Whos buying?

Whos buying?

Is that the new Jitterbug?

Its a bananaphone

You put the boom boom into my heart.


You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts!
fuck, now i have to listen to it

>selling a phone that can slide like the ones in the matrix

I'll take two.

ericsson released one when the movies came, was dope, had one

25 day battery life

I wonder what the price is

100 bucks ye

Fuck yesh

Ahh memories. I had the original 8110 back in the ยด90ies

where can i get one?

>Physical keyboard
Fucking sold!!

>ericsson released one when the movies came, was dope, had one.

You fucking retard, you didnt even exist when that movie went up on the cinemas..

that was fucking nokia you assclown

This looks cool and the thought about having practically infinite battery life is nice, but in reality, you'll be back using a smartphone within a week. Communication simply changed and it became better. I don't want to send a bunch of text-messages around to manage to meet with friends. I just post into our friends-whatsapp group and everybody sees everything.

I already know a hack for it.

You buy it online. I think there is a small waiting list.

born in 87, and i did not say that it was THAT model, they released a model with the same properties

Hint: 4g LTE.

2 megapixel cam

My wood is hard ^,^

now chill the fuck down you soyboys