What kind of exotic pet would you have if you won the lottery Sup Forums?

What kind of exotic pet would you have if you won the lottery Sup Forums?

I'd like to have a lynx or a bobcat. Lynx are cooler looking, but I've heard bobcats make better pets. Either one I figure gives you a pet with a solid cool factor without the problems of having something that can murder you like a lion or tiger.

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cheetah, hands fucking down
size of a large dog
gentle as a house cat
can still meow

Cheetah would be pretty awesome. Might be harder to provide the right environment for it unless you lived somewhere pretty warm to begin with though.

A bear by and large.

A male bear that I would teach how to make sweet love to me

Lynx all the way. Check out Max: youtube.com/watch?v=lKJkKnaImic

Lol, i was actually gonna say that after stating the animal


That's adorable but it really sucks that you pretty much have to declaw large cats to make them safe enough to handle

I wouldn't want a wild animal that could kill me. I wish we had domesticated bears though.

Lynx aren't all that big though. Even the larger siberian lynx is only like 40 lbs.

A sloth because they're so chill


>my first time... when see a glitch

Having an otter would be pretty cool, but you'd really have to have a couple because otherwise you'd never be able to play with it enough. Maybe an ostrich. They can kind of play fetch, and it's big enough to pull you around on a skateboard. Imagine skating to the convenience store for another bag of chips with your ostrich. That'd be neat.

2 T-I-G-E-R-S
One Bengal
One white


"His carers would like to stress that he is NOT declawed. They explain: “During the winter he weighs 40 pounds and in summer about 34 pounds. He has about 4 inches of fur in this video which makes him look fat….I mean fluffy!"

A big outdoor caged environment for chimps our closest relatives. Teach em human things and start the ape revolution

Genetically modified chameleon so that it lives longer than me.

My old one died. Feels.


An armadildo

Cheetahs are legal in California. Don't need to win the lotto for it

I'd dress up as batman for Halloween and unironically put a chained leash on a girlfriend in her underwear and go out clubbing.
