So user, what should we order for dinner?

>So user, what should we order for dinner?

Other urls found in this thread:


a lot moar bear and an appetizer that was in a deep fryer

Three plane tickets to China

Fish and chips. Whenever I go to a bar I usually get fish and chips and an IPA of some sort.

you are friend material

about two dozen eggs, i have plans for later


''you're not mude, order your own fucking food and gtfo''

My dick.

1 glass of water please

Bro I think they're asking you to offer them dinner foods. They key to a woman's heart is down her gullet.

1 glass of water please.

Down their gullet, eh?
*unzips dick*

>tfw personally know one of them
Stop posting random Thai fb photo you fucking faggot

You're not the boss of me.

How do you know if arr rook same?

What's up with the new colored contacts trend in East Asia? Like sorry God gave you Black eyes, live with it and don't be self-hating.

been doing it since 2000

Marry, Fuck, Kill i nthat order

They prefer to be called Contacts of Colour

sad since russian women seem quite welcoming of asian men

ladyboi splooge

those are dickgirls

gook detected

Buchada de bode.

[muffled asa branca in distance]

>3 feminine penises and 3 boipucci please

We should get out of this bar and get tacos from this sidewalk

*unzips penis*

sopa de macaco