In the Bible it says that in the presence of God, or the angels, some people would drop dead in fear

In the Bible it says that in the presence of God, or the angels, some people would drop dead in fear.

Think about that for a second.

Nowadays, even if people see lights in the sky, despite the fear, usually they’ll try to record it and watch in awe.

To me, it seems likely that what people saw in biblical times was so fucking scary, so bizarre, so outside of the realm of possibilities, that people would die en masse.

I asked my mom one time what she thinks would happen if aliens arrive on Earth, and she said people would die from fear.

I believe this.

I believe that if we really were to see something “alien”, not a Hollywood fairytale, but an actual supernatural or alien experience, a lot of people would drop dead.

It’s like with mice when they see a large snake and they freeze or drop dead from fear.

Maybe that’s why secrets are kept from us; we’d die from fear or overstimulation.

Other urls found in this thread:

Post more of the bitch on the right.

until that happens, post bobs u faggit

Not reading that but requesting MOAR!!!

It’s my ex.
She cheated on me with a Mexican dude.
Fuck it, trips gets nudes.


I'm abouda die from the overstimulation you're giving me, so check this out


Don't troll

trips get

Already had dubs twice. If there's nudes they need to be seen!!! She fucked a spic and you're not posting nudes fahk.

Trip roll

Rolling for trips



i'm not giving up yet

Trip!!!!!!!!! NUDES!


Winrar! op post nudes of big titty bitches in pic

le tripppsss

Trips occurred let's go

no it's not, just post the fucking pics faggot

It would create a lot of fear and could cause some degree of breakdown in law and order if handled wrongly

Check my trips.



What a fucking surprise, trips were posted 10 mins ago and OP the faggot still hasnt posted. Didn't see that coming...



> (You)
>It’s my ex.
>She cheated on me with a Mexican dude.
>Fuck it, trips gets nudes.

Not op


Whos da bitch?

Same girl from behind

I stopped reading at bible

Me want moar

The bible says a lot of stupid shit tho.

post it all OP. holy shit!

i see tits



there's 14 candles on that cake...


Where the nudes at faggot

OP is a faggot

There's a cake?


She isn't 14. I promise you.

That Ass!

Op abandoned so i used reverse seach cuz shes fuckin hot

She's just a toddler :(

More of both. Tits are far more important than God

>OP is a faggot

hahahahahaha gotem

Calm down, I’m getting the usb from my closet right now with all her nudes

I was playing fallout 4.
I’m uploading now.

I can’t believe what a whore she is.
I’m literally looking at a pic of her with her ass hole split open.
Let me upload it.
She’s stuffing a cucumber in it!

>drop dead from fear
I don't think that would be the case at all. More likely we would have major chaotic circumstances first hand such as rioting, senseless killing, religious/ideological fanaticism etc. Soon after comes government suspicion towards one other resulting territorial wars, large scale conflicts, race for critical resources and so on. Add chance of extraterrestrial invasion and that's the end of mankind.

>I can’t believe what a whore she is.
>I’m literally looking at a pic of her with her ass hole split open.
>Let me upload it.
>She’s stuffing a cucumber in it!

Lol lol lolol trolls

>what people saw in biblical times was so fucking scary, so bizarre, so outside of the realm of possibilities, that people would die en masse

People in biblical times were a bunch of ignorant, superstitious son of a bitches who didn't understand where the sun went at night, what a germ was or how babies were made.

people didn't see anything in biblical times you simpleton. it's mythology.

I’m looking at a pic of her taking it from her dog, Rex!!!!

Pics of dogs. Love doggos

I don't give a shit about your bitch ass wall of text, I just want more pics of those slits.

>kek btards have a life

Forget your fat ex for sec, there's millions of those on this planet.

But the talk of ancient texts describing alien encounters...

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs talk of their gods descending from the skies and sharing great technology with them. The pyramids are a testament to this, but also did you know that a 5,000 year old aerofoil was found there?

Pretty fucking neato.



Uploading a really nasty webm of her doing a dog and sucking off a horse at the same time!
Crazy, right?
Uploading now using file transfer pro 2.0

Post sources so I can read for myself, you uneducated nigger.

>Implying OP isn’t a faggot and will deliver.

Why even bother replying when we all know you won’t deliver

You have forgotten the face of your father

hile gunslinger. never knew my father

actually wrote a short story about this. some well meaning rebel group takes advantage of political turmoil to unlock all the secretes the government has been keeping from us. sends a hailing signal to aliens. they spit the sky like a hand pulling back a veil on the earth. the spectacle is so tremendous that people lose their minds, kill themselves, have aneurysms. there's a mass worldwide extinction.

one of the remaining government gatekeepers looks on with the protagonists and says "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" and kills himself.

kinda edgy, i know. but i like the idea

post story