ITT: We hate all atheists

ITT: We hate all atheists

Why tho

How dare they not believe in the same thing i do, the same way that every other religion doesn't believe the same thing i do.

Absolute madmen. That's all i can say.

Somebody is mad

Why do you hate babies OP?

Are you retarded ?

No. Answer the question.


I can't hate babies since babies aren't a athiests. Babies brain is not developed enough to even understand the concept of athiesm

Kill yourself christfag

>the belief
They are though. They don't believe in gods.

stfu op

>glitched prices!!!! nons

Not believing in gods doesn't make you a atheist. Atheist is a person who believes that there is no God (Or gods) and that there is no afterlife. You can not believe in God and not be a atheist because you for example believe in afterlife.

>Not believing in gods doesn't make you a atheist.
Literally the definition.
> Atheist is a person who believes that there is no God (Or gods) and that there is no afterlife.
>You can not believe in God and not be a atheist because you for example believe in afterlife.

Oh no, its retarded


Learn English.

I don't think user knows what an atheist is.

Hahaha, you are clearly a mad butthurted atheist that somebody got a Faith and you don't have it. Cry some more, faith-cripple, haha.

Atheist is a one who doesn't believe in any higher power such as God or afterlife

No, I'm just wondering why you hate babies.

Like babies.

you're fucking retarded

Baby don't understand yet idea of atheism or theism, baby is most likely a agnostic

>Not believing in gods doesn't make you a atheist.

No, that's exactly what it does.

Then explain me why native africans who don't believe in monotheistic idea of God and believe only in spirits aren't a atheists

Yeah kid, tell it to your mom when she will wash your head

You don't have to understand something to be something. All agnostics are also either theist or atheist.

If you believe in spirits but you do not believe in gods, you are an atheist.

You are now stand against teaching of your god richard dawkins. He clearly said that there are a agnostics who are complety between theism and atheism

No wrong. Atheist truly believe in absence of god. You can't say THERE IS NO GOD, or THERE IS GOD. You just can't, deal with it. All your views are just another fallacies.

Because what ? Because you say so ? These people don't identify as atheists

Good thing I don't think Dawkins is a god. He gets things wrong. There is no magical middle ground between theism and atheism.

>No wrong
Yes wrong.
>Atheist truly believe in absence of god.
>You can't say THERE IS NO GOD, or THERE IS GOD.
People can. Atheists don't need to.
>All your views are just another fallacies.

>Because what ? Because you say so ?
>These people don't identify as atheists
There are also men who don't identify as men.

No it's not.
>People can. Atheists don't need to.
Why? because atheist know it already? But you know like nothing about yourself, your mind, your fucking feelings, what you can know about universe, galaxies, or even this planet?

You are retarded.

>No it's not.
Yes it is.
>Why? because atheist know it already?
No. Because atheists don't need to believe either of those things.
>But you know like nothing about yourself, your mind, your fucking feelings, what you can know about universe, galaxies, or even this planet?
u wot m8?

Not an argument.

You didn't presented any argument too

Then why you believe in everything that he says ?

I have.

Clearly I don't.

You guys don't need to believe, I got it. So maybe you don't need to dream? Or maybe there is no need to feel the deep feelings, because it's all unexplainable, so it's must be made up by fucking believers huurrrr

Which one ? Explain me why everyone who doesn't believe in monotheistic abrahamic God is a atheist


>Explain me why everyone who doesn't believe in monotheistic abrahamic God is a atheist
I never said that. However, everyone who doesn't believe in any gods is an atheist, because that's the definition.

Dreaming and feelings are natural biological functions.

di}o you consider yourself a christian?
if so, why would you hate anyone? that's the less chrity thing to do.
Mark 12:31: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

What you mean by definition of God ? Because for example Greek gods wasn't fully omnipotent, they could be killed for example

Don't you know that your body can't dream and feel without a soul? I know it for a fact because I've lost my soul for a couple of hours once. Yes, there is no afterlife, you are who you are right now, all your thoughts, views etc, but you're like nothing without your soul - a supernatural engine that makes you FEEL.

No, i'm not a christian, i'm a Agnostic. I just hate all these godless pieces of shit that want to create a communist society without Whites and christianity

you have to be really stupid to even consider posting post this meme.

Can you prove that there is no afterlife ?

>What you mean by definition of God ?
It's up to the individual. What matters is if you consider something a god or not. If you do, and you believe it exists, then you're not an atheist. If you don't, and/or you don't believe it exists, then you're an atheist.

You are really butthurted, aren't you ?

>Don't you know that your body can't dream and feel without a soul?
I don't know that, no.
>I know it for a fact because I've lost my soul for a couple of hours once.
Prove it.

There is afterlife, but it's like a reborn and not some heaven and shit. You are who you are right now in this body, your body will die and so you are, your personality etc, but your soul-engine will go on.

Great. I just wanted to make a good thread but bunch of nasty kids come here and started to make endless argument battle aganist AHHHHH EVIL RELIGION, AHH THEOCRACY !!!!111

Dude. What drugs are you taking ?


I know. Its butthurt, kid

2000 years ago there was a Jew who can do magic

Then he died and came back to life and flew away into the sky. He also became invisible

The invisible flying Jew is still up there watching what you do

I'm just telling you how it will be, nothing unusual here

Time to grow up.
Atheists are a godless, moralless pieces of shit that hate everybody who dissagrees with them and want to create perfect communist society where niggers kills innocent Whites, where fags fucks on street and where pornography hurts innocent

You are weird

>because it's all unexplainable,
again; DUDE, WHAT.
you have no clue what you are talking about. dreams and feelings unexplainable? just make a simple google search, they are perfectly explained by science, it´s not some magic gift from a fairy.

Can you atheists prove that there is no God ?

Join the master race.

Can you theists prove that there is a god?

Just try it for yourself. Be an aggressive atheist, always be drunk and always think that you're the one who is right, and then your soul will got tired of all this and show you how it's all really are. No gods, no masters, and no atheist bullshit either. Buddhists are the most close people to the truth.

>google search
>implying wiki or google will explain feels

nah, just amazed at the level of stupidity some people can reach.
the butthurt only starts when someone that stupid gets to a power positin and tries to impose their views on me.

Yes yes. Lets start genocide of christians. Once we get rid of these God-loving parasites we will be free and able to create communist society.

>always be drunk
No wonder you have problems.

Yes yes. Lets call christians stupid. All in the name of AAHHH GREAT SCIENCE AND OUT LORD RICHARD DAWKINS. And this meme isn't wrong. Its actualy really true. Atheists got a belief that everything come from big bang, God doesn't exist and that we live only once


>I know it for a fact because I've lost my soul for a couple of hours once.
you made a pact with the devil, right? did you enjoy beeing a guitar hero those two hours?

Cheap troll, nigga

There is no devil. My soul just wanted to show me something, something really REAL. And I learned a lesson


The devil is all our own personal greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.

Prove it.

I can't, how can I? Maybe I'm lucky to know this, maybe it's fully opposite. Because every person live in believe, some believe in afterlife and paradise, some believe in nothing. But me? I know what will be and that's just sad, because I know for a fact once again that me, myself, my personality and everything is just temporary, it's just... nothing actually. When I die everything will die with me

i don't think there is any god, but i'm a really conservative person in terms of economy and culture.
i'm not a racist, but i just don't feel attracted to color women.
i don't hate religious people at all, but it really annoyes me if any religious ideology is forced into legislation.

i don't hate anybody, and i learned to be this way studying philosophy, sociology, biology and from the examples of my atheists parents, who where great persons.

sometimes i feel that i behave more like a christian that most christians do.

>always think that you're the one who is right
you mean like a christian?

Are you mentally retarded?

Are you butthurted, fedora wearing faggot

>I can't, how can I?
Exactly, so there's really no point to you saying any of this, because I have no reason to believe you.

Waaaah! Someone doesn't believe in our invisible sky man!

Retards < 4 < Retards

>implying assigning equal probability isn't retarded

I'm not even an atheist but your picture was pure garbage. Atheists do not believe in what is written there.

You don't need to believe me, why would you even believe someone from the user website? I'm just saying that I know, take it as you want to

"There is a god" ~retard
"There is no god" ~retard

End of story

Okay, I take it as nothing. A pointless waste of time, which considering we're on Sup Forums is fair enough.

"There is a god" ~retard
"There is no god" ~retard
"There is an equal chance of god or no god" ~retard


>"There is an equal chance of god or no god" ~retard

Never said that. Kill yourself

Hurr durr >God's existence or non-existence is equally probable