Why are their mouths open like this in every picture?

Why are their mouths open like this in every picture?







user, among humans this expression is used to signify excitement or amazement.








soy? Or is that part of the joke?

You really took the time to assemble this oddly specific category of pictures, huh

Bad boy soyboy here

I once opened my mouth so wide that it almost looked like some sort of lovecraft horror story

It can't really be considered "oddly specific" when in every picture of this group of people at least one person is making this expression.

Easy explanation


Why can they not shut up about the fact they drink soy, Sup Forums?

Holy shit I'm laughing my ass off

Fuck these soy bois







it's the antitheses of the duck face that was shamed out of existence and replaced by this open mouth....either extreme simply stretches or bunches the face to one extreme or the other....the bunching or stretching erases age lines, tightens pores, shows physical excitement that doesn't exist etc...it's an insecurity though.


And then the soy boy was violently mouth fucked to death like the faggot he is.

So they can catch the cum from their girlfriends' boyfriends

Lol butt hurt nu-male faggot


Due to lower testosterone these men take on characteristics of females.