Is the Balkan diet healthy?

Is the Balkan diet healthy?

this is not balkan diet. balkan diet is eating everything with bread and transitioning from a skinny twink to an obese balding old man in 10 years

gib balkan bear bf pls

>transitioning from a skinny twink to an obese balding old man in 10 years

literally me from 20-30

jokes on you, I was only skinny as a child

What IS the Balkan diet then?

what kind of meat is that
>eating everything with bread
thats the kind of diet i like
anglos wouldn't understand

no its not

national food of you balkanshits

Religious Balkanites fast on a vegan diet for part of the year so it's actually really healthy

t. Shartburger Orthodox Convert

no its not
they eat trash

Aren't you a Greek ikbey?

No it is not, since they eat Islamic food

we like to eat bread with bread

I'd love me some homemade genuine balkan rakija

>Balkan diet
Balkan food is Turkish food.
Their music is turkish as well.
Their original culture was so bad they borrowed literally everything from the Ottomans.

>Their original culture was so bad they borrowed literally everything from the Greeks.
turks in short

most Balkans eat shit like kebab, burek and pic related on rare occasions, we mostly eat paprika sauce(ajvar) with bread

why are you lying balkanshit?

>Borrowing from Ottoman Turkish [script needed] (rāqī), from Arabic عَرَقِيّ (ʿaraqiyy, “of liquor”), from عَرَق (ʿaraq, “arrack, arak”, literally “condensate”), which refers to an ouzo-like liqueur made of raisins.
Islamic named drink


we also like our sprža

who the fuck even cares? what's wrong with albanians sperging out all the time jesus christ
holy shit that looks sick. you guys sure do love your drinks

Im just saying. Balkanic culture is really Islamic

Ottoman empire really influenced every culture

more like was influenced by everyone

there's much of old slavic culture and germanic influence too
fuck off begović

Balkanic core is Islamic. You smell islamic and use ISlamic words???

Yes exactly this

I am a subhuman greek so I wouldn't know.

albanian subhuman in sweden

>le Kebab remover XD

>Balkanic core is Islamic.
Typical Sqiptarr

Slovenia is NOT balkans

>what kind of meat is that


Albania is NOT balkans. Return to the arab peninsula. Or you can have Poland.

all slavic food isn't healthy at all.

>Albania is NOT balkans.
Flattering won't get you anywhere, but Albania is infact as Balkanic as other Balkanic people, full of Islamic food, traditions and words in its wordstock!

don't flatter yourself Albanian trash, Albania is not Islamic there are Muslim and some typical Muslim traditions but most of the Albanians have no religion, there are Orthodox, Catholics, JW(cancer) , Muslim, atheists's fucked up