Here's a little question backed by "some" of my recent paranoia...

Here's a little question backed by "some" of my recent paranoia, how much electricity would it take to kill any ammount of people within a pool the size of pic related, like it becomes an instant death as soon as youre in it?


10 units of electricity should cover an Olympic sized pool

So in any situation, i can safely say that if it happens its intentional? i dont think that many can happen on accident

Despite much urban legend water is actually a decent electrical insulator.... rather, its a poor conductor.

You would need HV to make an entire pool a death trap. Supply voltages 110/240 would make a death zone only a couple of metres around the electrode.

Thats for clean water, but the pool water is full of all sorts of chemicals n piss n dead skin, doesent it make an impactfull difference?

HLS will be visting you soon
Op Muhammad if a fag goat fucking pussy

would this do it?

You are right... but nah. Doesnt improve conductivity that much. Water is still a shit conductor.

Yes. But it will trip the breaker

Im glad that its so, i had a dream someone threw a toaster into a pool and everybody died so i got spooked lol


Bioshock lied to us.

Please cyberpolice, backtrace that. He gonna dungoof and consequences will never be the same again.

probably easier to pour 500ml of LSD in the pool

Im gonna drop in an electric guitar, electroboom style and everyone will fry


It'd break down before it did anything worth while.

I am pretty sure a toaster in the bath is not a define kill. You need to get between the love quite and where it wants to go. I've don't think about in a swimming pool would kill everyone. Maybe a lightning strike might take out a few.

>step 1; procure candiru fish
>step 2; put inna pool
>step 3; laugh at normies with fish in penors

Keith Richards have done that 8625367 times and all its' done is making him immortal and have funny hair.