
USA appreciation edition

What do you thank USA for?

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Citizens to defend

Fuck the US

about to play some danganronpa lads

Wisconsin best state

Minnesota worst

Fuck you monkey


For giving me a reason to kill myself

Tophue macaco

Fuck off stop spamming this shit every thread


The minimum wage should be $29/hour

What's /cum/s favorite band ?

you'll never experience your subtle body then


This is the best Kero Kero Bonito

I like Disturbed

>texas has bigger gdp than the whole leafistan
Commie leafs will say only "QUACK QUACK OLOLOLO AMERICA IS POOR))))00)"


i don't understand the mentality of people who think increasing the minimum wage will solve anything

everything will just be twice as expensive

uk rap is miles ahead of american music

fuck off nigger

Defending burgers is a thankless it seems.

tom yonk and the radioheads

Stay in your favela


wow man delete this image :ccc

Are you 12?

it's the same people who think we need ubi when robots become a thing, people want money they haven't earned

creepy by radiohead

what's good about this

tell that to australia desu

gtfo cunt

>canada gdp - 1.6 trillion dollars
>texas gdp - 1.6 trillion dollars
>see on population
Canada lost

thank for the car, motorcycles, the helicopter, trains, watches, electronic watches, the telephone, the TV, the computer, electronic music, the mp3 data format and LCD screens

Yes, is that bad?



this is why texas is the best state

>My training.

Can't get this kinda ackrite in a terrorist camp or a foreign military base.

GOAT food

They are in the same vien as Slipknot

Why are you so rude user?

Do you live in Minnesota?


right now, Obsidian Kingdom
a while ago, The Mars Volta

What's wrong with Slipknot?

best day of my life, fuck america.


abhorrent post

>What's wrong with Slipknot



why does Sup Forums think its okay to make jokes about 9/11? Are they too young to know how many people died that day?

No, I am from the much better border state

>>>>>> reddit

fewer than the number of civilians killed by the US military each year

Really don't care about niggers regardless of Thier political affiliation

So what's wrong with Slipknot?

What's your favorite band?

i can guarantee for a fact you don't know who obsidian kingdom is

good lad


this is literally false unless you include combatants as civilians


>i can guarantee for a fact you don't know who obsidian kingdom is

Such as?

Kind of ironic because for a pile of countries, including the UK, it was their deadliest terror attack too when you look at the victims by nationality. Making fun of burgers is Sup Forums tradition as you know.
What can you do eh?

Hey Wisconsin

Supreme taste laddos

Popularized nu-metal

Of course, most people here are violent assholes. They actually suck at fighting though.

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i don't make the definitions

My mind remains unchanged

Just recommended a post for the janny to delete

go out of my way to be impolite and in some cases rude to fat people

i genuinely hate them

No one asked the enemy to embed in the civillian population
No one asked the civilians to shelter and supply them

leftards truly are scum

Someone's gotta do it

Which state??


someone please cheer me up


>topples governments across the entire globe simply because FUCK YOU we can do it
>have no respect whatsoever for other cultures to the point of simply disrupting and destroying and using it as to blame them for the problems you created for your profit
>thinks they are righteous beyond anything to the point justifying their own actions
One 9/11 was not enough to be honest

Found the polarized fuckwit

If you're not a radical centrist in the current year, please leave

wont say. id rather not be robbed
I legitimately like your non coffee frog posts

vast majority of those casualties is due to Al Qaeda and collateral damage. You didn't make the definitions but you shouldn't try to mislead

here are some tiddies

at least the internet
thanks, america

Is that you Haitiano?

Say it bitch!

>no nipples = no porn
>nipples = porn

omg wtf

Bit rude

don't make things up

It's called Pax Americana. It's our job to make sure dictators don't cross the red line. If they do, its our duty to make an example out of them so others won't follow.

*calls the police on you for playing loud music and hanging out on the porch*

You're nothing but a little teeny tiny puny cuck

Not a fan of globalist cuckolds tbqhwyf

Why do I always see some american flags post antiamerican shit? If you hate it here so much you can always leave.

P-please we can talk about this

Are you the lewd Canadian?

It should be called "Fuck you, I will destroy everything that is good and different in this world for the profit of our jews". I mean not even the american population profit from this state of affairs. You guys are just blind slaves of those that have money

terrible post.
USA is my home. i do not want to live anywhere else, and i will work to keep this place from going to shit.
one way to do that is to stop frivolous over seas wars

what dictator have we stopped that committed greater war crimes than those committed by our islamist "allies?"

>/cum/ has a mulatto, a negro, a hapa, injunz, slants, a Ukrainian, several chicanos and Mexicans plus the >white people and faggots
Are we proof multi-culturalism and diversity works buds?

0- me, sinaloa, caraposter
1-henrico, virginia
2-oyster gay
3- raviolis
4-hunstville alabama
5-center county penisvana
6-whatcom county canada
10- paha sapa
90002-“Cara is bald” poster
90000000000000000001-montgomery county pensylvania