Check out my new watch, faggots

Check out my new watch, faggots.


Yeah, thought so.

Look at your fucking wrist!!! Eat a salad dude

Nice bling gramps, how'd goodwill treat u today?

Fell for it.

This is a bait thread, don't reply to this bait thread

Don't call me gramps you muslim-loving millennial.

>don't reply
You mean just like you did?'re so dumb.

>you're so dumb.

Hebrew nigger loving communist peice of shit

Jews > mudslimes
Deal with it, achmed abdul el-jihad.

Of a fake watch? hahahaha!

A fake seiko would cost as much as an original seiko you egghead.

>still using a watch in the 21st century

What, watches for $0?

where did this stupid shit start?

Your mom's basement, just like you.

I can have one for 20$. Hahahaha!

In faggotland i think.

your wrist is like some chorizo

Only 20 bucks? Wow, you're only 4 blowjobs away from a cool watch.
Go get them, champ.

Your mother pays me more than $5 m8

We are deep into it now

My mother pays you to get blowjobs?
My mother is not a trans"woman". You probably thought of your own """mom""" there, mate.
No hard feelings tho, you probably have a hard time anyway with your two Dadmoms.

Why would you put a watch on a burrito?

It looks like it's stopping your blood from flowing.

How do you like your yellow watch, hmmm? Can you clearly read how little time you have left on earth? hmm?

Too lazy to type the whole thing?

It caan tel thee taim it caaan, i tell u it caan, it certainly kaan tell thee taym it does. neu! fuk yeuw! fuk yeuw meuther end yeuw feuther, you caant hew it neuw fuk yeuw. This watch is certainly mine

Obviously yes.

This is clearly bait. Nevertheless, you should kill yourself. Shit tier bait

No, you just did.

nice watch man, good job

>you should kys
Reported for Internet-bullying.
A clear case of criminal behavior on my board.
Enjoy your time in jail, faggot.

Oh no you're gonna call the interwebz sheriff?

Stop right there criminal scum.
I'm officer kekinski,
what's the problem here?
Nigger on the run, faggots watching lolicon or Internet-crime?