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Is bacon better in the oven or pan fried?

That's not bacon, amerimutt.

Please explain yourself.

Oven. It stays straight and cooks evenly.
But first - fold your foil on itself in half-inch increments so it looks like an accordion - then put bacon perpendicular to creases. That way it won`t cook in it`s own fat.

This is real bacon (without the disgusting fat)

Better slowly on not too hot grillplate. Fuck that streaky shit though, talking about real bacon.

Wouldn’t call the fat disgusting but not enough meat on streaky bacon

We get it, you're so cultured.
Now go get stabbed by a butter knife or ran over by a car.

All bacon is good, soyboy. But yeah, I prefer back bacon.

All bacon is good but not the fat

Some fat is good for you. Stick to your skinny soya milk lattes

Almost always use a quartz-halogen oven to grill my bacon. Prior to getting that equipment, I grilled it under a conventional natural gas grill.

Occasionally use a small George Foreman electric grill, that I was given as a present.

My main priorities are get rid of excess fat and cook as quickly as possible, with minimised clean up problems afterwards.

Go oven bro. If it is fried you will make it crispy (if that is what you like). I prefer oven though.

Agreed. That brit bong needs to get stabbed.

I throw the bacon away and just drink the fat

fried, then you can get the rind crispy, just as it should be.

deep fry masterrace checking in

Stovetop. If you didn't grow up eating greasy ass bacon that your uncle Buck made with no shirt on while it was still burning hot you're a waste.


If you put thick-cut bacon in the oven for about 30 mins at 350, it'll melt in your mouth. Time varies depending on thickness.

Tempting. Does it dry out or retain just enough oil to be good?