The rules are simple

The rules are simple.
There are three tribes. Red, Blue and Yellow.
Each tribe gets one action per turn.
Actions can be anything so long as it fits within the current civilization.
Example "X tames the local wolves to use as hunting dogs"
Dubs decide what the action is.
Trips override dubs.
Trips are required to do something that effects an entire tribe in a negative way, or something gamebreaking like:
"Tribe x somehow manages to get their hands on a cache of AR-15s"

Quads are required to do something that effects all tribes.

And finally, in order for tribes to engage each other they will have to find a way to cross the rivers.

yellow tribe renames self the wuz kangz

I forgot to put this in the OP
But the game will go on until there is only 1 tribe left. Or if someone rolls the Quads of Peace.

Also "Actions can be anything so long as it fits within the current civilization."

Aka, a tribe who just figured out how to make spears can't suddenly start building tanks.

-10 to int, wiz, char +10 to str and dex. you lose the ability to invent the wheel, agriculture, writing...

Blue tribe starts fucking eachother. Relentlessly



Blue tribe cannot spend time gathering food due to the relentless fucking amongst the tribe.

Red Tribe cultivates the large cacti, which can be hollowed out and worn like armor

red begins to mine for resources

Blue tribe literally cannot stop fucking. Men, women, animals, everything

the wuzkangs yellow tribe burns down own homes. blames the white tribe.

rolling again


blue tribe fucks member of the wuzkangs yellow tribe and contracts aids.

>White tribe
Literally retardation. It was the blue tribes fault, for fucking them

Blue tribe is researching cutting edge methods of fucking eachother to death.

rerolling for the relentless sex

Blue tribe has doubled in size and is losing food due to the colossal amount of fucking eachother. So much oh my god

the wuz kangs claim to have won the game long ago back when we had rocketships that ran on kool aid... but the white tribe stole our advancements and cheated...

Blue tribe has no Dick skins left. The fucking is relentless.

What the actual fuck, same fag?

Rolling for


So fucking close.


Fuck you, clown. Blue tribe cannot progress due to relentless fucking within the tribe.

red tribe gets ar-15

the wuzkangs have a level 5 chimpout when a chimpanzee falls out of a tree.

Red recycles a hut in order to make a bridge over the south river, leading to the Nazi pyramid.




dubs of truth. trayvon shitskin has spoken.



You got dubs, but what were you rerolling?


Nice job, wasted.

For what?

Roll for this

the wuzkangs are too busy raping and burning themselves to advance... but we have bigger dicks.


the wuzkangs get an erection and all the blood rushes away from their brain so they forget how to make fire.


yellow drops a fucking nuke and ends the fucking game


blue detonates an ancient alien ship and the entire tribe dies

Red tribe start to equally share their ressources amongst its citizens

wuzkangs rise from the nuke wasteland screaming we wuz kangs!!!

OP Here
Waiting for blue

jew member of red tribe steals all the sheckels and defectsa to the wuzkangs

I will not be satisfied until the blue tribe is fucking the life out of everything. Including the sharks and. wolves and treasure chest

Rolling for blue fucking the shit out of each other


Red team changes color to white and call themselves honkey mccrackermen

A member of the blue tribe falls on a cactus and dies.

I've never same fagged so hard in my life. This is probably my tenth time ever posting. Lurker since 2010. I need that blue tribe to relentlessly fuck itself.

rolling for the wuzkangs to trip over their giant lips while running after a white woman.

the wuzkangs beat the red tribe with their giant dicks.

I honestly hope that you never roll dubs, and that your mother dies in a car accident. Literally kill yourself, you're a waste of space.

Rolling for blue tribe to mine the nearby stones to make a small bridge to cross into red tribe land

Yellow Tribe changed their names to the "Wuz Kangs" and had a level 5 chimp-out when a chimpanzee fell from a tree. This resulted in a new mixed breed of yellow and chimp to join the tribe.

Reds built a bridge to make it over to the Temple of the Wind God.

One Blue fell on a cactus and died.


They all die, game ends, thread get pruned

Hah, that shows us of what Sup Forums consists of.
Also Blue tribe realizes it's part of a game and quits playing

Red enters the Pyramid and finds a sarcophagus containing Hitler. They revive him and Hitler joins Red.

Red Tribe members raid the small tomb past the wind god temple, to hopefully gather supplies for raiding the temple

Reds explore the temple

yellow rapes the blue team killing them all



the yellow chimps demand reparations from the blue tribe for something that happened in the previous game...



Funny thing is, in the last game it was the yellows who ended up oppressing the blues.

Yellow tribe men get cucked by chimps and mutilate their genitals

wuz kangz steal other tribes bikes

Red tribe starts fucking the sun god temple for some reason


the wuzkangs find a cache of drugs... they snort it before they realize it was a supply of antibiotics.


Wuzkangs performs a drive by on the reds

yellow builds a concentration to keep the blue niggers in


Also yellow continues to propagate with the chimps, until they are bread into one race of hairy man beasts

kangs contract malaria

Game ends

Everyone dies of aids, courtesy of gay anal sex.

Red tribe learns to tame the sharks in the center, converting them to the tribe's nazi ideology and teaching them to hate the yellow and blue (((tribes)))


Blue tribe fucks eachother relentlessly. Their numbers grow. No food. 10 weak blue soybois

Red learns to use cactus as weapons to defend against wild animals


Waiting for Blue and Yellow.

Reds already used their turn to revive hitler

Yessssssss hahahahah Fuck you op

Blue tribe burns all the cacti as revenge

the wuzkangs start dealing drugs to the blue tribe

Blue used the bloated corpse of the dead tribe member to float across the river, and make contact with the reds

Blue tribe finds protein powder and keeps fucking. There is now 20 blue chads

Congrats user, you win. How do you feel? Good? Accomplished?

Your a real big man, aren't you. I bet your dad is proud

wuz kangs kidnap blue slaves

Yellow start mining for metals

Yellow still needs to go.
