It is now officially illegal to criticize trans people in canada

It is now officially illegal to criticize trans people in canada.
bigots were totally btfo this day

Other urls found in this thread:

>The passage of Bill C-16, which adds protection of gender identity and expression to the Canadian Human Rights Code and the Criminal Code

An absolute meme country

shitlords on suicide watch

Canada will cut the bullshit as they become more Chinese.

How illegal? What's the penalty?

Just saying 'faggot' is now a criminal offense?

In the long run, Vancouver will secede from Canada just like Singapore seceded from Malaysia.

As I understand it calling a dude in a dress "sir" can get you a fine equivalent to screaming "FUCK NIGGERS AND HEIL HITLER" next to a kindergarten

So basically nothing then.

>"it's a canadian thread"

Sorry but I've converted to Islam so now I could say death to faggots with no repercussions :^)

Not nothing. It's a criminal offence.




WOW transport now it's considered people and in canada they ask you to respect them?


If you're white it doesn't count

Another proof Latin America is the world's last hope and future.

fucking lmao ''I'm so tolerant and progressive that I don't tolerate criticism''
modern liberalism in a nutshell

hundred times this

Isn't that cultural appropriation? I'm losing track.

A fine isn't a crimminal offence, it's a civil offence

excellent choice my brother

shhhh the fucking cucks will try to bring their shit liberal thinking here

no it does not. don't blow it out of proportion.

rest assured, you can still criticize trans people in Canada as long as you do not advocate their destruction.

Why's would happen if someone said all white people should be exterminated?

>implying they don't do it already
I don't know how is in Colombia but we've had feminazis protests and talking about muh patriarchy and muh oppresion for a while, and media encouraging it

What a joke of a country

>>Definition of identifiable group
(4) In this section, identifiable group means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability.

(1) Every one who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence

(1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace

c-16 only added trans to a list that already included everyone else.

Canadian comedy from the 90s:

When exactly did everything go down the drain?

>where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace
Are there any examples in which these laws were applied?

Cool desu

>criticize trans people
Criticize their choice you mean? Or the concept? The way they check people in clinics before? The age of consent for the operation? Discuss family, psycological and other issues? Please, explain further.

most high profile? R v Zundel and he got off. most cases end us a fine.

>you can still criticize trans people in Canada as long as you do not advocate their destruction
So it's a fair law that doesn't affect proper people.

what happens if you don't pay the fine?
>questioning the 6 gorillion would lead to "injury or mischief to a public interest"

because he willfully "misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities."

but still section 181 of the code violated the charter so it was a moot point. so while he grossly misrepresented the facts he broke no law and as long as he did not advocate genocide he was guilty of no crime.

Facts are racist shitlord

yes facts can be presented in hateful ways, but facts themselves are not people therefor, not racist.

What's an unhateful way to say "black people are dumb on average"?

"race doesn't exist, variations in intelligence are due to racism" ;^))


It's amazing that such an insanely small number of people have become the focus of so much media/academic/activist attention

do people actually care about this shit

> Implying the list is good and it isn't some fucking over the top fucking thought crime list

Seriously every step into this is a step more into the Government controlling our speech.

>Hmm millions of people are unemployed or underemployed
>Should we do something about this?
>NO, we need to focus on protecting the feelings of 0.00001% of the population with this mental disorder
You have to appreciate how thoroughly the left has been dismantled by identity politics though, they are no threat at all anymore to the powers that be.

the reason why they are able to push all this through is exactly because most normal people don't care, only a loud minority of activists do.
most intelligent, normal people are too busy making a career for themselves to be involved in activism against this type of thing. they simply don't care enough or have the time to go out and oppose it/

You're sent in front of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, a kangaroo court which will either force you to pay a fine in excess of an average year's salary, or spend years in prison.

what a dumb argument.

why not focus on healthcare instead of the military? we have people dying and waiting for surgery!

why are we focusing on healthcare? our education system is horrible!

why are we focusing on the education system? we have criminals running rampant!

the choices aren't binary, but thanks for the false dichotomy.

>no threat at all
Of course they're not, they're their fucking tools.

>Hmm millions of people are unemployed or underemployed

Well I think that's one of the reasons why they are using this bullshit to implement all these population control systems and laws.
They are all written intentional vague and far reaching to be used down the road.
Sometimes it's just because the politicians implementing the law intend to go back into private practice and make millions suing people who infringe on it.
That's what the people who wrote NAFTA did.

>reddit spacing
I know this may shock you and you might have to get help from the PTSD it causes, but trannies are mentally ill.
All Trudeau ever does is the same neo-liberal shit that the Canadian government has been doing for 30+ years with a few virtue signalling issues like this.

BASED Canada


It's vague, that's the thing with this "Hate speech" laws, they are vague and they can be used against you almost anytime.

WEW i thought shit was bad in euroland

is it legal to criticize straight people? if yes, why do minorities have additional rights, u cucks?

you know instead of this forced Sup Forums vs reddit rivalry garbage you could just try and refute my argument.

>>The American Psychiatric Association, publisher of the DSM-5, states that "gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition

Melanin enriched individuals are differently intelligenced.

The difference is in Europe these laws seem to be applied a lot more often, like Geert Wilder's latest brush with the anti-hate speech laws. Our hate laws are very seldom used by comparison.

What about DSM-1?

That's not true

[citation needed[

Oh so some people's feelings are more important than human rights, yes Canada, where the government your vocal cords' and tongue movements.

What are you talking about my highschool is filled with LGBTshit propaganda on the walls and marches and shit.

Even people who aren't LGBT are guilt tripped into supporting special privileges of miniscule minority of people.

So what happens when muslims are disproportionately charged under these laws? Or will they be treated with kiddy gloves due to cultural relativism?

>An absolute meme country
Coming from someone with a clown for a president, that's got to feel bad.

This is liberals we're talking about. Always assume the stupidest option.

Nobody is saying it's binary, Canada has a parliamentary system which means things must be "discussed" and there is a process to make laws etc.

The fact that they are putting so much focus on a tiny spec of the population while mostly ignoring real problems, is the problem.

>he's reddit and he's proud
Except the government seems to spend an inordinate amount of time on meme issues like gender equality, refugees, and trannies doesn't it?
I know you're new here but the DSM is just a meme document designed to make money.
>Aspergers is mental illnes
>actually it doesn't exist this edition :^)

>Homosexuality and gender dysphoria is a mental illness
>Not this edition, we aren't basing this on any medical reason just cultural ones :^)))

>Well I think that's one of the reasons why they are using this bullshit to implement all these population control systems and laws.

No shit.

>but the DSM is just a meme document designed to make money.
No, it's not.
Go back to Sup Forums, you cherry picking, intellectually dishonest ideologue.

They won't get in trouble, we have muslims openly preaching homosexuals are going to burn in hell and nothing happens to them. These laws are rarely enforced, especially to precious minorities.

>The American Psychiatric Association

Gender Dysphoria and Homosexuality used to be classified as mental disorders but they were just removed for no explained reason at all.

Psychology is a fake memelogy, that's what athletes with scholarships take because it's such a vague, stupid "field of science" that they can just pass it and never worry about it.

Why is it always Australia?

>The publication of the DSM, with tightly guarded copyrights, now makes APA over $5 million a year, historically totaling over $100 million.
I know you newfaggots get offended easily, but Sup Forums isn't a safe space.

You can do multiple things at once in the government user.

It should be a "no shit" but apparently a lot of people really love and trust their politicians these days.

context, your greentxt was why focus on X if Y is more important? that's a false dichotomy because X and Y aren't mutually exclusive in a functioning government. the government can and has focused on many things at once, healthcare, crime, military, diplomacy, agriculture etc etc etc. these issues aren't mutually exclusive.

you seem to operate on this belief that the government can only focus on one thing at a time and the fact that it's not what you think is important somehow means the government is 'wrong'. that's hilarious.

i just greentexted the reason why it was removed, read it again user.

I know the bill was passed but has it become law yet? Does it work the same in Canada as it does in the US?

lmao you missed the point entirely and instead created your own "false dichotomy" bs.

Please just leave

jordan needs to renounce his citizenship asap

leafs don't deserve him

no retard, i just don't buy into this forced Sup Forums vs reddit rivalry horseshit you seem to be shoveling. OMG WESTCOAST VS EASTCOAST AMIRITE? IM SO COOL I SUPPORT ONE SIDE OVER THE OTHER!11!

really? the government is spending an inordinate amount of time on it? how much time is too much time exactly?

do you need a safe space? are my words hurting you?

>tfw when you really rustled his jimmies

>how much time is too much time exactly?
Well considering how many trannies there are in Canada I'd say anything more than a few seconds would be a waste.

>>i was only pretending to be retarded

so where do you collect your prize?

be more pathetic and passive aggressive, doesn't change the fact that you have no argument lol

>I'll just ignore your argument
Are you a member of the elusive tranny 0.0001%? Might explain the butthurt.

considering your rebuttal was

>>lol you're wrong

i really don't have much to work with.

I don't think you understand user's original post. I'd suggest going and reading it again, he never presented you any dichotomy. You made that up. There is my argument.

So, yes indeed..

>lol ur wrong

Now go be a faggot with no argument somewhere else.


Canada is a liberLUL hellscape full of MUDslimes and faggots. LibTARDS ruin countries with their KEKoldry. I can't wait to leave this degeneracy for the most conservative country i can find. Then i will be among real masculine nationalist men such as myself instead of these betaKEKs NUmales. DEUS VAULT praise KEK shadilay.

>being so new you don't know about filters

There is literally NOTHING wrong with the_donald and /r/Sup Forums you fucking betazoid.

>not all truthful statements must be free from restrictions

>mfw after watching this
>mfw it was 100% indefensable but they passed it anyways
>mfw western civilization is already on its last legs and its fall is inevitable

Send your children to my house. I am the most accepting to all kinds of sexualities. ;)

I love how mad redditors get when you call them what they are. You flock to defend it like he's attacking an integral part of your identity.

>Ad auctoritatem

He fucking sucks lol

Also look at these financial conflicts: