Be honest. There is no competition

Be honest. There is no competition.

Can't hide 'em fast enough, damn. The burden of your existence must be heavy tonight.

whites owe it to themselves to try bbc

that includes the white bois too

If I wanted to contract aids while having my bike stolen I'd just pick up a prostitute.

Why are Asian bois so obsessed with bbc?

white femanon giving my 2 cents: if the most important aspect when choosing a mate is the size of the dick you are properly brainwashed by the modern world, you bring dishonor to your blood and you are legit a whore (for fun) - I have never and will never touch a black or brown man. this 'meme' or whatever you'd call it has quickly become one of the most disgusting things on Sup Forums. to me it's "only" disgusting, I'd imagine for some (white) Anons it's disheartening, so please be assured - quality women would never choose a negro over a decent white man, just because they might have bigger genitals in general. it might not seem like it, or you might assume I'm roleplaying right now, but this is really a fringe phenomenon and I suspect is being pushed for specific reasons. but in reality, decent / smart white women know to avoid blacks (or refugees etc. if in Europe). I spit on you OP (and I'd love to know what kind of person creates such vile threads)

>insecure dicklet

>white femanon
t.neckbeard larper

Female user, theres not enough quality white women to outpace the whores. Your type will be dead soon, sadly

Its a natural instinct for asian bois to worship the bigger races

you aren't wrong to assume that on this board of course
but I'm a 28 y.o. German kindergarten teacher, who has become quite disgusted with all this race-micing propaganda IrL and then you see it even here. fell sasleep this afternoon that's why I'm even awake at this time and why I'm even writing in this thread (normally I just browse, but have some time to waste at the moment). just had to get this off my chest! and even if this was not true, the core points would still be valid.

I refuse to believe that. don't let t he internet shape your views of reality!

Whoever makes these threads really is a disgusting person tho.

women use niggers as dildos in the same way men in the future will fuck their sexbots

in both cases, they're just afraid of something good and real

also, once you go black:
>we don't want you back
>you're a single mother
>you have AIDS


Enjoy never going balls deep in to your gf pussy
Enjoy never going balls deep in your gfs asshole.
Enjoy never going balls deep in your gfs throat.

Just imagine it up your ass. The bigger, the better.

spoken like a true small dick faggot

Why do you hate small dicks so much? are you a girl?

Spoken like an uneducated monkey who most likely wasnt able to read my post and understand what i said

If thats all you have as a race...

>sage goes in all fields

Chinks LARP as niggers and post these threads all day.

photo is for you faggot


Hey OP. Your nigger threads won't stop Asian girls from cucking you

I'm a white guy with a really nice dick so this doesn't bother me.





> be me
> have a tiny lil white cock
> measure my cock its not even 6" which is the sweet spot for women
> go on Sup Forums and call everyone a naggar


>be you
>be short beta Asian nano dick
>pretend to be a nigger on Sup Forums
>drive your Dad's BMW around pretending its yours

Asian girls like to be fed white seed




Asian household in 2018

It's nice, but then why do you always put it in fat women?

True, there is a whole group of insecure asians dedicated to posting these threads. Its about time they get called out for doing it.

I mean if your a dude you post alot of gay ass shit to be calling someone a faggot.

Many anons like myself make an effort to expose these faggots. These threads aren't made by blacks or whites. Its Asian virgins.

doubt it. this is the same person who has created threads hating on asians same race baiting, small dick hate whoever it is they have a really filthy mind filled with hate and the consistency that they post this shit with is really bizarre.


Nice try Chink

In fact you posted something similar to this in your asian hate thread. You are op.

Yup, exposing you yellow faggots

So let me ask you, does doing shit like this make you feel better about yourself? I mean whats really wrong with you op?

You just exposed yourself..


Topkek. Italians are white, stupid chink.

Lmao holy shit this is real. Fucking little dick Asians payed a white female pornstar to fuck an Asian guy.

They really are that pathetic

>Paying for porn
>making a gofundme for porn
Asian nano dicks are the lowest of the low

>it's working

I really really hope you are under 21.
