I am great at sound design and synthesis

I am great at sound design and synthesis.


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Post a clyp so we can hear.

Also what’s your soundcloud

Precedence effect or nah?

test post, ignore

said the failed "DJ" who now wants to make easier music

all sounds in nature are mono, as are all ears and interpretive devices such as microphones, accepting this will allow you to get very powerful stereo sounds
i have never dj'd although i can beat match and mix fine but its not hard so im sure most people could

Why are you such a colossal faggot?

it's all about resampling and using effects/manipulating the WAV file. You can do crazy, badass sounds than real-time synthesis. Anyways....

Do you go OTB via process the sound through some analog gear and/or record with mic, to mitigate digi-itis?

Or do you stay ITB and use (((great))) plugins?

Check my ghetto music dear faggots

Listen to Pimpin Smokin by ROJO #np on #SoundCloud

its just natural
yes resampling is a very important aspect of sound design however having the proper content in the original source signal greatly improves your chances of producing the proper harmonic content to suit your needs

i have used external reamping and remicing on various sounds however i do not agree in your comment of digi-itis.
why do you think that going OTB is favourable? can you actually articulate the reason?
i would claim that in ITB i can produce the results of external processing but not vice versa.
yes i use very good plugins but most modulation is actually gained via proper arrangement

>logic pro x
Get Ableton or get out.
Live 10 just came out. It's so fucking great, I creamed my pants at first glance. Instantly bought. Only $100.

What do you think about Reaper?

its just a stock image, i use Live myself however the rendering is very sub par compared to cubase and FL.
10's ability to play midi notes without starting the note is amazing and has made me consider upgrading, along with multiple groups in groups, generally the new features seem pretty amazing but i dont really "need" them, i will probably upgrade soon when i get mad enough about rerouting I/Os to basically replicate bus'd groups.
besides every i just said, Cubase is quite obviously the best DAW.
seems to be getting alot of love from people in high esteem and the people i know who have used it have said it is great, but imo when you begin comparing the DAW's you have to get into such tiny details to find pros and cons that its pretty pointless, there are very few things you can do in one that cannot be done in the other.

Can you post some of your results?
Also I am very talented musically and play a few instruments since I'm a kid, and about a year ago I started discovering the virtual world of music production and design. But it's so complex and diverse that I've never fully gotten into it. How can I learn more about it?

I disagree... I would rather have a stem of synth bass file, sourced from a whack free vsti, that will go through my bass cab and recorded with a mic (with a nice valve preamp), then a pricey VSTi stem synth bass file, that I can only use vst effects on (only ITB).

I've done shootout test with friends and family and their ears prefer vsti synth/drum files that went through mic'd up/analog pedals than ITB files. I did this 20 times and all choose OTB ones.

tomato, tahmahtoh

Thoughts on Reason 10? What's your favourite analogue synth? Who inspires you?

all of my music is yet unreleased although i have had many people request for it to be on their labels, i will likely not release anything for another few years until i feel it can compete to the artists i listen too myself
you can learn more by reading high quality articles and journals about sound principles and harmonics. do not participate in production threads on stupid ass boards because they are the blind leading the blind.
some terms to search around that will greatly help you with synthesis are:
>even and odd harmonics
>basic shapes (sine, saw, square)
all of those terms have specific audible effects and as humans we perceive them with certain psychoacoustic effects.
i encourage you to experiment as much as possible and also to read about the limitations/considerations of digital audio, google about:
>dynamic range
consider how different forms of emulations react to different forms of bitrate and dynamic range and how pure digital interpretation will react to them aswell, merging these concepts will provide desirable results.
well i would say to you that your processing is poor, because there is nothing you could acheive with a cab that i could not with my massive array of vst's.
you have described your process but you have not articulated "why" other than that your friends and family "prefer" the ones through your external gear.
the external gear you are using is designed to be sonically good however that does not discredit the worth of ITB production, which are typically far more robust and offer many, many more options.
i have had 2 masterclasses with andrew schepps, he does not use any external gear, ever, his justification being that the differences are redundant if you have a proper understanding of digital processing.

reason is dope as fuck and now that it supports 3rd party plugins it is a brilliant DAW, but again as stated earlier i think the differences between DAW's are down to workflow differences, however as I understand it - Reason has very capable rendering.
however i do not often render via export - i would nearly always resample live because i do not like to rely on the render algorithm provided by ableton, it has terrible AA.
i could not tell you a favourite analogue synth, however i do thoroughly enjoy the prophet. i intend to purchase a Virus TI very soon.
>who inspires you
i find it hard to pinpoint inspirations because i listen to a vast array of music from metal to hiphop and blues to swing and funk, however my favourite artists are probably Mefjus and Icicle.

you are a complete scrub I can tell, you are literally babbling about basic synthesis shit

you are welcome to ask me more specific questions?

are you gay by choice or did god make you that way?

ive already replied to that
its just natural
i have not been asking any specific questions, in fact the only proper response about synthesis was by someone who posted
>But it's so complex and diverse that I've never fully gotten into it. How can I learn more about it?
so i gave him terminology that would easily concrete his fundamental understanding of the process

you make shitty MLP dubstep dont you

Resampling your own sounds is way more rewarding than just throwing samples on the fuckin keys.

what makes you think that?
i havent listened to any dubstep since benga and mala got uprooted by borgore

Benga and Skream are the men.

if you use fruity loops ur moms gay

I'm waiting for the early 90's retrowave vibe to kick off... clyp.it/4si55nna

they make increidbly terrible music based on a 140 tempo followed by an lfo attached to a LP filter triggered at triplets
they drench random FX in reverb and make the tails bleed into the transients of the drums, the music they make is technically terrible however it bangs in the clubs so who cares about the technicalities
if you like benga and skream i have probably seen most of your favourite dubstep artists in very small venues back in the day
i totally agree FL users normally suck dick
probably gotta long wait ahead of you

i bet you are


so you've been under a rock for years and don't know shit/have gone out of the way to ignore most modern electronic music? Plus you have 0 releases. You sound like a really successful and talented producer.

no i just dont listen to dubstep you faggot
i never said i was successful, however i am a talented producer.
resampling by definition doesnt really have an end, you could easily resample a sound then play it on keys to produce a new arrangement and then resample that and repeat the process

wow it must suck to be this delusional


where do you get this assumption from?

>talented producer
>zero content
are you desperately trolling?

why would i release content under my name that i dont believe is the best i can do?
i am still progressing very quickly

Once dubstep got mentioned, this thread took an irreversible turn into faggotopia.

ya you are a talentless faggot lmao

even the up and comings I know have some content to show off at the very least

you are like a painter claiming you are talented when you don't have a single painting to show someone, you are delusional.

dubstep is legit the faggiest genre it attracts the most unoriginal producers and the most queer fans

this is not an expo you phenomenal faglord
why are you so upset

Oh wow, starts dropping technicalities instead of just enjoying the music. Yeah, i know its simplistic, sines and lowpass lfos, but its minimalism and the birth of a genre. Get off your fucking high horse, and on that note; im not an avid fan of dubstep. I listen to everything. Now go back to FL and and make your 1:1, 1:3 shithouse music.

so you get called out and you just call me upset makes sense

Are you looking to work as a sound designer and make a living at it?

you post your links, i'll post mine.


>good at sound design and synths
Yeah any moron can mess around with serum and get a different sounding synth.

Get a real modular system.

He sounds like he's 15 and read about sound design... he's not getting a job anytime soon

Have any tips for someone going into Audio Music Production? How do I make mixes sound better?

Ive always wanted an actual modular, but fuck are they expensive.

OP cant even upload 1 clip of music because he is shit


make a tearing bad company style reese and post it here

I've a question, if you're so great at sound design, why was I on Black Label and you weren't?

Definitely not. What did you pick up and what was the price?

Here's your tip, OP is a massive faggot

Ms-20 a friends dad had one and sold it to me for 450. Sadly it's starting to crap out

parametric equalizer
mute certain frequencies that interfere with each other.

i also said
>however it bangs in the club so who cares about the technicalities
called out about what? that i dont upload my music anymore?
i would never want my name associated with Sup Forums i will not be posting any links
yes, i have experience in both foley and sound design for moving images.
soft synths are very capable of producing original sample sources, with which, further resampling can achieve powerful results.
for example, using wavetables that produce 3rd harmonics along with a square wave will produce warm, but loud results. this is because a square wave will produce both even and odd harmonics but the modulation of the wavetable will make the 3rd overtones more prominent.
i use softsynths to create very harmonically rich tones, followed by various resampling techniques to alter and adapt the sounds to my goal.
why do i need a modular? i will be buying a Virus in a few months. i would love a modular for the fun of it but for me it is not at all practical.
brilliant question.
seperate your audio sessions into sound design and arrangement sessions. spend some time creating a palette of unique sounds that you can use in later session to arrange properly. seperating these sessions will save you ALOT of time and will stop you from tweaking a snare for 3 hours and instead acheiving a finished product.
pre limiting is very important, especially when coupled with multiand compression and expansion to acheive the desired amount of dynamics.
not all limiters are made equal and investing/cracking a high quality limiter will make a lot of difference.
waveshaping is a very powerful tool for sculpting the harmonic content of your sounds. sinusoidal shaping will allow abrhasive sounds to become warmer and more subtle and sharper shaping will allow you to make more dull components pop out of the mix.
shelves comprimise the integrity of your signals phase far less than cuts.

so once again you are too much of a bitch to make a 10 minute loop and post it to Sup Forums, you clearly are shit and have no idea what you are talking about. To even make a thread like this is pretty lulzy no one who knows their shit would be bragging like this because they would know it doesn't mean piss shit.

saw detune up
saw detune down
saw not detuned
increase glide time
play high and slide to low
i do not have the internet on my production pc
i dont know im glad you are successful
why would i just make a 10 minute loop...?
i have quite evidently showed that i do know what i am talking about, do you think that saying that i am great at sound design is bragging?

Oh boo hoo I wouldn't want my name associated with Sup Forums then post a webm faggot

using a bunch of verbose nomenclature to basically say making your original sounds using your own original synthesis methods sounds better than using samples doesn't mean you know anything, you come off sounding like a brainlet.

>i have quite evidently showed that i do know what i am talking about, do you think that saying that i am great at sound design is bragging?

nice meme/bad trolling at this point

>yes, i have experience in both foley and sound design for moving images.
>moving images
welcome to the 1900's.

Agreed, user.

thanks for the laughs user

I love my modular

Is serum actually good? Been debating buying it due to the wavetable editor. Been mainly a NI guy. Massive, absynth and the one with 8 osc that is fucking difficult to use and cant recollect its name.

how have i not answered any questions provided?
>using your own original synthesis methods sounds better than using samples
where did i say this?
OK. i have experience in both foley and sound design for cinema and other styles of footage
FM8 is what you mean, it is (imo) obviously the "best" soft synth however hard it can be to engage with.
serum is very powerful and its selection of filters is amazing, as are the litony of wavetables available, however i will always maintain that unless you are after a certain sound - that basic shapes provide more rich results.

yes its super versatile, It can basically be any 2 oscillator subtractive synth. That alone I think makes it worth it. If you are smart you can make/edit your own wavetables too. I have all my massive wavetables in serum and use them not too uncommonly were as I basically never touch massive anymore.

also a note most people say the reverb sounds bad and i have to agree, I use outboard fx with it and it sounds great that way I find.

did mom get you FL studio for christmas? I remember being 15...

poser fag.
fake and gay.

What genre are you producing if it s some shitty afrojackoff david gletta style then fuck off

What program is this?

Sounds nice, but only 2 osc?
Im a big massive fan, mainly due to it being my first real vst, and having spent yrs on it building sounds. Id love to try it, and with that fucking deal they give you with the ten dollars a month infinity sample shit. I heard that too, but i prefer Abies reverb. Always worked for me with a ping delay.

>hey guys im a really great artist
>no sorry you cant see it

it can also do FM synthesis between any wavetable, the sub oscillator can be used to provide a basic shape as a foundation for the more nuanced modulations provided by the main 2.
when used in tandem it is easy to create very complex sounds.
the drag and drop modulations make it very simple to make diverse and powerful patches just like in massive.
personally i agree with the other user in that the reverb is terrible, however serum have a global to produce MONO output while still using unisono detune, this allows for true mono produce with the character of unisono, this is invaluable.
no i use ableton live
what about that post implies any of those things.
i produce many styles of music
logic and serum

2 osc + sub osc which you can use like a subtractive osc, I dont really miss having that extra oscillator now, my sounds sound a lot cleaner I notice. Trust me its worth it. Massive will always have a place in my heart like you said though.

>what about that post implies any of those things.
you don't share any samples.
not even a burner clyp.it post of something original.
fucking gay and fake.


its funny how you talk like you know shit, you are clearly some dipshit 15 year old who got fl studio a year ago or a lukewarm troll. You could say what you said in like 2 sentences.

it has 3 oscillators but one can only produce sine, parabolic, saw, square, and a pulse width modulated square. the octave can be changed (but not the semitone) and is not stuck being used a sub.
trueverb will probably remain my go to verb until i can afford the blackhole hardware or someone makes another mono reverb with such high quality. if anyone knows any i would appreciate the suggestions.

>many styles
What are you best at

feel free to ask me any specifics about production, i will happily help.
drum and bass

>feel free to ask me any specifics about production, i will happily help.
how do I be successful/have an unfounded sense of arrogance without actually doing anything/making any content just like you?

where can i pirate synth packs for live

OP, would you have the first fucking clue how to use this?


just open the preset menu duh

I m starting to think that OP might be the australian kiddo who calls himself black summer and who made it to a festival I think thanks to his parents and make a wish foundation and made a song with anal walker if I m not wrong

What kind of hardware synths do you use?


Push and plug errytang u see and beepity boop her comes a new drum and bass song

Im currently working on the basic 3x osc on fl studio and I m new to this
give me some tips

>how do i be successful
the key to success in the modern era is social media, there is no other option. providing few, but very high quality releases will provide a much stronger audiance and following than releasing many lesser quality productions.
i have made hundreds of songs, i have finished maybe 3 to a standard where i am close to happy.
torrents outside of the US
just a prophet but i will buy a virus ti 61 key soon.
i dont know what that is
experimentation is the ultimate key to understanding. what do you want to know - it is a very broad topic

3x osc is good start there, it will teach you synth basics. Its actually really powerful in the right hands. Also watch tutorials and masturbate a lot that is my advice.

Found OP


I heard that all the famous dj s use this and make songs on it. Is this right?

not OP but I'll take the question
that modular
Roland JD-XA
Roland System-8
DSI Prophet 08
and a Novation Supernova arriving tomorrow