Post the worst image you have on your computer

post the worst image you have on your computer





Muh woodlouse




I have no fucking clue why I saved this

Is that Jimmy DeSanta?


Bird is a cuck.










Don't want to get banned.


Bird is a voyeur. He'd be a cuck if he was in a relationship with the tower


I want you to, don't let me down bro


lovely midgets!




what is that?

Snail tongue

Still jerking to straighten white porn. He's actually not that low on the totem pole.

damn Chris Christie looks like shit




thats a hard one

I'd like to, but this is modern day Sup Forums, it's owned by a Japanese nigger who can't suck enough corporate dick.

















>wtf? bugged prices!!?


Is it true?

He'd have to beat the women off with a stick if those
spines/tentacles were on top of his tongue instead
of underneath.


I can be cuter girl than this

yeah but why tho


It's not very hard.





Shoulders: 100cm
hips: 89cm
waist: 69cm

Yea... i think I can be a girl


Fuck off shill




Angry midget is reptilian confirmed

who is she again?



What does this mean? More like these?



It means exactly what it says: You gave everyone cancer you faggot







why the fuck is this so funny


i have a few


nice fucking feet


I didn't come here to feel user

