I'm considering getting into anime. Should I, and if yes what do you recommend i watch first?

I'm considering getting into anime. Should I, and if yes what do you recommend i watch first?

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Girls und Panzer if you like that kind of thing

Golden Boy.

Made in Abyss. Dont let the cute art fool you, the series will draw you in with the atmosphere and then kick your emotional ass. Hard.

Depends, might wanna go with the super japanese beginner anime that people seem to love like sao or aot. Or if you're abit more wary about that go with like soul eater and Dragonball. Really it all depends on your tastes and what you might like.

fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood is a nice starting point. depends on what you like really, psycho pass, konosuba or fate/zero are some of my favorites

Anime has a lot of stuff to watch.
so if your into something, anime will have that kind of stuff for U to watch.

Example: I like anime with Magical girls, (U type in this info.)
and U will get a list of shows and movies with Magical girls
Both Google and YouTube will give U that kind of Info.

Good Luck Kat person.... :)

girls und panzer was fucking trash and you know it you goddamn weeb.
Watch Super Dimension Fortress Macross, and Kaiji 1 and 2. those are some good shows.

Start with the good old stuff, I recommend DearS.

You'd be surprised m8

whoever made that image was an idiot. I watched the show and it was none of that.

>World of Tanks: The Animu
Missing a KV-2 one-shotting fucking everything with gold ammo, tho.

If U want silly Slice of Life Anime, there 'Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid'.
a simple fun show to watch.
here a clip of it, enjoy Cat person.... :)

>that little tail wiggle at the end

This was my favorite of the past year, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who's looking to get into anime unless you want to give them the wrong impression.

Pop Team Epic

forget about cartoons...start learning about the real world.

watch videos on youtube about basic electrical principles, then plumbing, then foundations, basic structures, roofing, carpentry, etc.

then on to finance and investing. growing your own food. hunting. self-defense. psychedelics. nootropics. information technology. life extension.

real-estate. general legal knowledge. learn about traveling to different countries. import/export laws. supply and demand.

psychology. negotiation. body-language. charisma. advertising. salesmanship. public-speaking.

Here another Clip from 'Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid'. (I love this show.)

pointless, the only thing that might be applicable is carpentry and woodwork in general. Everything else requires immense resources just to reach entry level, general knowledge from youtube videos is usually misleading

None of that shit matters. Life extension, maybe, but I'd still stick to anime.

i started my anime adventure with akira

I do watch a lot of things that apply to the real world, that's why i want to watch something else, fantasy if you will.


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was my first anime. It's known to be a "gateway" anime.

It's scifi with comedy. A lot of twists in the first few episodes, basically not everything is as it seems.

Death Note is also a good one. A classic, and everyone on Sup Forums LOVES Code Geass to death.

anime is for loser weaboos and other failures of life so op will fit right on in

AKIRA and Memories (Both films from Katsuhiro Otomo)


Hm Tokyo Ghoul or Gate maybe

One piece

OP here, and i have a question. Who hurt you? Also keep the cats coming.

Fullmetal alchemist.

It's good to understand anime. People who like it tend to feel insecure about it, so if you can hold a conversation they'll like you a lot more. Also, a lot of chicks are into terrible anime.

First anime you watch should be One Punch Man. Everyone likes One Punch Man.

Then start with some Naruto, One Piece, Death Note, Sword Art Online, other normie shit weirdos you knew in high school watched.

After that just try out different genres. Slice of life animes are a dime a dozen and are pretty much all the same, but can be relaxing in the same way an old sitcom is. Hero animes like My Hero Acadamia are sometimes decent. Action animes like Fist of the North Star and JoJo's bizarre adventure can be fun.

Just watch whatever, and if you like it google "animes similar to (anime you liked)" and watch that too.

Boku no Pico

Ghost in the shell.
Cowboy bebop