Sleeping slut thread. What do?

Sleeping slut thread. What do?

draw face on face

fuck her mouth

tuck her in and kiss her forehead

draw on her face with your dick

Show ass


>my first time... when see a glitch


wholesome rollsom

You kissless folk obviously don’t understand the concept of how an actual person works. That would clearly wake her

Post something new instead of the same old shit day after day.

Its a con dude, theyve been doing this for ages. Shipping will be like $26. Watches are shit cheap to make.

You what? Clearly a new thread, same girl.

same fucking shit. does nothing.

Amazing that in the winter she doesn't notice the lights on and the cold air on her body and just sleeps right thru it while OP apparently pulls off her underwear. This is such bullshit.

Or, it could be the 10 or so g&t’s that she’s consumed, knocking her right out? Dick

Same god damned pictures, same god damned story, day after day.

Literally isn’t?

And her shirt changed

show tits ya big fat phoney

She’s laying face down in a sweater, not that easy pal

I'm chuckling at the fact that she apparently changed shirts between pics.