Hey Sup Forums I'm drinking alone and approaching drunk

hey Sup Forums I'm drinking alone and approaching drunk.

Ama. Literally anyting.

Is the pic you?

What are you doing right now?

Why are you a faggot?

no, it's my friend holding a bible, a goon sack, and a picture of jesus as well as wearing a WWII american paratrooper helmet
browsing Sup Forums, deciding whether or not to have a smoke
idk maybe because i'm an atheist

I have this itch on one of my testicles it’s been there for roughly 3 weeks now (no rash or abything) I wanna go docs to get it checked but I’m scared i might go erect when they are examining it. Plus I feel uncomfortable telling them this issue

Any suggestions op?

Why do you think anybody gives a rat's ass?

sure! I'm actually a med student and I've heard doctors tell me about this a lot. Honestly, every doctor has experienced it, so it doesn't really matter to them.

What I recommend is jacking off 2x more than usual before you go, that way chances are you won't have a boner. Also, try to put your mind somewhere else.

Regardless, they won't care.

because you're still asking a question :)

go smoke a then come back a post a pic of your tits

What exactly are your drinking? How much do you have?

how many fingers can you stick up your bum?

I'm a dude, don't have titties unfortunately. I would otherwise whore myself on Sup Forums for sure.
good old "Hanoi Vodka" cheap as shit here in Vietnam.
Not sure. probably one, I have very big fingers.

havent slept since yesterday, what time should i go to sleep to recover by 630am.

>Not sure
try it out. post results

what time zone are you in? not exactly sure what time it is where you are.

Miss me with that gay shit, not drunk enough.

it is only gay if you enjoy it
now ram those fingers up your cheecks boi!

thanks for the laugh user. Needed it tonight.

how many drinks does it take for you to get drunk?

around 7 standard drinks

eastern , almost 1pm here

Around 7pm should be okay. Don't sleep too early because you'll wake up and not be able to sleep and just fuck yourself over.

Stay awake until 7 then hit the sack.

What are you? His faggot dad? Stfu


keked a little. Thanks (OP)