Tell me your secrets /b. What is your deepest one?

Tell me your secrets /b. What is your deepest one?

I fucked my brothers best friend when I was 13

I was touched molested and generaly almost fucked if it went further by ex gf when i was 14 and she was younger i think. I was unable to do anything because i didn't know what was happening.

I grew up resenting being a boy ever since I was told everyone was expecting me to be born a girl since I was about 6 years old
Sometimes I wore my cousin's clothes (female, 2 years younger) and still like to play dress-up when I'm alone, as well as think about how my life would have been had I been born a girl
It hurts more than depression ever has, and is likely the cause of it

I'm guessing you dress up now?

> brother's*
Don't forget the apostrophe.
- Grammarfag

I like to eat Andy sixxx's logs

I had sex with my step dad when I was 10-12ish. At first I didnt know what it was and didnt enjoy it from fear. By the end I was having orgasms and sometimes seeking it out. He moved out around the end and we stopped talking after meeting up once.

So forced it hurts

I'm bi sexual and have pdd-nos

I have a decent sized female wardrobe that no one knows about and never will, it's kept in a safe in my closet (ironic?). However I do dress up just to pretend for a little while, and it honestly makes me happier than I've ever been.
If I had any one wish it's to be reborn as a cute girl just so I can live happily

Are you a cute boy, no homo


I've learned sign language just so when I am out places I don't have to talk to people.

My self esteem declines that I am a cute boy, but;
I have a bubble-but from squats and deads, thin wrists, and wide hips, but I'm no where close in the facial, hand, or foot department to be a passable anything
I once "dated" a (hung) guy just to pretend for a while that I was a cute girl, and it was possibly the greatest thing to happen to me, I enjoyed it more than I ever did banging hot thots at my college, and I did that a lot

this is sad. user don't be ashame of it, outgrow it.

For YEARS I would sneak into my older sister's room and dress up in her clothes. I was really good at putting everything back EXACTLY how I found it, but I slipped up once and left a pair of her underwear from her drawer on the floor.

She convinced my dad to put a lock on her door after that, and I think my entire family knows it was me (I have other siblings), but just choose to ignore it.

This is fucking clever

I'm not ashamed of what I am, I'm sad because I'm not what I "should" have been or wanted to be in the first place.
It keeps me up at night and every time I'm with my big, strong, handsome, and kind best friend it hurts, and the thought of me being a girl creeps into my thoughts every time I'm with him

Life's short do what makes you happy

a boy or a girl, how old was s/he?

Ur not healthy get some help u mentally ill

m or f? nice dubs

im still in love with my best freinds sister even though they moved away and havnt seen her in 2-3 years now b is the only ones who know

He was fourteen at the time, we had a sleepover with a few friends and he shared my bed

I pee in the sink

yes it is,yet this facade is flimsy and it'll rip easily under any circumstance

wen i was 14, my nigga and i want to the local
gravel pit and make a campfire, (we were 14 and campfires were the shit) , but however the wind turned, and there was dried up gras everywhere.
- whole fucking place stsrts to burn
- mwe both panic
- fire spreads
- more panic
- here sirens
- decide gtfo
- i stumble over a root
- my tshirt catches fire
- friend puts it out
- finally gtfo
-run home
- change clothes
- *no one will ever notice*
- two days later everything stands in the local newspaper
- offender unknown

Molested my 6 y/o cousin.

I am really scared my bullies actually gang banged me

fuck I wish I could just ask

You're still 14

Yeah, it does have an occasional drawback, i've been with friends (who obvious know I can speak) and started signing at a waitress when she came around. Oh well, autism, what can you say :p

But otherwise its great, you start signing at people and smile and they just leave you alone, I only really learned it on the off chance I ever met someone who actually knows it so I look less autistic then I am. I didn't want to just make hand gestures at people

My mom made soup and i put my dick in it (when she wasnt there watching obv) and watched her eat it

who put cheese in my soup?

there is a certain man, let's call him jerry.
because of his work he is connected with bunch of celeb and semi-celeb names. some (most) of them owe him a favor. why you ask? well "jerry" made his name with his work and lot of celebs would do anything to be connected with him.
jerry also uses his workplace in order to get those favors of those hard-to-reach names. all in all....jerry is a scumbag like every other man. wouldn't be surprised if he is among us from time to time. so jerry likes good drink, blunts, women and money. and jerry can set up quite nice things for a special ammount of money.
so...if you have some fetishes including some famous names, jerry is a guy you would like to meet, and he gets things done.
friend of mine introduced me to him and at first i was sceptical cuz, what i wanted is a bit specific, but as i said, jerry got things done.
will probably go to jail if "jerry" gets caught and pull everyone with him but, lif is short, and we all need our jerry's

13 year old used to bully me when I was 9 and make me suck his dick in his garage after school. I acted like I hated it but I actually liked it. Then one day he just stopped paying any attention to me at all. I'm 100% straight now but I still fap to the memory of sucking his dick.

I saw my friend's 12yo sister completely naked when I was 16
Got a fetish for flat, petite girls since that day

sometimes when anons post cheese pizza here I see it and I'm like 'hey thats ok'

No one has posted pizza on Sup Forums in years you retarded newfag

literally saw some today
>you retarded newfag

Do you even know what CP is fucking nigger
Stop pretending youre not a disgusting newfag and gtfo

i once told a lie on an internet anime board, i feel so ashamed.

I had that same experience when I was 15 and she was 9 (or 10). I used to sleep over at his house all the time, she walked around topless and would come out of the shower without a towel on.

Even now I have a thing for flat girls and it all started then.

what are you, fucking retarded?
today's not even the first time this year that kiddie pr0nz has been posted
lurk moar

Id say 9-10 and 12-13 is a pretty big difference, specially depending on how old you are now
Also this girl I saw is the biggest Stacy ever now and I would kill for a chance to just talk to her

You guys fuck kids or something?

Fem user here. I was adopted, because my parents couldn't have kids, they were infertile. My whole life, my parents go on and on about how much they're looking forward to me being able to have kids of my own, since they couldn't.

Fast forward a bit, to when I'm 24 and have been moved out for 7 years. Find out from my gyno I can't have kids because of PCOS and endometriosis. Explains a lot of the problems I'd been having, but mom's not very understanding, and neither is my boyfriend at the time. A couple years later I break off our engagement because he'd been getting progressively more abusive towards me, starting from the time I found out about that. Even found out he'd tried to get me pregnant without my knowledge, because I was a "liar."

Now to the present, living with my current boyfriend. Not super successful job-wise, but we're making ends meet. Mom's come to accept the fact I'm not getting married anytime soon, and can't have kids of my own.

Only I can. I'm already 31 weeks pregnant now and still haven't told my parents. Still not sure how I'd even go about telling them, really. And I don't plan to, either.

fucked a CL tranny

Side note: pregnancy is from current boyfriend, not from the abusive ex. Thank god, if that had happened with him, I'd have probably killed myself.

Wow, nothing of that made any sense. congrats, you're a woman.

Now get your fucking shit together, call your mom and tell her the amazing news, do everything to be a good mother for your child and post tits or gtfo.

that's not a thing, yes there are some young chicks but usually if they are connected with "jerry" they have certain amount of age.
and fucking them is up to you, you can hang out with them, go out on a date, they can after going out with you ESCORT you home, do whatever "jerry" can persuade them to do.....

Jerry pimps prostitutes. wtf how lame is that.

It only does, because we're barely making ends meet for ourselves. We both decided we don't want to raise this kid on welfare, and risk not having a roof over her head. Working with an adoption agency already, and have a really great family picked out.

But if I tell my parents, they're going to insist I keep the kid. No, they can't force me to do anything against my will, but they can fly down to my state and make things a lot more difficult than they need to be. My mom's legit crazy enough to do that, and my dad just goes along with her shit.

you didn't read it through.....
they are not that....they are "famous" ;)

bro same

Yes, yes. You're talking about the skinny ugly fuck named terry. We get it. Shut the fuck up.

Also, everyone respects famous people about as much as we respect hookers. Sooo

Why the fuck...why?!

Well, so you're willing to break both, the bond to your child and the one to your parents (if they ever found out). Alone you keeping this secret from them will stain the relationship.

As if they wouldn't support you financially. Hell, maybe they would adopt it themselves.

C'mon you must feel that it's wrong to keep that a secret from them just to make your life easier?

If you're honest you're just affraid of the whole conversation and confrontation. Afraid that the outcome will be that you'll keep the child, all the responsibilities, the change that comes with it.

If some nigger wellfare queen can have 12 kids, why shouldn't you have one? I mean, do you have anything else to live for that you'd have to sacrifice?

my bank pin is 5415

Greentext now you fucking queer faggot.

Thanks user.

I've had to make some adolescent boys strip naked and expose different body parts for inspection. They looked embarrassed so I tried to let them keep some modesty, but my colleagues didn't do anything to help that.

I let one of my dogs fuck me in the ass once...
(i still do)

What the fuck is your job?

Why just one?



I once farted in the car and blamed it on a skunk

I have three dogs and only one of them is inclined to fuck me.

We're their buttholes cute, dirty, both?

pls get out, this is a christian board, you are the worst

Both, from time to time. Most of them were clean though.

You should be shot on sight for abandoning your child
Specially when you have parents of your own that would help you raise said child
As an abused child of a single mother I hope you bite a bullet soon

Thats some terrible shit man.

>nigger welfare queen

Exactly what I don't plan to be.

And my parents aren't in any condition to be financially supporting me OR the kid. My dad is 60, with the health of someone who's 80. My mom is hardly better. He still works full time because they can't afford to retire, which he desperately wants to do.

Besides, I'm not cutting ties with my child. I was in an open adoption, and grew up knowing my birth mother. I plan to do the same.

Yes, it's selfish that I want to avoid that confrontation. I don't want my mom to blow what little my dad is making, trying to force this to work. They'll end up going broke, when they need that money to pay for their own housing and his high-ass medical bills.

But I also want my kid to have a chance to grow up in a nice neighborhood where she's not at risk of stray gunfire from my lovely neighbors. I'm not cutting ties with her, I'm going with an open adoption. She'll be raised in a safer, stable home.

And my mom won't end up making my dad uproot and sell everything again, like the time she did when she thought the world was ending and forced him to sell all their property and use the money to move to Israel for a year, because "It's the holy land, we're supposed to be there for the return of Christ!" Only to give up after that year and come home because, "People were mean, and it sucked!"

She's not mentally stable enough for any of this.

I didn't always make them spread their cheeks wide. Some of them were thin enough that if they just spread their legs and bent over I could see what I needed to. Other guards usually made them all spread their cheeks wide though.

Well, she only has a boyfriend, so she might be a single mother, too, if she decides to keep it.

Imagine your mother would have given you up for adoption into a loving, supportive family, would't that have been better?

I think I have some sort of mental disorder because I get really sad out of nowhere

when i was 12 i let my 4 year old nephew fuck me

We're comments made?

>greentext fail

Greentext you nigger queer faggot

Some guards did.

What kind of comments? Did you ever sniff?

I see your point
Still feels like a betrayal to me, if I had any family I would put them above all

I've played RuneScape for 13 years.

That's why I ended up being adopted, too. My birth mom was single, and was living in a really shitty part of an already shittier town. Still does, actually.

But I'm glad she kept in contact with me, and it helped me understand she really just wanted better for me. Thanks to her decision, I didn't end up getting shot or going hungry.

Okay. Just wanted to play devils advocate and see if your decicion is a panic reaction or if you thought this through. It seems to me that you're pretty mature and calm. It's a tough decicion both ways.

I understand your bitterness, I come from a similar place Sup Forumsro. But looking at her anwer here she seems to have the best intentions for her family. We're sometimes quick with judgments here on Sup Forums. Maybe she really does the best for all.

will do:

>i was 12 years old
>my nephew was staying the night, he was 4 at the time
>i was left alone with him, told to look after him
>i asked him if he had had a bath yet, it was almost time for bed and he smelled rancid
>he says no, he was outside playing with the dogs
>fill the tub halfway up with water, add bath sudds, etc.
>undress him and let him get into the bathtub
>get brilliant idea
>undress as well, i haven't had a bath either
>get into bathtub with nephew
>i bathe him, notice that his tiny chode is hard
>get really confused and horny
>drop washcloth over side of tub
>lean over to retrieve it
>"what are you doing, user?"
>tell him it's nothing
>lean further over bathtub
>nephew gets behind me
>he puts his tiny toddler dick into my ass
>tell him to stop halfheartedly
>he does
>rethink my actions
>bend over again
>tell him it's ok, and sorry for freaking out
>he shyly puts his dick back into me
>it feels weirdly good
>this continues for a solid 15 minutes
>he gets tired and stops
>wash both of us off
>dry him off, he gets dressed
>i dry off and get dressed too
>go to bed like nothing ever happened

If I was being selfish, I'd insist on raising her on thrift-store clothing, risking her living in a car with me while I feed her on food stamps.

I don't want to give up the right to see her first steps. To hear her first words. But I do want her to be provided for way better than the kids I see running around in these garbage filled streets all the time.

fuck....the vid i wanted to show you was got banned

I have a bf. almost fioncee and I want someone to rape me.

This is 2018. If there ever was a time for you to have a chance at happiness its now. Going through life feeling miserable is not worth it.

We're they all sad?

Pissed on some dude a few times a week/day sometimes for $20 a piss when I was 8 for two years. Always had a knife on me at first but started realizing he's pretty stable and knew I wouldn't tell anybody.

Friends often paid me money to buy shit online with my Visa/Paypal/ebay account and shit, got a fleshlight for a friend and used it once or twice and washed it in the backyard. Ended up telling friend it just smelt bad and the box was too hard to hide at my place.

Ex-Stepdad once accused me keying his car and caused a drama over it, ended up starting his car a few times and moving the wheels. Made him crash in the back of the garage on the side.

Still open his garage door randomly when I drive by since he harassed my mom enough.

Ask if he would be willing to play out a rape fantasy with you?

I've been battling with myself on whether to fuck this guy's girlfriend. I know the guy personally, and I'd go as far as to consider him a friend, but I really wanna fuck his girlfriend, and his girlfriend wants me, too.

I can only climax to porn or images that remind me of my straight best friend. He knows I liked him at one point but he doesn't know how weird it really is

Every female roommate I've had has unknowingly consumed a quantity of my semen.
I've had a lot of female roommates.

I didn't sniff. lol
The comments the other guards made were usually things like "spread those ass cheeks wide!", "bend over and spread em'! wider!", or "spread those little asses wider! I need to see a line of those pink starfish!". I heard one boy (who had been misbehaving) was told it looked like this wasn't the first time he'd shown off his butthole to someone.

Im wear a small wig on my penus i really believe its alive once it looked at me