Serious question. Do you actually like all those women nowadays under inches of make up, false lashes...

Serious question. Do you actually like all those women nowadays under inches of make up, false lashes, low cut tops and worse of all fake tits? I sometimes think I'm alone in preferring a sweet innocent woman with natural attractiveness (photo for example of such)

go suck on a chink micropenis already you weeb faggot

no I totally agree with you
I prefer natural beauty over 'fake beauty' - which I wouldn't even find attractive at all

I'm bi but I like women who aren't caked with makeup (I don't mind some but going overboard is just upsetting), I'm not a fan of most piercings, tattoos, exposing every body part possible.

Slavic girls still continue showing some traditional values at least

you sound like a dick. OP said serious question. OP: actually, those "fake" women you see around, they are pretty sexy, and looking at them makes me go hard. the girl in your photo though, sweet as she is, wouldn't make me hard. love her tits though, pretty big for an asian

nice to see someone who isnt blinded by make up. what do you think of the girl in my post then, too unattractive?

im seeing a chick now who likes to put on a bunch of makeup, but I personally like it when the night out is over and she takes it all off and has nothing on. nothing is more beautiful than waking up to someone and having them be excited to see you in the morning.

so to answer your question, both are "attractive", but nothing beats natural lol

how about OP's chick? she looks like shes got big tits maybe thats why she has no make up LOL. bet she get enough cock without make up

I'm just not really into asian girls, I find them a tad overrated and I have different tastes at different times
recently I've been into latina girls

OP, your cock is a slut pretending to be sweet. C'mon man, look at her set of tits... she's getting fucked. ALOT.

who gives a shit as long as my dick gets hard i could care fucking less.

no fake tits though. just no.

the tits in OP's chick is definitely fake... no asian chick has E cup tits like that. no way.

kek if you think this is natural

no it's not natural but it's not an overload of makeup either

no less natural than the fake tits in OPs post, if you're OP.

Well it depends on the girl. If she has a great attitude and she's cute then she's a knockout for me. But if she's cute but annoying id prefer a hot girl (make up and shit). Either way, unless she's the first one she aint getting my baby

think OP's chick is getting plenty of babies alrady... massive rack.

not OP
true, but those lip fillers are so hideous to me

so OP, are those tits in that girl fake or not? they look like E cups to me, so im betting fake. SLUT>

looks fake to me. big tits.

I did say I don't mind some make up

anyone else think OP is deluded in thinking that girl in his post is "sweet"? check out her massive tits man.

Harriet Sugarcookie. Look it up.

that isnt harriet sugarcookie you dick. this looks like some random asian chick with unusually large tits that OP think is innocent. bet shes been fucked like a slag.

nice tits! i think i know her.

sorry OP but THIS is the kind of body that turns me on. anyone else?

+1. fucking A body.

you need a woman who is beautiful without makeup, but knows how to look good with makeup - that is the key

OP here. so is she beautiful without make up? sweet or not?

>saggy tits turn me on
It takes all kinds, user.

her tits arent saggy you prick. what size you think they are then?

No, but they like it, and we put up with it.

So lips like pic related are hideous as well? even tho they're natural?

also, checked