of the CIA, FBI and NSA? Tin foil hat faggot

You liberals are really nasty. You really want an old sick woman to rule US? What next? Fag president or a nigger?... oh... wait a sec...

She was being investigated user? She wasn’t convicted of any crime, but she was investigated. It didnt help her cause that some intern “accidentally” deleted a huge chunk of emails.

And there was something going on with the primary elections. I don’t think Berny would have won, but if you cant see that he got snubbed hard by his own party then i dont know what to tell you user.

>Russia is the only reason why Hillary lost
I'm sure..

You still are incapable of reading, still...

> I don’t think Berny would have won

Bernie would have demolished Trump. 90% of Americans agree with him on policy issues, whereas Trump can't even maintain the same policy position for more than 1 day. Plus, Bernie would have WRECKED him in debates

Liberals only care about labels. Litterally aristocrats who believe hardwork and merit are privledge.
Theyre going to keep pushing this far leftist bullshit until someone snaps and right wing authoritarianism looks far less evil.

>snubbed hard by a party he joined at the last second instead of running as a third-rail like usual and didn't get the votes or money that Hillary was getting.

Maybe. Hillary wrecked him in the debates as well user. The media honestly tried their hardest to sideline trump the whole time. Who doesnt remember every media outlet repeatedly saying that every poll had Hillary demolishing Trump?

> Hillary wrecked him in the debates as well user

Did you watch the debates? Hillary kept touting platitudes like "I'm for good things and against bad things", whereas Bernie actually stuck to the policy issues. Plus he got a standing ovation for 10+ minutes while Hillary got only 30 seconds of applause

Yes, he was a late joiner. The problem is that the party snubbed a likeable guy like Bernie for a polarizing if nothing else candidate like Hillary. Not many people are middle ground with her, most love or hate her. Barrack did so well because he was likable.

Toss on all the forced “she should win so we can have the first female president” and Bernie never stood a chance at winning the prinary.

i get more and more annoyed with this story because retarded journalists have no idea what hacking is

Thats the thing though user, Even though she gave shit answers the media at the time ran it off as she demolished him by just letting trump talk and be himself. who doesnt remember the clip they played the hell out of where Trump said something borderline retarded at a debate with her and she just smiles like a parent does when a kid says something retarded and you cant be asked to correct him because its not like they will listen anyways.

>Hillary wrecked him in the debates as well user.
no she didnt
all i remember is her ultra haughty attitude and that stupid over confident laugh she did constantly
she never actually said anything impactful, just a bunch of 'no u' and "im great because im a career politician"

No they didnt
The russians used their contacts with the ice wall people, THEY rigged the election

why is this faggot always smiling


Good thing Americans don't fall for corporate media BS. I think most Americans would agree that Bernie won the debates, regardless of Hillary worship in the media

did they steal your vote? your friends? neighbor? anyone?

The voting block do user. The elderly and the boomers who make up the largest voting blocks do very much so fall for corporate media.

Oh wow, another Russian shillbot thread

I was at the Democratic caucus for my state. I stood in line and talked to the voters. The people who voted for Bernie were well informed on the issues and passionate about enacting change, while the Hillary voters didn't quite know why they were there, except that Hillary was the chosen one.

They separated the Bernie and Hillary folks into two rooms to count the votes. The Hillary room consisted of a few elderly folks who were shipped over from the local retirement home. They hadn't a clue why they were even there.

The Bernie room was active and filled with talk about making the country a better place. These were people who genuinely cared about their neighbors. America needs to wake the fuck up and realize that politicians who get their funding from corporations AREN'T the answer

>but people saw their memes though...
it that or admit they're stupid

no need to. Hillary and her supporters were that annoying that even moderate people voted for trump. and your system of the electoral collega is broken by design. you should get a new one.

But they did user. Trump wasnt backed by corporations, his whole campaign was built on him funding himself. As to if he really did it or not, thats moot. He ran his election like Tony Stark would, like he has the money to burn and the charisma to sell it.

The media war on russia is boring af.

Trump's entire life is one big corporate sellout, you retarded faggot

Because he's the greatest person on earth

Yes, lets have the big cities on the coasts decide who gets to be the president for all the rest of the country. Is the electoral college perfect? No. Is it better than not having one? Yes. An easier fix is states have to split their total electoral votes based on the popular vote of the state. By that I mean by example california. To say no republicans live in the state is false. But if you are a republican living i. california your vote doesnt matter because all of californias electoral votes were for the democratic party. This happens to both sides and it sucks.

Stop throwing a tantrum user. Im stating a fact that he ran his campaign like that. So saying people shouldnt vote for people backed by corporations is what happened. Trump ran his campaign as he is funding himself unlike Hillary.

Trump didn't entirely self-fund his campaign, though. I've done a bit of research on the topic and it looks like about 60% of his contributions were from individual donations, while the other 40% were from PACs or wealthy elites associated with PACs.

To put this in perspective, 99.8% of Bernie's donations were individual contributions of less than $15

You're proofing wrong. If you make the claim you have to provide the proof.

Example: OP is a faggot. Proof? Look at the OPs post

It's called winning user

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which election? and different countries have been sabotaging elections in other countries since the inception of "elections", get with the times.

new thread

>it's those darn ruskies i tell ya

Sure thing grandpa.

Nigga, Russian government is barely able to "hack" elections in my country. Hell, if we actualy did it - I will be fucking impressed.

t. Russian

*Interfered, not hacked. Still important though.

OP is a faggot

Prove me wrong

- Halo 3