
>that explains why all the christfags I meet are insane


Other urls found in this thread:


girl here

[A]nime ni[B][B][A]s

>fedoraposting OP

not sure I like this

what are periods like

salty sand

Wanna fug?

>>fedoraposting OP
>not sure I like this

Reminder to all atheist communist:

From Marx’s perspective, Luther’s reformation—in spite of Luther personally—let the genie out of the bottle...Marxism is a Christian heresy.,,

>Hospitals turn to Asia for recruitment amid warnings that Brexit vote has widened nurse shortage

As expected, poles have been replaced with rasheeds

*applies gated reverb to your snare*

Not quite my tempo haha


All Im reading here is:

>British upper class to be replaced by foreign Indians

The New King James and the New International versions are the official Bibles of the NWO Church of Jew Zeus. It's the 1611 authorized KJV or nothing.

>Reminder to all atheist communist:
>[reddit space]
>From Marx’s perspective, Luther’s reformation—in spite of Luther personally—let the genie out of the bottle...Marxism is a Christian heresy.,,

*plays cross stick*

don't respect anyone who follows an (((abrahamic))) religion

The British weenie in my office just called chocolate caramel slice 'caramel squares'

alri tubby
could have been more of a trainwreck though, I got my job by showing up in shorts

Not quite my tempo haha


I did it better

hey lisicki's stopped posting

nurse could you double the benzodiazepine please

visited canary wharf and was slightly disappointed

really want to root a chick up the arse

london's shite

have they got shortbread on the bottom?


Yeah of course



>We pay tax money so you can go to hospital and you choose to sit here and die. Fuck you! We're tired of paying for you!

it's overrated, smells bad too

>the British will kill this

first lazy town memes and now childish gambino memes...


have you rooted a chick up the arse

that's called millionaire shortbread m8. you and the weenie are both mongs.

Have you ever walked out on a girl in the middle of sex?

I've done it at least half a dozen times haha

its an amazing city

Kill yourselves fucking scumbags

yeah, did it before i did vaginal even

Yeah it's a hot destination right now

fuck off you mentally ill cityscum

i gotta say mate that is very intriguing how did that come about then

london really is fantastic, its just beautiful

she didnt want to lose her virginity

Its to die for

we all shagged matilda we all shagged matilda
we all shagged matilda and so did our mates
and she moaned and she groaned as she took it up the billabong
we all shagged matilda and so did our mates

hahahahaha cracking up

no one cares and no one will watch this video

i'm a homo and a normie, ask me anything u want to know about girls, how to dress, etc I will help you nerds to get laid



el chileANO

what can i say to a chick for her to let me root her up the arse

>ywn be a carefree rich yank kid making aesthetic videos

you missed digimon earlier

my best friend irl also browses Sup Forums so we speak in Sup Forums memes to each other

get to know her first, is she hot, are you decent looking ?

it's all about being confident


el chileANO gives good advices

A girl asked me to tell her a fun fact about myself and I told her that I was going to make a joke-a-day desk calendar with my stored-up jokes haha


might become buddhist

would love to live in NYC


doin a trance


me too

i've been normal rooting a chick for 2 years but she's too scared my giant wang will hurt her arse
does amyl actually loosen your arse you'd know you're a poofter aye

too hot and everyone is rude

Business idea: females, but from Russia

How big's your cock




slavs aren't real people

there seems to be a lot of unwarranted context-less statements made in these threads and very little actual conversation or discourse

8"x6" pressed to the bone
measuring to the bone feels like cheating but that's what everyone says to do

el cheese slicerANO

el norwegiANO

that's a big wanga desu, im going to lose a bit of fat and try to unlock the 7.5" i can get bonepressing haha

Big cock that it

I'm only 7.5x5

this is good


do you know how much old school upper-class real estate has been absolutely destroyed by nig-nogs in America?

I went to wayne state university in 2015-2016 and took probably a hundred pictures outside of campus on the rare occasion I was using uber or driving through the near campus blocks.

Shit like these are everywhere and basically condemned or filled with crackheads/gang members.

>brits hate that foreigners are taking their jobs so much that they vote brexit
>all young poms come to aus to take jobs from hard-working aussies

The ironing is delicious

HATE bread where the crust is too dark
love wonder white

the canadiANUS

What's wrong with INTP?

is it considered snobby to get in the back seat of an uber driver's car like how it is for taxis?

note: this is an australian custom and thus if you aren't australian you aren't qualified to answer this

>wonder white
alri lower-class

>brits hate that foreigners are taking their jobs so much that they vote brexit

no they just hate foreigners


more innocent times x

brits are so racist that they hate other whites

Business idea: Europe and Russia band together to invade the UK and build a permanent land bridge across the channel

>you approach your reserved seat
>this smug cunt is sitting in it and refusing to move
>no other seats on the train

what do?


are you lonely beto?

why are you here? from all the shit you post it's clear you don't even want to be here and yet you keep coming back

are you mentally challenged?


I rip the phone out of his hand and toss it down the aisle

Doing a listen to this Scottish rock classic: youtube.com/watch?v=tbNlMtqrYS0