What's good Sup Forums?

What's good Sup Forums?

Not fallout. Another FPS? Game devs are lazy, uninspired assholes.

Problem is you gotta point.

Starblood arena for psvr, suprissingly easy to learn and hella fun to play

Sounds fun, might look into it later.

Faclo > Fox

Cool Runnings.


only in melee

shit you right

Bacon being that good is a meme that simps fall for. It's kind of a reddit/super bowl ad type of thinking. Reminds me of youtubers like Shane Dawson and Smosh.

What the fuck is a vagina?
Cool runnings was pretty good though

beer, pot roast and bong rips with skyrim bless you OP

Oh you know, just kickin it


Its so loud where I live. People are so deaf.


Wolf side b was sick. Too bad Brawl was fake and gay.

Brawl was decent.

Hahahaha. This human. He makes me laugh.

I'm not a human. I am a government android.

Fallout 3 is a solid game played the fuck out of it and new Vegas


I disagree with this statement.

everything you don't like