
Waterford edition.

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Genuinely think the world is ending soon lads or at least heading towards another world war that will be bigger than the last two.

Rejoin the union.

Could you make a Meath edit of one of these?

>the current state of Meath football

Ask the Luxembourg user. He makes them and has several counties made. Might be one already.


>people are less scared now of nukes than ever since they were created
>even though they're getting more likely to be used, either by Kim-Jong Un finally snapping and by the world leaders that retaliate against him or by terrorists/criminals who manage to get nuke materials from the black market which isn't as hard as it may sound
We need to instill the fear of nuclear disaster into the people's hearts again. Were there ever even any nuclear bunkers in Ireland? Now would be an opportune time to make some. I don't want some ISIS shitter to nuke Ireland and for my last thought before being devoured by nuclear hellfire to be "Oh for fuck's sake"

It's not nukes I'm afraid of its civil unrest and EU/US conflict with the middle east and Saudi Arabia along with increased terrorism.

t. scared dubfag

Sure what's the worst that could happen?

>Serbia to have first gay prime minister as Ana Brnabic is chosen
This should take the heat off Ireland on Sup Forums.

Watched the first episode of konosuba lads, it was much better than I was expecting.
I was fearing it might be like sword art online but the comedy was on point and character dynamic seems interesting so far.

S1 is great, but just be aware that the first half of S2 is very weak but it picks up in the second half.

I thought it was ok, I like Megumin

>at supervalu getting a breakfast roll
>guy at the till starts talking to me
>realise how he has such soft hands and gentle voice
>mfw I now have a crush on the guy from supervalu
what do?

>AA is at it again
Also, Supervalu breakfast rolls are shit.

>Supervalu breakfast rolls are shit.
How could you have such shit taste?

>guy at the till starts talking to me
The nightmare scenario

>when the self-service till encounters a problem for no apparent reason and the red light starts flashing to call over an employee

>it flashes for assistance
>no employee in sight
>there's a line of customers waiting to use the self service wondering why you're standing there doing nothing

>"Assistance is on it's way"
>"Do you wish to continue?"
I rarely fuck up on the self-service tills (they are really simple machines - I can't understand how some people find them confusing), but some shops seem to maintain them badly which leads to them malfunctioning.

>when there are old people ahead of you in the queue for the self service till

>Breakfast rolls
Sorry, I'm not overweight

>he can't eat whatever he wants without gaining weight

>having such a poor diet that an occasional indulgence will make you overweight

If I have a breakfast roll in the morning then I can't eat anything for the rest of the day until dinner.

Is that not a good thing because it reduces snacking?


Isn't it the other way round.
Smaller meals spread throughout the day is better for you

Quintessentially un-Irish.

Yes, small frequent meals are good for keeping your metabolism active and burn more calories. Except for late in the evening since you want digestion to be complete before sleep.

Why is Sinn Fein the most relevant Irish party in the North while in the Republic it's a minor party?

We're a modern country with modern political outlooks. The North is a tribalist sub-region who still align with their designated sectarian party.

SF are a meme party with antiquated leadership practices, senior politicians who have a history in criminality and priorities that aren't really relevant to the everyday lives of most people. They're popular only in border regions and among the lower class in urban areas but that's about it. They're considered toxic by most others and are the least transfer friendly.

>woke up at 7
>went back to bed even though I wasn't tired
>woke again at 11
>stayed in bed until now

So it has everything to do with SF being a political wing of IRA?

That and their economic policies make zero sense. They don't seem to be actually interested in getting into power though - rather they want to be the main opposition.

I mean, nationalism makes sense when fighting for independence. It's only bad nowadays when some party in an independent country focuses on the nationalist aspect instead of actually governing
I mean I find it excusable because in a way the North is 100 years behind

But I don't know much about Irish politics

kys neet scum

post your lunch again today

>We're a modern country with modern political outlooks
literally just "its 2015"
>The North is a tribalist sub-region who still align with their designated sectarian party.
>god i hate those savage Northerners (make sure to capitalise to show they're a seperate entity), how dare they want to join our liberal progressive republic
nice internal partition you've got there
>history in criminality and priorities that aren't really relevant to the everyday lives of most people
involvement with the provos isn't criminal and reunification is a relevent priority
i'm not a shinner but these are west brit reasons for disliking sinn féin, plain and simple

my lunch is actually acceptable since i bring it from home now
ive finished school remember, i'm working now

It's not internal partition, northern Ireland is an external country

Oh, I didn't know. I guess that's why you've been posting about NEETs so much lately.

pole, don't listen to this "irishman", he hates his countrt
knew you were that west brit partitionist

In the north they're the Irish nationalist party so the nationalists flock to them in the hope for reunification.
In the republic they're just another party.

>thinking an americum would know anything about Irish history or politics

>Swissyank is in the workforce

>proud of working a dead-end job as a greasemonkey

>anime doleheads hostile towards productive members of society

What is he doing exactly?

Mechanic in a garage. Not like there's much higher level work available for downies like him.

That's not me I don't eat breakfast roll's although I did binge eat chocolate last night.


Regret doing all those substances last night. Not sure if I'm able to feel any emotions today. Legit just feel black and white inside. So boring.

That aside does anybody here have literally no sense of humour irl? I'm not able to make jokes or have the craic.

civil war soon boys

>feeling any emotions

>extremism experts are starting to worry about the left
Took them fucking long enough.

Lovely warm day outside lads. Just like Nigeria. I pray it could be like this all year round.

Lovely cloudy day outside lads. Just like Ireland. I pray it could be like this all year round.

Will box your jaw into pieces.

Typical African reaction.

would like a cork one

Anyone interested in an /éire/ trip to Lagos? It looks like a comfy time.


That doesn't look comfy at all.

>mfw just noticed the anime
fucking dropped

>another day of life lost

might be coming home end of year lads

How did you not notice the anime?

rather not get mugged and raped thanks

Stay gone.


been drinking

eye-er is an anime general get the fuck out


>/éire/ thread
>latvian flag

Requesting the kildare girl to be standing in a dublin jersey in front of the kildare flag.

>one day closer to death

Request denied

Kildare has no identity outside of Dublin. You would be misconstruing our culture to suggest otherwise.

t. Dub

t. Kildare

Always considered Kildare to be Dublin-lite desu. At least Wicklow has its own identity to some degree.

>tfw the Confederacy failed
>tfw Kildare isn't the capital
Coastal capitals are such a fucking meme.

Wicklow is just Dublin-lite-lite with extra caffeine.

what do you think about muh heritage americans who think they're irish?

South Wicklow is fine, North Wicklow is Dublin-lite.

I thought Athlone was meant to be the capital of a federal/confederate Ireland?

I always forget that Kildare even exists, name some big towns from there.

Why do the wicklow mountains suddenly become shit when you enter county dublin?

No I meant the historical Confederate Ireland that existed between 1642 - 1652.
Though I remembered it wrong, its capital was Kilkenny, not Kildare.

You're thinking of the modern idea of Éire Nua, which was shot down in the 80's.

Naas and Athy are the only ones I know of.

Dubs don't understand nature.

I always forget the rest of the country exists. Any non-coastal county is little more than a flyover, a lot of coastal ones are too.

What can I do with all my change lads? Will the bank exchange it for notes?

Yes but you have to get some plastic bags off them. There's instructions on them for how many of each coin to put in, you can't mix and match.

Ah right. Totally forgot about those things

Celbridge, Leixlip, Maynooth, Newbridge. It's full of commuter towns that most people probably think are in Dublin.
Many of them are even on the Dublin bus routes.

I've heard of Maynooth before but I didn't know it was in Kildare.

Are all these muslims going to be a problem some day for us?