Waifu thread

Waifu thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


but i hate fun

Thanks for the bake
Just go with it


Fun is good.

ns pls


The thread of the niggers

turns out the guy was just surprised i got it for that low of a price . and the fake card he gave me he bought it a long time ago and didn't know how to get rid of it. all in all he was a pretty cool guy to talk to

im still super happy with the porn i wrote, AND i got some actual work done on my Donner party stuff!

>porn here pastebin com slash CAnYzBaM



Anybody heard anything about season 3? Last I heard the light novel series was coming to a close in Japan, and given its popularity it seems like another season has to happen.

I love you, tucker senpai

one of the downsides of being popular, i wouldn't know how to deal with them
i should've thought this through. i just don't know anything about you really

the nigger of the thread of the niggers

Fuck forgot my pic

Dispatched by the Knights to watch over this thread of Heresy and Debauchery.

Ul-Fenesis Claimed.




boi benis


Not adorable at all!
I have not heard anything about a third season. I think it should be announced once there is enough material written down for a making of an anime. Also, can you please not claim Yukinoshita? I already claimed her...


Then let me sum it up real quick:
Unlike most other people here, I am not depressed or have any other things that bother me.
The only reason I am here is to entertain myself by roleplaying.

stop posting that lmao


Hey everyone how are you guys

Oh and I am taking kind of a sightseeing tour, checking all the different people here out.

Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня

nah its not gay


Thanks, though only the one on the right counts for me.

>jiiiiis in rabbit

wow a rp nigger
get out of my thread lol

a better reason than claiming the character that triggered you to suicide in the end of the month

what have you gathered so far

Hey Vali, how ya been?

Hello Ritsu, what card game were you talking about in the other thread?

Tired out from work, you?

Doing fine, what's up Gumi?

Did you do your chores?

Not cute!
Why the frown?


Have you ever roleplayed as a real person?
Like, I dunno, Sono?
I mean who would do that lol
>what have you gathered so far
I'd rather not tell.
W-What chores, Dad? I don't remember any chores...

I'm great, a little tired
Nothing much just chilling

magic the gathering

I'm fine.
Going to bed, though. 'night, I hope your day goes well.

I recently bought a new phone on eBay.
It was brand new, but still somehow 200 euro cheaper than normal.
I don't know where the catch was...
Other than that I haven't really bought anything an eBay before and I never talked to a seller before. Is that normal?
Also, if your parents are so religious, what do they think about you being bi?

Reasons, I guess

Yes or no son, are the chores done?

Sounds like a good time
Got any plans for the evening?

What formats do you play?

Very cute :3

... of course the chores are done, Dad...

Hi hi

i have some money to spend, im thinking of getting my hands on degenerate shit

what are you, Sono? lol
i haven't done any personas if that's what you're asking. I can post pther avatars but i do think i make it obvious enough it's actually me posting

I was curious on what you thought of me, just me being selfsih I guess



get bad dragon dildo

My plains are dinner and then sleep maybe a nap


oh, you got any plans for the day?
That gets real expensive real fast, my buddy says its real fun though. Are you new to the series?
Goodnight Vali!

Stop it.
Do you want to tell me in private? You have me added on discord if you need to talk.

I'm sorry for being an attention whore. I promise I'll try to me more conscious of what I say in the future.

Also, how is everyone tonight?

damn its a shame that place shut down.

My bad mate, I'm used to these threads being long before I get in so I don't usually read many posts. Anyway I only watch a little anime so forgive my ignorance, but what's usually the timeframe between sufficient written material coming out and a show being produced and translated?


What I think about you?
Well, you fit in with the rest sometimes, usually when using the Astolfo pictures.
But then you sometimes go ranting and look like a loner. Mostly when not using Astolfo.
But that's just what I've noticed
I think you're pretty alright and I have no problems with you
As long as you ignore me, my opinion of you won't change.


it's night now so no not really



Inb4 6567 (You)s

fuck you

I don't have a discord, but I guess that's a great way to make me look bad.

Evening cute

Not certain of the reason myself tbh

You left while we were talking...
It depends on the writers. People are not machines, and inspiration does not come out of nowhere.

fuck 'em dood

Well it was fun while it lasted, I guess.

ah that sucks, no vidya?

hope ya feel better soon dude.

You were talking with someone on discord just a few days ago.

sometimes the seller likes to thank you for purchasing there item so they will sometimes talk to you so you can give them 5 stars in seller communication.

every time i do bring up that i am bi. they just laugh it off. if they want to think i am 100% straight than so be it. i don't mind

modern and commander but mostly commander. and hopefully standard if dominaria is any good.

semi new. i started collecting it early last year.

it can get expensive if your trying to go for the top decks. but if you just want to have fun or just want to play . try the new challenger decks coming up or just any pre-built deck. and if you still cant afford that. try pauper . you play with just commons

Evening how are you?

You can talk to me about it when you find the reason for it. I am ready to listen whenever you need me to.

Chiyo's dad is the best.


Haha, if you say so. A bit of bantz is good every now and then.

Honestly that sounds pretty nice

They had better be, son

Oops, wrong image
Oh well

It's a fairly normal feeling, I'm sure it'll go then come again
It's probably dumb, so I probably won't bother talking about it

already got one

seems reasonable enough. thank you
im on the verge of falling asleep on my desk, so ill fuck off right about now
thanks for you time

what one
give deets

Fine, I'll give you a chance.

I'm sorry, I got distracted.

I'm sorry, but I don't have a discord, whoever that is is just trying to make me look like a horrible person. I can't really disprove it though, so if you want to believe I'm really like that, I can't stop you.

Medium Sized nox
I try to sleep now


Of course he is Santa after all and the Japanese prime minister at the same time

Its better if you ignore it Tbh

prevanilla tbh

Vampire loli ftw

is there an online platform for this game? seems a few TCGs are doing that now days. Sounds like fun though.
alright my dude. I'm sure you can get a hold of me if ya need to.
same old shit, different day.

Ah I see, so they do it for the stars.
And I didn't think you would have told your parents about it, that's pretty brave. Did it take you a long time to tell them? Also, what do you like about guys?
D-Don't cry Dad, they're done for sure!
... just to make sure, what were they again?
Night night
Oh, how come the change of mind? And why did you ignore me in the first place?

Um.. Okay..
No matter how dumb you think it is, I will still listen to it and try to understand it if you need me to.
Did you get to see my reply before you got distracted, or was I too late with it?




Basically, don't be afraid to roll with things a bit. Gotta lighten up sometimes, ya know?



It is sleep is nice

Ohhh where?
I got a question why club penguin?

Kisses are lewd, please do not do that...
I will try my best.