

throw a molotov at it


do a barrel roll

Watch in disgust

Hot, post the castration ones

I don't have anything like that. I just have some of her enjoying delicious fruits and vegetables.





fucking OUCH what the fuck


Sometimes a kitten needs to make sacrifices for money.


Yeah, the lizard doesn't know they're not eggs. Lizards gotta eat.

As demonstrated by:


Give kitty the succ

What, and get a mouth full of maggots?

Anything for slut cat

>would you

What do you think Sigrid is doing in this one? Getting all of those maggots out so the poor kitten can pee.


I want to help drain those melons


Savor the flavor

The streets of Kvatch can be unforgiving for an orphan, especially for a Khajiit kitten. Cold and hungry and without a soul to help you... Luckily, Katia is always happy to help her own... And so, while walking away from Sigrid's, naked, penniless, and without a belonging in the world, she couldn't help but stop when two little Khajiit orphan girls started to beg her for food. She wanted so badly to help them, but she didn't know how. At least, she didn't know how until she saw the jagged shard of broken glass on the ground. "Hold on little ones. I'll get you some food." she assured as she picked up the glass. She steeled herself for a moment before SLICE, cutting away her fat, prideful testicles in one quick motion. She held them out for the girls, but when they began to laugh Katia couldn't help but cry. "Hahaha! I can't believe she fell for it!" one said as they both ran off... Katia was shocked as she stood there with her balls in her hand. At least she herself wouldn't go hungry that night.

I'd gobble them up





More pee.
