
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you edition

Other urls found in this thread:




geneva convention is a spook desu
i want to invade kuwait with a child mercenary army



Shan't be posting in this thread


shit, posted the wrong one


mmmmhh cupcakes

yanks? YES thanks

the first lad to come inspect my room is 25 minutes late

someone post some stereotypically good english porn

stuff like you'd here her say "that's good right in my fucking snatch, love" or "gimme that spunk ALL OVER"


its a remix of an indian song


yeah a trap remix

quintessentially british


i'm to smart for sex

just literally sharted myself because I sneezed and couldn't hold it in

I inspired this general

Hey digimon i asked you this


made a wish on a shooting star last night and it didn't come true

ned flander y marge culiando bien rico ver video aqui...

How is it possible for me to find someone so ugly and pretty at the time time? I want to smash her literally and sexually

wish some lad on tv wouldnt have told me that this blomkamp short film supports ISIS, because its all i can see now..

reckon you're all happy normies and this general is a contrived scheme to mock me

sick as a dog


browsing watchpeopledie on reddit

It's because you're a pedo and you find her small body so sexually appealing that you disregard her horrible face


the FOYIM knows

Thought provoking edition OP PLUS trips. Wow user +1 internet to you (still a faggot!) :)
I hope this thread reaches the bar you have set.

move to london

would've seen it if you weren't so paranoid about (You)s
no no es cierto es un gasto que de dinero que hicieron los estad*stas en un referendum que no tenia ningun valor legal ni aprobacion de los yankis, por eso solo el 23% del pais participo
el congreso va a usar los resultados para limpiarse el culo



>browsing watchpeopledie on reddit

Pathetic and patrician
I thought aussies were men? Real men only browse theync



>straight in the shitter
fuckin lost it

oi sick dog you sick dog



born in bavaria

Fucking Britainstanis stop trying to be "deep." You let your country, once the number one power in the world, be invaded by savages. You are cowards and faggots.

que bueno, imaginate si puerto rico fuera parte de estados unidos...

got called bro tier at the calgary stampede


nah i'm pretty sure i'm at least in the top 10% of the most pathetic people here


Pay up white boy



marge no es un objeto, la convirtieron en un ama de casa alsada, resentida y auto oprimida, lisa una feminista sin sentido q tira aires de hipster y futura bisexual, bart un boludo q piensa q ser malo ya no es hacer travesuras, sino q es un zorete con los demas, y homero simplemente cambio.. es estupido pero de otra forma..

might become trans so when people give me a hard time i can have them locked up for hate crimes

imagine not being australian

what an utterly grim existence


patrician taste
still feel Pixies are criminally underappreciated in Ameriga

why does she keep saying conolise


jesus fuck

wtf i hate mango mussolini now

>get weird horizontal lump on my neck
>feels hard and granulated
>put skin cream on it
>does nothing
>put steroid cream on it
>does nothing
>put pin in it to try and lance it/see what's in it
>2 inch ingrown hair comes out

wew lads, wew


esta es la primera k me gusta la discusion seria....si el brexit pierde, esos piratas estaran llorando como perras jaja

because english is racist

cant fix my sleeping schedule at all
tried 3 times and fell asleep

I fall asleep at 9am and wake up at 4pm

That's what she gets for perpetuation capeshit culture


lol this shit only happens in europe

el chicano burrito lolita ajajajajajajajaja weon


no me molestaria pero hay que aceptar que los gringos no nos quieren y nunca nos van a querer. Aqui hay mamones que creen que estan incluidos en el """"""sueƱo americano"""""

Just had a hair on my thumb and I screamed thinking it was the antenna of some sort of insect haha might have woke the 'f

you have to go out and do shit. of course you're going to fall asleep if you sit around doing fucking nothing.

Happens in every western country except for the US.

This is what happens when neolibs accidentally let true believers into power.

send those apes back to the trees ship those niggers back



choon lads haha

ill sit down somewhere and fall asleep though

>the parliament cheered

Fucking hell the EU is insane.

just stay up later every day until you do the full 24 hour rotation

this video is racist and promotes colonialism.
where are all the niggers?

almost 45 minutes late now

>no me molestaria
que lameculos jajaja


>when you set up complex, integral systems in your company that only you can maintain until you choose to change its structure

I'm staying in this job until I choose to leave, Mr Noseberg

>when i was a NEET i cherished my empty days and somehow found time to kill entire days without getting bored
>now that I work a 9-5 I'm incredibly bored when I get home and have no clue what to do with my little spare time

does this go away?

what part of london should I explore

>my solution is to have rich countries throw money at countries whose problems are the fact that people just throw money at them and do nothing to address the underlying issues while simultaneously sucking off every migrant from these countries for no reason

hahahaha hmm *puts opinion in bin*

woah he said the n-word and he is from canada!!!!

Yeah as soon as you get a life

hello nigger


Need a name for my new SimCity 4 region


death toll for the towering inferno officially expected to reach 150 dead

the utter state of the united kingdom lmao

Milton Keynes

Bloody racist



I'd rather make that a specific district

reminder that if you were born in iraq or afghanistan you would hate white people too and not just because of your religion, but for good reason