I wish I didn't have a small dick.. pic related

I wish I didn't have a small dick.. pic related

That's nothing compared to me user

Your tiny pecker is the least of your worries, lose some weight and take care of your fuckin nasty pubes.

Absolutely fucking rancid

Also stop wearing fucking socks to bed

lol poor dudes

must be upsetting to know in this tinder/liberated generation

any girl you have sex with or date has had big ol dicks like mine cum in them

Why is a good 3 quarters of your dick a different resolution than the rest of the picture?

Pull it out

looks average, too bad average is unsatisfying when theyve had someone big who knows how to use it

Ruler and time stamp or you are about 5” kys

I feel u bro

Stop it with the "muh dick tiny" shit, you guys are fine, even a 4 inch dick can give women orgasms, most lesbians only use their fingers and give orgasms to eachother, the "big dick" thing is only porn, cuck, BBC and sizequeen stuff, most women don't fucking care, so stop it, love yourself, your dicks are fine.

okey, that looks... sad, but you can still give pleasure in other ways, fingering, oral sex...

strap ons...


I can handle doggy style


You a gay guy?

good for you user

Lmao wtf is that

it's not his dick, that's StraightEight from reddit and he is actually that hung

i am 5 inches and i coulnd never please any woman
i should and will not attempt to ever have sex as she wouldnt even feel it go in

more bi curious than anything. but gay enough to want to service that thing

Yeah Ive been told it’s enjoyablf bc it’s not like ridiculously long but it’s thick and I have pretty big balls

yea, it looks thick af. you ever do stuff with guys? I never have before but that cock has me in a frenzy lol

NOpe haha I haven’t. I’m straight. I’ve had a vibratory in my ass though. Girl used it while sucking my cock

lol well damn I'd kill to see more of that thing. take care bro

HAha you too bro. Here’s one more for road, enjoy!

ugh.. drool lol.. later bro!