It's only in USA we can see that ?

It's only in USA we can see that ?

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Yup. Obesity is an epidemic here.

ive seen it in other countries. the fact that they were american is a moot point


I wish I could see landwhales in Europe. They're magnificient animals

>moot point
I'd say chances are they were American. Like I said, it's a real problem here. Especially for the poor.



If you think you've got a problem with weight please seek help. It's never too late to turn your life around.

>Especially for the poor
Something is amiss.

We've got cheap food and 323 million people. You're going to see some fatties.

I'm a healthy weight and I'm fine with waiting in line behind a fat scooter in the drive-thru

i see them very very rarely in western europe

Cool story, bro.

Literally starving from lack of food is basically unhead of anywhere in the West. However, cheap food tends to be crap, stuffed with sugar, or worse, as in the US, HFCS.

Why do they give fat people in the US scooters? So it`s easier for them to stay fat?

90 percent of those scooters are paid for by US tax dollars too - through Medicaid/care, Disability or S.S. funds. Manufacturers actually help people get these things for free, because the government is like a neverending teat of money.

It's a lot like the pharma scam that goes on in this country - the drug companies practically bribe doctors to prescribe their product, because they know tax-funded health programs will pay for it.

tl;dr - greedy companies enabling the fatties at the taxpayer's expense

Shut the fuck up europoors are fat too

Another thing you only see in the U.S; frequent school/mass shootings

fat maybe... Morbidly obese and rolling around on a scooter; that's a American-made born and raised phenomenon

Not for long

Nice feet


At least I can shoot niggers when they invade my home. The death of a few children is a small price to pay. More kids die in vehicles for n 1 day than all shootings in a year. Now kys you fucking fragile weak human.

Fucking american spreading their shitty life style.